to support their story, they even made a snapshot of the "glory of the red star" (红星风采) magazine. u can see the word "glory" and read the ASBM war game story which is inserted into the CNR official report. the problem is, cant even testify that the magazine ever...
here is the official report from China National Radio:
and the UNDERLINED part, which says that in a war game a second artillery unit luanched 2 missiles and destroyed the enemy fleet from 2000KM away, is inserted into the official report ...
well people, you can say i'm indian, you can say i came from mars or im an ET or whatever u like, that's fine. this has nothing to do with the topic.
here i bring you some interesting development of the ASBM report:
someone just posted a thread in the bbs attached to the...
naja, weisst du was, ich bin mit dem Thema fertig. Mit dir weiter zu reden macht mir kein Spass. Was zu glauben was nicht, es ist deine Sache. Schuldigung dass was ich geschrieben habe dir so verletzend peinlich ist. ich habe es nicht gewollt.:D
one simple answer to ur childish question: People use Google.
and, even if i say nothing of my own opinion, the obvious mistakes are enough to make one alerted to the credibility of the essay.
mate, that essay might very well not from 中国航天科工集团. like i said, the website of 中国航天科工集团 never posted it.
for now, the link i posted is the very first source the essay came from.
this is an essay, allegedly from China aerospace science and technology Group (the website of which never posted it) and allegedly written by a Chinese missile expert (though he wrote CEP in the wrong way and also made mistake about his colleague's name).
and we cannot rule out the...
3. credibility of the website.
the website that originally published the essay on line is a Chinese website which pays tributes to China's old nuclear and space projects (两弹一星), Namely nuclear bomb, hydrogen bomb and China's first satellite. The...
as new guy cant insert URL link. but GUNDAN can confirm that the original essay reads CCP, not CEP. guess GUNDAN corrected it for convenience.
and please let me continue....
2. credibility of the source. "来源:中国航天科工集团...
1. the original essay:
"精度实现了ccp从几百米再到几十米的进步" apparently, Mr. Wang, the Vice chief director of China aerospace science and technology Group and also allegedly the author of...