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  1. Nomad

    Higher than the Himalayas

    [/B]Also, an assistance of well over $42 million for the recent flood victims[/B] It was my understanding that China contributed over $200 million for the flood victims. If $42 million is the right figure then I guess India's contribution of $25 million makes them higher than sea level.
  2. Nomad

    Greater ties with Burma

    So if you got a better deal on transit fees, road maintenance etc. than you would charge the Indians, would you say that you are screwing the Myanmarese, or that your govt negotiated the best deal for Bangladesh? On the other hand if you got a worse deal would you say that both India and...
  3. Nomad

    Greater ties with Burma

    I am just curious...... Who will pay to build the roads? How much will be the transit fees? Who will pay for the wear and tear on the roads?
  4. Nomad

    Setting Tom Friedman Straight: Exposing an agenda of vilification (against Pakistan)

    "Vilification of Muslims in general and Pakistanis in particular" is why Techlahore opened this thread. I would expect a general pattern of Thomas Friedman vilifying Pakistanis. Now you are justifying your 'two thumbs wayyyy up' comment by saying that it shows the direction he leans in. That...
  5. Nomad

    Setting Tom Friedman Straight: Exposing an agenda of vilification (against Pakistan)

    I am not going to defend Friedman's quotes of something said by an Indian Muslim. However using one example to say that he is villifying muslims and has a racist agenda is stretching it. Give me a few more examples and i may agree with you. Thomas Friedman, in his works in print and television...
  6. Nomad

    Pakistan urges India to join Iran gas network

    The IPI pipeline has been in discussion for years and nothing has happened. Constuction on the recently inked Iran- Pakistan pipeline will not move until Pakistan figures how to fund there share. Neither Iran or Pakistan has the hard currency to build this pipeline. The pipeline will be...
  7. Nomad

    Intolerant and fanatic religious bigots protest Gillete Shaving event

    Anyone has the right to protest, but using physical violence is a unacceptable in most countries. By the way i thought JUD was a charitable organization (according to most posters here). Why are these charitable souls beating up people who entered a shaving contest. All I can say is next...
  8. Nomad

    War on terror’ has cost Pakistan $50 billion and 40,000 people killed or injured

    Please give a source where you got these figures from.
  9. Nomad

    Pakistan tribal zone 'needs $1bn to prevent it becoming al-Qaida base'

    Let me get this straight. If the international community does not come up with $1Billion dollars the whole area will revert back to Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. In other world our citizens will once again revert to killing innocents in our country and yours. What happened to the responsibility of...
  10. Nomad

    Extremists to be ousted from Pakistan’s tribal belt within two months

    [/B] Let me get this straight. If the international community does not come up with $1Billion dollars the whole area will revert back to Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. In other world our citizens will once again revert to killing innocents in our country and yours. What happened to the...
  11. Nomad

    Bomb with the fuse lit : Openion

    Its called the "separation of church and state". One of the first rules for any nation to prosper. Few religion based countries have prospered in the long run. Exceptions are Israel and the oil exporters.
  12. Nomad

    China lifted 65.3m out of slums, and India 59.7m

    UN says 227m people escaped slums in past decade Dharavi slum, Mumbai, India India made "giant strides" helping people in slums like Dharavi, Mumbai Nearly a quarter of a billion people escaped life in the slums over the past decade, the United Nations says. The improvement was thanks...
  13. Nomad

    US accepts Pakistan as a responsible nuclear state.

    If I am not mistaken there is an "implicit acceptance" of Pakistan's status as a "declared nuclear weapons state". When you detonate atomic weapons, aren't you declaring yourself to be a nuclear weapon state? I see nothing that US accepts Pakistan as a "responsible nuclear state" as this...
  14. Nomad

    Pakistani enginers attacked in kandahar 7 killed.

    I am just curious, it seems that many Indian construction workers have been targeted and killed in the past. How do we know whether this was a mistake or not? Maybe some Taliban were told to kill more Indians and they caught these six guys and killed them thinking they were Indian. It is not...
  15. Nomad

    What a way to grab all for the family, Mr Ambassador!

    "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely". This can be a perfect example. I wonder: 1) How much he paid for his ambassadorship? He seems to be in a hurry to recoup his investment. 2) Those are some serious salaries he paying. makes me want to quit my day...
  16. Nomad

    Indian Origin Material Used in IEDs Found In South Waziristan

    You can also claim the martians are donig it. Do you have any proof?
  17. Nomad

    Indian Origin Material Used in IEDs Found In South Waziristan

    What "RAW terror centers in Afghanistan" are you writing about? If it is the consulates of India in a sovereign nation, it would be wise to provide some kind of poof before you target them. However this would also give India the same rights to target any terror centers in Pakistan. Two attempts...
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