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  1. Su-11

    India May Expand Su-30MKI Order Beyond 272

    wow.. and 4000 posts no less. read on the factors which affect rcs. signing out..
  2. Su-11

    India May Expand Su-30MKI Order Beyond 272

    RCS does not mean it cannot be annulled. A larger plane carries, or can carry more jammers. and has a larger radar. Agree.. rafale needs a burial.
  3. Su-11

    India May Expand Su-30MKI Order Beyond 272

    those test rigs could be rigs for regular ones or for incremental upgrades as well. mkis are delivered in batches with minor incremental upgrades. besides, having TEST rigs doesn't mean the tests will come out positive, in acceptable time frame, in acceptable costs. it could very well mean those...
  4. Su-11

    India May Expand Su-30MKI Order Beyond 272

    that just goes to say.. never trust HAL and their media chest thumping. see the link i posted in my previous reply.
  5. Su-11

    India May Expand Su-30MKI Order Beyond 272

    they are not super sukhoi. they are regular ones with minor upgrades. en.ria.ru/business/20121224/178368313.html
  6. Su-11

    India May Expand Su-30MKI Order Beyond 272

    the new 42 mkis cost only 38 million dollars in semi knock down condition. dont spread wrong info peddled by retarded desi media!!
  7. Su-11


    Nice Article. Lots of info. Although the hopes of some PAF fanboys will be dashed because.. no air-air BVR or rather MRAA-Missile capability, which ofcourse everyone knows except them.
  8. Su-11

    Dassault deal far away, IAF begins fleet upgrade

    I hope the next govt buries this stupid deal. Overpriced french shyt which wont be used by any spineless Indian govts anyway. The money can be better spent else where.
  9. Su-11

    Balochistan CM says Federal Govt has proof of Indian meddling.

    I hope the next Indian Govt extends all moral, diplomatic and material help to the poor Balochis being persecuted by the Tyrannical Pak Army. Pak Army which has a history of genocide in Bangladesh, is now under taking the same tactic in Balochistan. It's time the Indian Govt wake up and do a...
  10. Su-11

    How IAF is gonna deal with PLAAF's huge 4.5/5 gen fleet?

    Except for the Russian supplied Su-27SKs Su-30MKKs, there is nothing decent in their inventory. J-11s are known for their shoddy workmanship. A news report came out earlier of their extremely poor manufacturing quality and capability. J-11BS was supposed to address those issues but even that...
  11. Su-11

    Pakistan Deal for Chinese J-10 Fighters Uncertain

    The entire world knew about it several years ago, except PAF fanboys. But even after this some are still in Denial Mode, even Today, desperately hanging on to the last nonexistant straw. Feeling sorry for them...
  12. Su-11

    LCA MK2 a disaster waiting to happen!

    A Better Alternative Before Tejas Mk II is brought in, experts should weigh all the pros and cons By Air Cmde. (retd.) Parvez Khokhar Now that sounds coming from the ministry of defence (MoD) and Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) seem to be suggesting that the Tejas Mk I is just...
  13. Su-11

    Rafale OR fgfa NOT both is the dilemma Facing IAF

    MK1 is indeed not some high tech fighter, but apart from parades it will also be good enough for cheap chinese Junk-10s and Junk Fighter-17s. On topic, Scrap the Rafales and go for FGFA but only if its price is less than 100million per piece. Or else its a waste of money to spend more on that...
  14. Su-11

    Pakistan May Speed AF Procurements Despite Economy

    Link for your claims? mach 2.0..? even the most mad fanboy wont claim that.
  15. Su-11

    Pakistan May Speed AF Procurements Despite Economy

    Oh... Okay then. Think a bit higher than 6000 watts then. Zhuk-MSFE PESA has a peak power of 8000 watts. If we take that as a standard then I guess the BARS variant IAF maybe flying with has a peak of 8000watts and an average of 2000 watts. Yea.. thinking again 2000 watts seems to be a good...
  16. Su-11

    Pakistan May Speed AF Procurements Despite Economy

    6000 watts average power is a bit high.. Even Irbis E on Su-35 has only 5000 watts of average power. Most likely IAF has the 2500-3500 watts average power output BARS radar variant. For 5000 watts you need mroe powerful engines like the Su-35S. MKI doesnt have that. LOL.. what is striking...
  17. Su-11

    Update on super sukhoi programme.

    Even the second version Zhuk-AE of MiG-35 has a range of 160km for 3m2 target or 182km for 5m2(first version with a less bigger dish had a range of 130km for 3m2 target). So you can bet Su-30 with close to double the size of the MiG-35 variant of AE will be significantly higher.
  18. Su-11

    Pakistan May Speed AF Procurements Despite Economy

    Radar ranges are sketchy. Baseline BARS radar.. I repeat.. BASELINE!!! has a range of 140km for 5m2. This radar has an peak power of 4000 to 5000 watts and an Average power output of 1200 watts. The AVERAGE power output that the most advanced variant of BARS can handle is 5000watts. No one...
  19. Su-11

    Pakistan May Speed AF Procurements Despite Economy

    Dont believe some unknown site. here is the official brochure- Grifo Family 80 watts, not 100 watts.
  20. Su-11

    Pakistan May Speed AF Procurements Despite Economy

    @gessler No idea.. But most probably 1000 or 1500 watts, or some number inbetween. Back in 2002 there weren't any MKIs. The only true BVR fighter in the IAF arsenal were the MiG-29s,. The Mirage's "BVR" weapon only had a max range of only about 35kms, and the Bison were still under upgradation...
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