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  1. Soryu

    Vietnam pays $1.86mn as first damages to 35 riot-affected firms

    It's fair and normal things, only Chinese delusion boys gone mad with their stupid around here ... :pop:
  2. Soryu

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    angry !? tsk tsk tsk ... ok, you helpless clown are pathetic as ever ... keep barking as you want ...
  3. Soryu

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    you can get lost, chicom, nobody care about you if you leave ...
  4. Soryu

    South China Sea Forum

    So US does, and you must do like that !? No need to talk with mock-grape, he's idiot clown want to troll around by his stupid, non-knowledge comments ... Look at his avatar, dark-mask soldier... but only in here ... :rofl::rofl::rofl:
  5. Soryu

    China Reacts to Japanese Anti-Ship Missile Positioning

    You mean yourself, "Beast" ??? :lol::lol::lol:
  6. Soryu

    South China Sea Forum

    Are you real Indonesian !? And did you have a brain in your head !? Your comment was all lack proper understand of situation and real issues. I think you should shut down your computer and go to doctor. The second rig location was declared to put in Chinese continental shelf. But we will keep...
  7. Soryu

    Some documents and books about Viet admit that nansha and xisha islands is Chinese territory

    Seem like I was right, Chinese pathetic as always ... :lol::lol::lol:
  8. Soryu

    Some documents and books about Viet admit that nansha and xisha islands is Chinese territory

    So!??? :lol: Any respond from anybody to your crap document !? :lol: And can you provide some source about this "China has delivered to every single member in UN all offical documents of Vietnam about Xisha and Nansha islands in or Before 1970s" What's this mean !? Forgot your medicine ...
  9. Soryu

    China building in SCS islands

  10. Soryu

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    Maybe, our cooperate with North Korea always in secret lines for most of time ...
  11. Soryu

    Some documents and books about Viet admit that nansha and xisha islands is Chinese territory

    These crap again ... !??? Did you Chinese pathetic know how many time your fellow post it in many thread !??? Tired to explain those bullshjt debate ... If it was count as valid proof for your claim, tell your liar government go to international court ... In that text book, Xisha and Nansha...
  12. Soryu

    South China Sea Forum

    So what !?
  13. Soryu

    China building in SCS islands

    You have big resource to do that, sure. Game still on ... :D
  14. Soryu

    China building in SCS islands

    Only you begged US in 1972, buddy. That how you can took our Paracel by US support ... :pop:
  15. Soryu

    China building in SCS islands

    We did that from long time ago, but it' still slow, because we know Chinese dirty propaganda trick, now, we have reason to speed up our facility in Spratly more ... :D
  16. Soryu

    Japan fans clear up litter after opening defeat to Ivory Coast

    Look like you're in angr. Did I made you feel un-well with my simply comment !? :coffee: Seem like you Chinese guys have inferiority complex when you face with your issues, first is Beast with his pathetic troll post ... :rolleyes: I just said about that beach only ... :D
  17. Soryu

    Japan fans clear up litter after opening defeat to Ivory Coast

    Chinese helpless as you are so poor as always, when you can't debate more by your point, try to change subject and insult, made flame with others, and get lost when other slap on your face ... pathetic Asian sick men ... Want to know how many Chinese site about JAV !? :lol: Chinese net was full...
  18. Soryu

    Vietnam's Lies Exposed! Photos of Vietnam ship hitting Chinese patrol vessel released

    PRC propaganda can fool only some Chinese idiots ... :lol:
  19. Soryu

    Japan fans clear up litter after opening defeat to Ivory Coast

    Look so awful for any vacation
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