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  1. Aladyinkuwait

    Foreign media prompted to criticise Pakistan’s military

    Foreign media can do nothing about Pakistan's military. This was not unexpected. India can keep shivering in its boots, it will not be able to make China or Pakistan go back on CPEC.
  2. Aladyinkuwait

    Israeli forces spokesman and the Shi’a threat

    The greater good is what I am talking aboutn although both Shia and Sunna have survived well without one another, the internal debates and arguments have caused damaged to our fortification internally. Atheism is on the rise and Muslims can no longer go on without resolving their internal...
  3. Aladyinkuwait

    From beep to boom: Europe hears call of Chinese phones

    A IPhone has a lot of drawbacks there, the reason I chose Huawei and kept my iPhone aside was how the iOs would slow down after a couple of updates. The app store is great just like their iBooks but I can still access those on an ipad, but not the phone. Huawei's camera quality and battery...
  4. Aladyinkuwait

    Israeli forces spokesman and the Shi’a threat

    Of course some of his words will be off because he speaks Hebrew and people who communicate in languages related to one another often merge the accent. All he needs is a document to mislead people and since we know the person behind this voice, it won't work here, but that doesn't mean there...
  5. Aladyinkuwait

    A Pakistani message from Saudi to Pakistani's - kya hum bhikari hai ( Are we beggars)

    This issue has been raised before, it's not the first time, and certainly not limited to this langar or food distribution. I saw Arabs discuss this with us in Saudi Arabia a few months ago, but the matter was shot down.
  6. Aladyinkuwait

    Anti Pakistani activity by Afghans on Twitter

    Afghanistan has Khorasani problems, India has Khalistani plus Keralite issues, and we have Pashteen with his caps. People who support him are fulfilling their role and think the promise made to them decades ago will be fulfilled. With regards to Pashteen, we need to focus less on the...
  7. Aladyinkuwait

    Suicide in the haramain sharifain

    We must not judge him, we don't know his situation. Although, what makes me warily suspicious is that there has been a recent trend of killing yourself in order to harm others. I do hope they don't start this there in al-Haram.
  8. Aladyinkuwait

    From beep to boom: Europe hears call of Chinese phones

    Although Huawei is a really good phone with an amazing camera, it's keyboard is no match for iPhone or Samsung's. Yes, you can adjust the size of the keyboard, layout, and change the colour and themes, but it's much easier to type on an iPhone and it feels very natural, unlike Huawei, which has...
  9. Aladyinkuwait

    Haqqani Network: who are they, what are they like?

    Has anyone read the books of Haqqani? That could give us some clue about his supporters and their agenda.
  10. Aladyinkuwait

    Israeli forces spokesman and the Shi’a threat

    It doesn't help that he speaks fluent Arabic and on podcast, he'd pass easily as an Islamic preacher. He wants people to rush in defence of their texts and beliefs, and let Israel have its way with way with Jerusalem. If anything, his attitude could lead to Sunni and Shia unifying their forces...
  11. Aladyinkuwait

    Suicide in the haramain sharifain

    He is not a Pakistani, he is an Arab with a French citizenship. The reason why people assumed he's a Pakistani is that many new channels in Arabic called him Pakistan or an Asian man. So, it got linked with Pakistan for quite some time. We don't want this becoming a norm, and this is certainly...
  12. Aladyinkuwait

    Let's build PDF into a proper think tank.

    I can focus on the Middle East primarily in Geopolitics. And we don't have to create a magazine, but if we write the current affairs down, that can be easily converted to a .pdf file, on a weekly basis.
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