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  1. afiq0110

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Why were the army reluctant to receive this beasts ? (I read on PDF previous post about it) I love this machine just by looking at it Astros and self-motion cannon has their own battle doctrine... We also bought towed cannon anyways
  2. afiq0110

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Thanks @Fl0gger Too many agency with same form of task force... It will overlapse soon... They will fight over jurisdiction rather than focusing on solving the problem asap... Than again, another task force means a new vacant positions for some idle officers... Another procurement proposal...
  3. afiq0110

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I just read about BIN's rajawali special forces... Anyone got any info about this ?
  4. afiq0110

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I dare not to make any accusations... The idea is good, hopefully the implementation is good also National reserve program is much better, I do hope it is carried out accordingly
  5. afiq0110

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Have a positive thinking for him... It might be due to his knowledge about corruption in procurement process that lead to his decision to postpone any arms purchase... Prabowo also cancelled a number of procurement that indicated a corrupted process... Early on his time as a defense...
  6. afiq0110

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I thought you were "Menteri Retno" herself... Haha
  7. afiq0110

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Low operational cost will benefit us long run And... We can absolutely diversify our weaponry... No strings attached I personally loved the idea of their ability to be deploy in merely concrete highways
  8. afiq0110

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Finally... Could not say it any better...
  9. afiq0110

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I am agree with producing it by our own... Whether it is licensedly produce... Or co develop... Built it, and built it now... Order it, use it... If that doesn't work either, then replace the Commander incharge... I am sick of our habit in kept on buying things rather than try to build it...
  10. afiq0110

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    The army, in this case Puskenkav and the industry, Pindad must sit down and talk about the future engagement.... The Puskenkav must give the detail plan of what vehicle they need to have, what is the role of the vehicle in their war doctrine... And Pindad muat adopt the plan as fully as...
  11. afiq0110

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Does it means that they don't include medium weight tanks in their war doctrine ? If the medium tanks use higher caliber will they adopt it ?
  12. afiq0110

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    As I recall, some of our member knew Windy Pratama, one of Pindad engineer... Can we pass on the news to him... Minor design flaw is common in building things... It can be fix, hopefully... The most important principle is producing our own war machine... Whether it is using small amount of...
  13. afiq0110

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    butuh pendapat... menurut para mas bro... bagaimana akurasi dan pedapat dari link berikut.. https://jakartagreater.com/dialektika-membangun-pertahanan-indonesia/ https://jakartagreater.com/membangun-pertahanan-indonesia-part-1/ terima kasih sebelumnya
  14. afiq0110

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Kira kira bagus nggak nih ? https://jakartagreater.com/adex-2019-hanwha-defense-luncurkan-tank-amfibi-baru/ Jika Korea jadi pensiunkan 200 unit... Lumayan banyak untuk akuisisi... Mengejar kuantitas, kemudian baru improvement... Pasti bisa nego murah... Dan pastinya nggak akan semahal biaya...
  15. afiq0110

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Belajar sejarah dulu gih... Yang bisa di klaim sebagai bagian dari Indonesia adalah daerah bekas jajahan Belanda... Timor Timor nggak pernah dijajah Belanda, mereka dijajah Portugis... kita yang menjajah Timor Timor... awalnya kita dikompori Amerika dengan alasan menjegal komunis, makanya kita...
  16. afiq0110

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    the main usage of that missiles are to defend our selves in war... no price is high enough than winning and freedom... you dont use financial burden as a factor to use or not use an arsenal we will use it for exercise, yes, but only a few... just to get a feel of the situation... the main...
  17. afiq0110

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    seems to me, we can count on Brazil Avibras if we want to acquire seeker technology, just like South African Denel Dynamics begin quote, Avibras Brasil membantu mengembangkan motor roket, Opto Eletronica dengan seeker head-nya dan Mectron (sekarang SIATT) membawa pengalaman sebagai produsen...
  18. afiq0110

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    norway bought 24 K9 and 10 K10 from korean... we should get our hands on these artillery... transfer the tech... we did make our own design for these ampihibious vehicle... any news about it ?... or will we ever use these models again ?... are we only using bt 3f for the future ? cool news...
  19. afiq0110

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    https://lancerdefense.com/2019/09/17/tarung-satu-lawan-satu-f-16-dan-f-18-di-langit-sulawesi-utara/ any words from our fighter about their recent dogfight exercise ? i keen to know the result... thank you
  20. afiq0110

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Thank you
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