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  1. unitedstatesofislam

    Saltanat-E-Quran (Islamic Pakistan)

    Well long story short but I am sorry the system you are talking about is not an Islamic system but your own made up system. The Islamic system is Khilafat and the whole Khilafat system and its procedure is present in Islamic fiqh and literature. So my advise to you is that just follow the...
  2. unitedstatesofislam

    Bannu blast 26 security personal Embraced Shahdat.

    Yes that's what I am saying that at least the Bulldog should care a little about the lives of Karachi's poor citizens and also Bulldog's own karkun by not giving threats to Taliban and bad mouthing them from the safety and luxury of his London kennel and that too in a drunken state.
  3. unitedstatesofislam

    Bannu blast 26 security personal Embraced Shahdat.

    This shows that at least the Punjab politicians care for Punjab and its people and don't want them to die and maimed in bomb blasts etc even if they are corrupt and can't do anything else but the rabid Bulldog sitting in London just don't give a shit whether 15 die in Karachi or 150 die in a...
  4. unitedstatesofislam

    Bannu blast 26 security personal Embraced Shahdat.

    Some analysts Dr. Shahid Masood etc are saying that if Army moves inside North Waziristan there's a high probability that the Army might get besieged by the Taliban from all sides and consequently the Army's supply line in SWA might get severed. Stakes are too high and extremely risky therefore...
  5. unitedstatesofislam

    Bannu blast 26 security personal Embraced Shahdat.

    I think even if you break the country the Taliban will still take over
  6. unitedstatesofislam

    Bannu blast 26 security personal Embraced Shahdat.

    Maulana Sami ul Haq and Gen. Hamid Gul are saying that there is no other solution to this except negotiations. If Pakistan undertakes any operation in North Waziristan the whole Pakistan and particularly Punjab will turn into Waziristan and FATA as this time Afghan Taliban and Haqqani Network...
  7. unitedstatesofislam

    Saltanat-E-Quran (Islamic Pakistan)

    So you mean that General Raheel Sharif will do this? If this is so then why don't you write a letter to Army chief Gen. Raheel and ask him to take over the govt and implement Quran and Sunnah laws in Pakistan.
  8. unitedstatesofislam

    Saltanat-E-Quran (Islamic Pakistan)

    @Khaqan Humayun Just want to ask you a simple question. Whatever system you are proposing who will implement it in Pakistan? Nawaz Sharif, Zardari, Imran Khan, through elections or Army takeover?
  9. unitedstatesofislam

    Saltanat-E-Quran (Islamic Pakistan)

    All Muslims respect the martyrs of Lal Masjid and consider them as Shuhadah. Only liberals and seculars like you call them terrorists.
  10. unitedstatesofislam

    Saltanat-E-Quran (Islamic Pakistan)

    I called you shaitan because you said that people like Ayub Khan who changed and played with Islamic laws, Yahya Khan urf General Rani 24 hours sharabi and zani, broke Pakistan, killed Muslims of Bengal and Musharraf ( burned Allah's house and Quran, killed Muslims of Afghanistan, sold Muslims...
  11. unitedstatesofislam

    Saltanat-E-Quran (Islamic Pakistan)

    Well if you think that Shaitans and Dajjals like Ayub Khan, Yahya Khan (broke Pakistan and murdered innocent Muslims of Bengal), Musharraf (who even bombed and burned Allah's house and Quran e Pak and murdered hafiz e quran yateem children) can be Ameers and leaders of the Muslims then I say...
  12. unitedstatesofislam

    Saltanat-E-Quran (Islamic Pakistan)

    Brother I am just asking you that do you think that people like Ayub Khan, Yahya Khan urk Gen Rani, Pervez Busharraf, Kayani urf Extension should become the Ameer ul Momineen of an Islamic state? Do you think that people like these are fit to be leaders of Muslims? Plz answer this first...
  13. unitedstatesofislam

    Saltanat-E-Quran (Islamic Pakistan)

    @Khaqan Humayun Are you saying that the likes of Ayub Khan, Yahya Khan urk Gen Rani, Pervez Busharraf, Kayani urf Extension should become the Ameer ul Momineen of an Islamic state?
  14. unitedstatesofislam

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    No wonder an American diplomat very rightly commented about Pakistani rulers that they can even sell their mothers for a miserable sum of $$$.
  15. unitedstatesofislam

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    Why Pakistan and other so-called 'Islamic' parties not protesting against the oppression and atrocities of Chinese communist state on innocent Muslims of Xinjiang? Why Pakistan does not demand China to give Xinjiang's Muslims the right of self-determination the way it demands India vis-a-vis...
  16. unitedstatesofislam

    Two Opposing Terms: Islamic and Republic

    Well I think you are mistaking me for a secular or liberal which I am alhamdulillah not rather I consider liberalism/secularism as kufr and disbelief ideology. With respect to Jinnah my opposition's related to his liberal/modernist version of Islam which he wanted to establish in Pakistan. You...
  17. unitedstatesofislam

    Two Opposing Terms: Islamic and Republic

    Ok so appointing Qadianis as Foreign Ministers in a so-called 'Islamic' state is according to Islam and my friend kindly answer my questions that I have posed or do you also have no answer to my questions and will try to run away just like most Jinnah fans do when they get caught?
  18. unitedstatesofislam

    Two Opposing Terms: Islamic and Republic

    My dear all I am asking is that how a person who claims to be struggling for the establishment of an Islamic state can appoint a Qadiani as the first foreign minister of that state and then appoint a Hindu as its 1st law minister who will ensure the Islamic state's adherence to Quranic law? I...
  19. unitedstatesofislam

    Two Opposing Terms: Islamic and Republic

    Then why your Quaid e Azam (not mine) appointed a Mirzai/Qadyani as the 1st foreign minister of Pakistan? Why did he took oath of allegiance to George the fifth and his heirs? Why did he appointed a Hindu as the first speaker of the Constituent Assembly and subsequently also appointing him as...
  20. unitedstatesofislam

    Daring reply of Pakistani officer to Indian Brigadier during 1971 war

    I think Mr. Manekshaw was referring to the gallantry Pakistan Army showed against her own East Pakistani citizens rather than the Indians because undoubtedly Pakistan Army has always shown great valour and gallantry when fighting against Pakistanis whether it be in East Pakistan, Baluchistan or...
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