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My reasons why SCS islands belong to China


Jun 7, 2011
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1, Who found those islands first?

This is a quite easy question. Definitely they were firstly found by Chinese. As one of civilized ancient countries, China has most advanced technologies and skills in navigation and shipbuilding in ancient time. In Song dynasty(1000 years ago), South China sea was called silk way on the water. In the same time, Vietnamese could barely leave their coast. There are many Chinese living in Southeast Asian countries for hundreds years. How they got there? Of course by sea through the SCS. Are there many Vietnamese in Malaysia or Indonesia? No, except those who moved there in recent years.

2. Does China's ownership of these islands meet modern international laws?

Present global territories are based on Yalta System. China was one of the major victors in WW2 and authorized to accept Japanese surrender in the whole SCS. So SCS can also be regarded as China's award of victory in the war. Back then there was no a country called Vietnam. China paid a huge loss in the war and deserves to rewarded.

If China's ownership of SCS is illegal, many territories owned by USA and Russia don't legally belong to them.
1, Who found those islands first?

This is a quite easy question. Definitely they were firstly found by Chinese. As one of civilized ancient countries, China has most advanced technologies and skills in navigation and shipbuilding in ancient time. In Song dynasty(1000 years ago), South China sea was called silk way on the water. In the same time, Vietnamese could barely leave their coast. There are many Chinese living in Southeast Asian countries for hundreds years. How they got there? Of course by sea through the SCS. Are there many Vietnamese in Malaysia or Indonesia? No, except those who moved there in recent years.

2. Does China's ownership of these islands meet modern international laws?

Present global territories are based on Yalta System. China was one of the major victors in WW2 and authorized to accept Japanese surrender in the whole SCS. So SCS can also be regarded as China's award of victory in the war. Back then there was no a country called Vietnam. China paid a huge loss in the war and deserves to rewarded.

If China's ownership of SCS is illegal, many territories owned by USA and Russia don't legally belong to them.

Baseless Inference that do not make your sovereignty.
Tell me why china can only occupy the islands by using force to rob it from others?
1974 china used force to occupy Paracels from Vietnam.
1988 china's first presence in Spratlys by using force to occupy some reefs from Vietnam.
Based on OP logic, all of European countries should belongs to Italy as inheritance of Roman civilization or all of Middle East should belong to Iranian or Arab Saudi ?

oh shit, some Chinese has deluded themselves

Yalta? PRC doesn't exist when Yalta conference is held, oh and based the historical facts the legal sue should belongs to Taiwan as a true heir of Republic of China who joins as Allied Nations who fight against Japan Imperial not to some Country who born 5 year after WW II ended. But if PRC want to claims their right following the ROC rights, they should recognize Chiang Kai Sek as one of their contentius leader, it must be fair enough
1, Who found those islands first?

This is a quite easy question. Definitely they were firstly found by Chinese. As one of civilized ancient countries, China has most advanced technologies and skills in navigation and shipbuilding in ancient time. In Song dynasty(1000 years ago), South China sea was called silk way on the water. In the same time, Vietnamese could barely leave their coast. There are many Chinese living in Southeast Asian countries for hundreds years. How they got there? Of course by sea through the SCS. Are there many Vietnamese in Malaysia or Indonesia? No, except those who moved there in recent years.

2. Does China's ownership of these islands meet modern international laws?

Present global territories are based on Yalta System. China was one of the major victors in WW2 and authorized to accept Japanese surrender in the whole SCS. So SCS can also be regarded as China's award of victory in the war. Back then there was no a country called Vietnam. China paid a huge loss in the war and deserves to rewarded.

If China's ownership of SCS is illegal, many territories owned by USA and Russia don't legally belong to them.

Marco Polo discovered China, then China belong to him.

Soviet Union and US defeated Japan Imperial, not China. :p:
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^ Battle : Is every inch of territory full of soldiers ? If I go to Vietnam and see a rock in the water and say it's mine and then soldiers come and take me out then they had to use force, does that mean the rock is mine ?

^ Madok : Based on Madokafc logic, when you discover something it's not yours. Did Romans discovered Europe ?
Baseless Inference that do not make your sovereignty.
Tell me why china can only occupy the islands by using force to rob it from others?
1974 china used force to occupy Paracels from Vietnam.
1988 china's first presence in Spratlys by using force to occupy some reefs from Vietnam.
The reason is simple. China's civil war broke out in 1946. Both CCP and KMT had no extra power to govern those islands, which gave thieves a good chance to steal our islands. Later we kicked out thief from our territory.

Yalta? PRC doesn't exist when Yalta conference is held,
PRC or ROC, they are all Chinese government. Russian Federation didn't exist back then. It's a successor of Soviet Union.

Marco Polo discovered China, then China belong to him.

Soviet Union and US defeated Japan Imperial, not China. :p:
Obviously Marco Polo is not the first person who found China.
Can you attribute your repletion to the last bite?
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Chinese logic at high, like smoking opium

even they can't made a difference between ROC and PRC, both government still exist today

And they can't read the History at all, Sovyet Union is union of some federation including Russian Federation

^ Battle : Is every inch of territory full of soldiers ? If I go to Vietnam and see a rock in the water and say it's mine and then soldiers come and take me out then they had to use force, does that mean the rock is mine ?

^ Madok : Based on Madokafc logic, when you discover something it's not yours. Did Romans discovered Europe ?

that's OP logic

Did Chinese actually care about the South Chinese Sea and the Islets lying in South Chinese Sea back in Age of exploration when Western Nation trying to carve and fighting over all of Asean countries and kingdom back in 17th centuries? not they are more prefer to live in their realm and doesn't give a shit about what happened outside of their borders. Did the Chinese care about South Chinese Sea ownership status back in 7th century? Did they care about South Chinese Sea before Century? not at all, they just care about it recently when some geologist and explorer found untapped mineral resources in South Chinese. Chinese just become greedy, too much greedy
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Who owns them for you ?

As for PRC and ROC, every country involved accept that PRC is the successor of ROC...If your country does not accept that, then feel free to recognise ROC and cut ties with PRC.
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The reason is simple. China's civil war broke out in 1946. Both CCP and KMT had no extra power to govern those islands, which gave thieves a good chance to steal our islands. Later we kicked out thief from our territory.

No, it is contrary, china took advantage of the situation of Vietnam in 1974 while we were flooding in war, America, a South Vietnam ally, had been forced to retreat in 1973, china invaded Paracel islands from Vietnam by force.
And when we are exhausted by war and sanction from the west, in 1988 china once again invaded some reefs of the Spratlys from Vietnam.
No, it is contrary, china took advantage of the situation of Vietnam in 1974 while we were flooding in war, America, a South Vietnam ally, had been forced to retreat in 1973, china invaded Paracel islands from Vietnam by force.
And when we are exhausted by war and sanction from the west, in 1988 china once again invaded some reefs of the Spratlys from Vietnam.
When China claimed the sovereign of the SCS, Vietnam didn't exist in the world map. How could China stole something from air?

that's OP logic

Did Chinese actually care about the South Chinese Sea and the Islets lying in South Chinese Sea back in Age of exploration when Western Nation trying to carve and fighting over all of Asean countries and kingdom back in 17th centuries? not they are more prefer to live in their realm and doesn't give a shit about what happened outside of their borders. Did the Chinese care about South Chinese Sea ownership status back in 7th century? Did they care about South Chinese Sea before Century? not at all, they just care about it recently when some geologist and explorer found untapped mineral resources in South Chinese. Chinese just become greedy, too much greedy

China didn't. Not only China, but all the countries in that time did not have the concept of sea sovereign. As I said, there are two crucial facts: 1, Chinese were the ones who found the islands; 2,China claimed the sovereign of SCS right after WW2. Enough.
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Never in history of any civilized country in the world where a nation claimed to own an entire body of a SEA, except now China.

Some Chinese Scholars Call For The Elimination Of Baseless Claim Of U-Shaped Line

The 9-dash line (or cow-tongue line) which China unilaterally draws in the East Sea has provoked not only Vietnamese scholars and researchers, but also Chinese scholars.

Recently, a Chinese scholar whose pen name is Li Woteng, posted on Sina, China’s biggest internet forum, an article entitled “The nine-dash line: keep or eliminate” to expose the irrational claim. The article shows that truth is still respected and China cannot arbitrarily announce sovereignty over territory it has never owned.


The “nine-dash line” was officially drawn on the Chinese map when the second map of the East Sea was drawn (at that time, it had 11 dashes). Since then, the “nine-dash line” has had no definition, no one knows what it is, and the government hasn’t got any explanation.There’s an assumption that an official in charge of home affairs Zheng Si Yue drew it on the map arbitrarily”.

Second, the “nine-dash line” is not the sea territory line of China and lacks any legal basis.

China has talked about the “nine-dash line”, but it has never clarified what the “nine-dash line” is. It is ridiculous that the “nine-dash line” has been on the Chinese map for more than 60 years, but Chinese experts still argue about it. The Chinese government has neither declared its opinions nor issued a document or a definition about the “nine-dash line”.

The 9-dash line has been adjusted several times on Chinese maps. The adjustment includes the omission of 2 dashes within the Tonkin Gulf (making the 11-dash line under Chinese Nationalist Party rule the 9-dash line of today) and some other minor changes. This suggests there is no clear legal origin for the 9-dash line. Legally, the 9-dash line does not define China’s territorial waters. The 1992 Law on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone of the People’s Republic of China stipulated that China’s waters extend 12 nautical miles from the baseline. The 1996 Declaration on the Baseline of the Territorial Sea defined the Shisha archipelago (known in Vietnam as the Hoang Sa archipelago) as the baseline. So the waters 12 nautical miles out from this baseline do not belong to China but still are contained within the 9-dash line.

This proves that the 9-dash line is not China’s sea demarcation line. Chinese experts onmaritime law have said the 9-dash line is neither a territorial line nor an indication of China’s territory. It just refers to islands claimed by China. So deletion of the line creates no legal difficulty.

This analysis by author Li Woteng from the perspective of history and national legacy was posted on China’s Sina online forum.

This is not the first time Chinese scholars have voiced am objection to the “9-dash line”. Li’s arguments echo many other opinions against the claim.

An article entitled “Erroneous war illusion” posted on China’s Global News publicly rejected the “9-dash line” and warned that “People who advocate war have weak minds. A fragile and deceitful self-respect cannot make success. Warlike minds will lead to injustice”.

Some Chinese Scholars Call For The Elimination Of Baseless Claim Of U-Shaped Line
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When China claimed the sovereign of the SCS, Vietnam didn't exist in the world map. How could China stole something from air?

China didn't. Not only China, but all the countries in that time did not have the concept of sea sovereign. As I said, there are two crucial facts: 1, Chinese were the ones who found the islands; 2,China claimed the sovereign of SCS right after WW2. Enough.

Here is a map of Dai Nam (Vietnam today) in 1838. It shows two Paracels and Spratlys belong to Vietnam. While the Chinese map of 1904 does not mention anything about the two islands.
It is one of the clearest evidences to deny the so-called "historic rights" lies of the chinese.

Map of Dai Nam (Vietnam today) in 1838:

Map of china in 1904:

Never in history of any civilized country in the world where a nation claimed to own an entire body of a SEA, except now China.

It looks like a gangster in a neighborhood who claims all part of the street owned by him. :lol:
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Never in history of any civilized country in the world where a nation claimed to own an entire body of a SEA, except now China.
Dude, there is another country, which is Vietnam.
kankan dream about the old days of great Chinese empires.
any territory now need public realization, China still want to apply the tactic "illegal claim and occupy" , so we have nothing to argue. Just do it when you think you are strong enough,

Is that what Japanese did to China ?
To me, don't do to others what you don't like others do onto you.
It looks like a gangster in a neighborhood who claims all part of the street owned by him. :lol:
China just want to disturb the peace unity and development in Asia Pacific region…ASEAN in particular. China is envying the ASEAN solidarity and undermining the group with their acts and pronouncements. Provocative is the least to describe their intention. They wont follow international law agreement code of conduct whatsoever, they are the problem now in this side of the world. Down with the bully China...so desperate and so greedy.
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