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  1. Bob Ong

    China as BULLY

    you better ask first your fisherman why they ramp our patrol boat and why they are in the Philippine waters? Our coastguard are not ignorant to just fired those fisherman without a reason...your fisherman catches an illegal marine species and try to bump our boat just to avoid confiscation. The...
  2. Bob Ong

    China as BULLY

    Like our current President (Aquino) and national hero (Jose Rizal) I am of Chinese ancestry, but we are proud Filipino. My mother is a mix of native Filipino Spanish and My father and most his relatives came from Fujian China in early 19th century and settled in Tarlac and all prospered and...
  3. Bob Ong

    China as BULLY

    Monday, June 16, 2014 HOW do you contend with a bully? For a nation, it is difficult to find ways to cope with a circumstance like what the Philippines is going through right now in the West Philippine Sea or South China Sea. The Philippines has filed a protest against China over the weekend...
  4. Bob Ong

    China building in SCS islands

    Obviously China is trying to hurry up the occupation and destroying corals and environment as many portions of reefs and shoals as it can, ahead of the final decision by UN on the case filed by the Philippines. Looks like they are in panic mode, because once the decision favoring the...
  5. Bob Ong

    South China Sea Forum

    nine dashed crap line is fabricated by your government and there's no historical evidence on your claim.
  6. Bob Ong

    South China Sea Forum

    China is one nation the world needs to chain. It's full of autistic morons.Tell your China to participate in arbitration process. Don't be a coward to face the truth.
  7. Bob Ong

    My reasons why SCS islands belong to China

    China just want to disturb the peace unity and development in Asia Pacific region…ASEAN in particular. China is envying the ASEAN solidarity and undermining the group with their acts and pronouncements. Provocative is the least to describe their intention. They wont follow international law...
  8. Bob Ong

    My reasons why SCS islands belong to China

    Never in history of any civilized country in the world where a nation claimed to own an entire body of a SEA, except now China.
  9. Bob Ong

    South China Sea Forum

    As we all know Chinese are good in reinventing their history, that’s why they are avoiding arbitration or mediation because they lack a solid foundation about their claims. Filipinos and Vietnamese cannot trust these people, they never live to their commitments, and in short they stab your back...
  10. Bob Ong

    South China Sea Forum

    These actuations of China has made it an irresponsible regional power and definitely unworthy to be a superpower.
  11. Bob Ong

    South China Sea Forum

    The last time I checked Georgia and Ukraine are not treaty allies of US. And I don’t think the US will leave the Philippines alone in this issue especially now that the latest agreement is sealed. Our government is working with allies to build enough deterrence and military capabilities against...
  12. Bob Ong

    South China Sea Forum

    It is in our country. To China: Do not say what should the Filipino do in our territory. Not only that our academic and government research scientists and volunteers recently began exploring Benham Rise. This is bigger than the 10.5-million hectare Luzon, the underwater Benham Rise is...
  13. Bob Ong

    South China Sea Forum

    LOL Chinese fishermen entering the Philippines territorial waters illegally, catching endangered turtle species, and China calling the arrest of these fishermen "provocative act". Who's being provocative here?
  14. Bob Ong

    South China Sea Forum

    China should tell their fishermen not to add tension by staying out of their neighbors territory. Also to refrain from doing stupid actions such as poaching and catching endangered species. Its beyond comprehension if they still demand that their people who were caught in the act, to be...
  15. Bob Ong

    South China Sea Forum

    China missed the opportunity to win over their neighbors after they gained economic status. They lack of social awareness and civil attitude tsk tsk
  16. Bob Ong

    South China Sea Forum

    The US will support the Philippines against China's indisputable stupidity.
  17. Bob Ong

    South China Sea Forum

    A twisted mind can't think right. China brought this upon themselves and now the Philippines is being blamed for putting things in the right perspective and the proper forum like a civilized country should do.
  18. Bob Ong

    Indonesia’s Military Flexes Muscle as S. China Sea Dispute Looms

    The nine dash line doesn't make sense to anyone but the Chinese and they are heII bent on taking over as much territories as they can before any of the claimant countries grows some cojones and stands up to them. Obviously China has not yet awaken since the medieval times. The Roman empire, the...
  19. Bob Ong

    US-Philippines Reach Deal on US Military Access

    The decision by the Philippine government allowing American forces more access was just a reaction to China's aggressive actions in West Philippine sea. This will deter the bully of Asia and make them realize that their actions will not be tolerated by a civilized world.
  20. Bob Ong

    China claims ‘absolute nonsense’: Philippines

    Well even Chinese scholars criticize that “9-dashed LIE” :lol: According to Chinese scholars, the “U-shaped line” first appeared on the Location Map of the South China Sea Islands (Nanhai zhudao weizhi tu) compiled by Fu Jiaojin and Wang Xiguang and was published by Geological Bureau under...
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