well people, you can say i'm indian, you can say i came from mars or im an ET or whatever u like, that's fine. this has nothing to do with the topic.
here i bring you some interesting development of the ASBM report:
someone just posted a thread in the bbs attached to the 两弹一星 website hours ago:
w w w. ldyx.org/bbs/read.php?tid=170&page=1&toread=1#tpc
guy quotes something allegedly from a magazine called "glory of the red star" (红星风采
. it says that in a war game a second artillery unit luanched 2 missiles and destroyed the enemy fleet from 2000KM away.
but in fact the original article is from CHINA NATIONAL RADIO. (that's really something official). and in that original article, the above mentioned luanch against enemy fleet is nowhere to find. The ASBM war game is simply inserted into the original official report, in order to make the story look authentic with a reliable source.
the officail report from China National Radio: w w w.cnr.cn/junshi/zgjd/ep/201003/t20100326_506208163.h t m l