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  1. Decemberrocks

    Afghanistan questions US policies on Pakistan.

    Your are right to a certain extent. India would not like to engage itself in open War at this point of time and they would not have to. India is growing rapidly Economically as well as Militarily & it would not like to put any brake until it reaches at a comfortable level from where India can...
  2. Decemberrocks

    Afghanistan questions US policies on Pakistan.

    High time to change your notorious History books, bro. You are as myopic as most of the Pakistanis. Indian civilization has not started with Mughal invasion or what was called British India. Consult a Knowledgeable Historian (which I think not found in Pakistan), & you can put your facts straight.
  3. Decemberrocks

    Afghanistan questions US policies on Pakistan.

    Dude, The fruits you enjoyed in the form of American support since your separation from Hindustan till recently are seems to be over now. Time for you to come out your hallucination & feel the pulse. Don't worry, we are not Americans. We never quit unless the mission is fulfilled. Afghanistan...
  4. Decemberrocks

    Mullah Omar orders Taliban to attack civilians, Afghan women

    If you are trying to tell by your statement in bold that Pakistan & your President to be elected will be non-cooperative to Coalition forces, dude, start counting your days. Pakistan will sink without any trace.
  5. Decemberrocks

    The start of all wars with India - A pakistani perspective

    :tup: I don't think PA can get more clear message than this!!!!!:cheers:
  6. Decemberrocks

    Gujarat: Making of a Fascist State

    put your facts right, Dude. RSS is not a political party it's a cultural organization. RSS never contest election nor they are registered to. and BJP is not a religion based party. Leaders in BJP are from all religions. Your argument is not only funny but it's hilarious!!!
  7. Decemberrocks

    Gujarat: Making of a Fascist State

    Ha..ha.. Musharraf has no credibility left in Pakistan itself & you think world will believe your fabricated propaganda now??:rofl::rofl::rofl:
  8. Decemberrocks

    Gujarat: Making of a Fascist State

    You don't need to worry about India's Secular credential, bro. Just take care of your Jihadis & Fidayeens & Sectarian violence in all over Pakistan.
  9. Decemberrocks

    Gujarat: Making of a Fascist State

    Mr. Singh, Neither RSS is a Demon nor is the BJP, it's your Ignorance abt Truth, which is..
  10. Decemberrocks

    Gujarat: Making of a Fascist State

    No, I don't think so. Infact, RSS & BJP both have failed to protect the interest of Hindus at all front.
  11. Decemberrocks

    Gujarat: Making of a Fascist State

    My fiance is a devout Muslim and I have lived in Christian dominated society with my Christian friends for many years, so, don't talk personal. What the Missionaries and Mullas are trying to do in India is the problem, not the Muslims or Christians.
  12. Decemberrocks

    Gujarat: Making of a Fascist State

    Get your facts right Dude, the so called Human Right activists and secularist are indulged in Anti-India activities by forcing/duping poor and illiterate tribal to convert them to Islam or Christianity. It has been found that Maoists are supporting Christian missionaries in various parts of...
  13. Decemberrocks

    To all Indian members here. A question...

    :tup: Excellent quote for all Indians!!!
  14. Decemberrocks

    Dire need to counter RAW’s terrorism

    India's views matter, don't care about the world: Rajapaksa K Venkataramanan, TNN, Jun 28, 2010, 01.40am IST Article k Tags:India|Sri Lanka|tamil|LTTE|Mahinda Rajapaksa|sri lankan president Mahinda Rajapaksa Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa speaks about India and its concerns...
  15. Decemberrocks

    China's says, Indian development on the Indian Ocean is good for China's security

    India can't trust China & Pakistan as both are back-stabbers.
  16. Decemberrocks

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Dear Pakistani, Our humble request to all of you is that please urge your Political parties, Govt. & Non Govt. establishment and state & Non state Actors or whosoever acting as Savior of Kashmiris or Indian Muslims to please stop all Anti-India activities under the disguise for Islamic...
  17. Decemberrocks

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Pakistan obsession to Kashmir is like beggar asking for Kohinoor!!!
  18. Decemberrocks

    US, France press for Japan-India nuclear deal

    So what solution Japan would come out with to deal with the situation, Knowing well that India will not be a signatory of NPT in near future & also, they would not like to miss huge business opportunity as well?:hitwall:
  19. Decemberrocks

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Beshaaq aur Beshubhaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cheers:
  20. Decemberrocks

    Why Pakistan is fighting its war against Terrorism alone? Where are allies?

    Maoist rebel is India's internal problem and India can & would able to handle Maoist with Iron Hand at the same time with humanitarian approach. India does not require allies to fight on it's behalf. pak internal situation is in shamble due to their own wrong policies. In Hindu Mythology...
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