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  1. shazlion

    World N.o3, Chinese leave footprints on the Moon !

    I hope these will not be FAKeS like USA NASA MOON Fake Landings!:triniti::warning2:
  2. shazlion

    Zionists saudis Al Qaeda massacre 2 vietnamese, indonesians in Yemen

    Million of Un Armed Civilians killed by Viet Cons and Vietnamese Communist Rebels, so Go to Hell with your Bull shit that these were Saudis who did it, as Terrorism has No Color and Flag whether it is done by State Sponsored Terrorism..............Donnot Mess with Muslims and indulge in Muslims...
  3. shazlion

    Zionists saudis Al Qaeda massacre 2 vietnamese, indonesians in Yemen

    They didnot intentionally Kill them as they were at wrong place at wrong time simple as that, any why How many Muslims were killed by Myannmar aka Burma also Vietnam kill lot of Muslims during it's War so donot say Vietnamese love Arabs and Muslims
  4. shazlion

    Zionist Israeli Apartheid Against People of Dark Skin (Viral Youtube Video)

    All Bastards and Bastard Nations must be deported into Space, Iam not Racist so that is why I said All Bastards of Our Planet Earth must be Vaccum into SPACE...........Esp. Bastards from USA
  5. shazlion

    Saudi Arabia maybe interested in acquiring 5 Type 209 Submarines

    Pak. allows it as we exhaust all options b4 We go to War or start Fracking back, if time comes also India sits in the Lap of super Power who are dying like what happens to Russia (Old Soviet Union) and now USA what a disgrace, pls. Indians donot follow line of Zionist line and Stop doing False...
  6. shazlion

    Zionist Israeli Apartheid Against People of Dark Skin (Viral Youtube Video)

    No, They can not do what ever they want as we live in Global World and Human Rights charter clearly states that you cannot deport Asylum seekers or take away their Income generation Source also Jews invaded these lands and these lands do not belong to Jews but to Arabs and Muslims and we will...
  7. shazlion

    Zionist Israeli Apartheid Against People of Dark Skin (Viral Youtube Video)

    White people are Curse and Children of Cain
  8. shazlion

    Global wealth inequality: top 1% own 41%; top 10% own 86%; bottom half own just 1%

    Just 8.4% of all the 5bn adults in the world own 83.4% of all household wealth (that’s property and financial assets, like stocks, shares and cash in the bank). About 393 million people have net worth (that’s wealth after all debt is accounted for) of over $100,000, that’s 10% own 86% of all...
  9. shazlion

    Saudi Arabia maybe interested in acquiring 5 Type 209 Submarines

    Saudi buy Nukes from Old Soviet Union States now independent countries so no body ever mess with Saudi Arabia like Pakistan
  10. shazlion

    Opium Wars Connection to Indian Bengalis famine & Genocide by Britian

    https://defence.pk/threads/great-britain’s-role-in-great-famine-genocide-in-iran-during-world-war.288215/ Mass Genocide of Algerians, Libyans by French & Italians Supremacist Imperialist How Britian & Sir Winston Churchill Starved to Death 8 Million Indians...
  11. shazlion

    Quran’s Punjabi translation top seller at the Chandigarh Book Fair

    https://defence.pk/threads/great-britain’s-role-in-great-famine-genocide-in-iran-during-world-war.288215/ Mass Genocide of Algerians, Libyans by French & Italians Supremacist Imperialist How Britian & Sir Winston Churchill Starved to Death 8 Million Indians Opium Wars Connection to Indian...
  12. shazlion

    Quran’s Punjabi translation top seller at the Chandigarh Book Fair

    Some Muslims Scholars and Islamic Institute proof Read these Punjabi Translated Qurans so to see nothing Added or Subtracted from the True Meanings of Arabic Quran as I donot Trust Ahmadis as they are consider Non Muslims - Kafirs and Apostates by both Sunnis and Shias Muslims, and also they are...
  13. shazlion

    Quran’s Punjabi translation top seller at the Chandigarh Book Fair

    Some Muslims Scholars and Islamic Institute proof Read these Punjabi Translated Qurans so to see nothing Added or Subtracted from the True Meanings of Arabic Quran as I donot Trust Ahmadis as they are consider Non Muslims - Kafirs and Apostates by both Sunnis and Shias Muslims, and also they are...
  14. shazlion

    One million American soldiers injured in Iraq and Afghanistan

    https://defence.pk/threads/great-britain’s-role-in-great-famine-genocide-in-iran-during-world-war.288215/ Mass Genocide of Algerians, Libyans by French & Italians Supremacist Imperialist How Britian & Sir Winston Churchill Starved to Death 8 Million Indians Opium Wars Connection to Indian...
  15. shazlion

    How Britian & Sir Winston Churchill Starved to Death 8 Million Indians

    Opium Wars Connection to Indian Bengalis famine & Genocide by Britian
  16. shazlion

    How Britian & Sir Winston Churchill Starved to Death 8 Million Indians

    The Holocaust Hoax Exposed | Page 2 85 million indians killed by the British Jews 85 million indians killed by the British Jews Starving Indian family, British Raj, 1876 British grain taxation policies, coupled with drought, caused an estimated 12-29 million Indians to starve to death from...
  17. shazlion

    Pakistan Population Growth Rate Hit 74 down from 5 just in 20 Years

    Pakistan Population Growth Rate is falling b/c of so Called Muslims who think Babies are liabilities instead of Mercy from Allah Subhanoo Wat'ala that is why Punishment of Allah is coming on Pakistan and also Now if you check UNO World report they rank Pakistan at 74 number in Population Growth...
  18. shazlion

    India among most racist nations !

    U.S., Britain, Canada and South America are among the least racist!!!!!!!!!!!! ?? Are you Joking, I live in these Countries and they are the biggest Racist in the World more then India, even Blacks in USA are Racist Big times! People who live in these countries are Demons Out of Hell but if...
  19. shazlion

    Saudi who fought in Iraq now in Syria

    Why Assad his Alawite Christian Thugs Rapist have shared Power with All the Sunni groups fighting in Syria as this War never went so Bad and there were No Millions of Syrian Sunni Refugees in Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon and other parts of World, Assad is enemy of not only Sunnis but also Alawites...
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