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  1. Alchemy

    Drones 'Terrorizing' Pakistani civilians | Stanford & NYU study finds.

    Instead of cribbing , pakistan should take punitive action against the drones and not let them strike at will , its a question of country's sovereignty at stake wonder why pakistani govt n army is so meek , all they do is issue statements criticizing the strikes
  2. Alchemy

    50 JF-17 from china delivery started

    By then we will have our PAKFA too... bring on your JF-17s :lazy:
  3. Alchemy

    How India can counter Beijing’s territorial ambitions

    "It is, therefore, imperative for India to work with other partners in the East Asia Summit like the US, Russia and Japan to facilitate the emergence of a cohesive ASEAN strategy to counter Chinese territorial ambitions. Under no circumstances should India back off from its commitments made to...
  4. Alchemy

    Pakistan under watch - advanced Indian Sat Eyeballing the country [RISAT 2]

    Radar Imaging Satellites is one area that Pakistan will never ever match or ever come close to India .... Its all one way street with India being able to moniter Pak through space at our convenience !
  5. Alchemy

    Does India need 8,000 Km Range missile?

    India should go ahead with the R&D n keep everything in place except for testing the 8000+ km range ICBM physically . Only when there is sufficient need India can test after taking Europe, US and japan into confidence.
  6. Alchemy

    India's first medal in olympics

    If not for the 7th and 8th shot fetching him below 10 points , Gagan would have easily won silver if not gold .... Nevertheless hats off to Gagan for his perseverance and hard work
  7. Alchemy

    Sale of F-35 to India not on the table right now: US

    Forget about F-35 .... Apache helicopters, M77 Howitzer would be wonderful and useful addition to India !
  8. Alchemy

    Pakistan Vs Spain -Olympic Hockey

    Both India or Pakistan have no chance to win the gold this olympics in hockey , that's the bitter truth ! Its either Australia, Netherlands or Germany !
  9. Alchemy

    Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

    Like how you dealt in 71 ? :D
  10. Alchemy

    India must go for Covert Action in Pakistan: Book

    Are you sure that India is not making any "mistake" in Pak yet??? If you think they are not doing anything yet then hats off for the success of covert operation by India in Pak !!! I think its time for you to get back what you have given
  11. Alchemy

    Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

    Did Pak intend to capture Kargil peaks for time pass n return it back to India later ? If the answer is that you wanted kargil for yourself then your leadership failed miserably , Kargil is still with India... now dont give excuses why you couldnt retain it !!!!:blah:
  12. Alchemy

    Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

    Dont beat around the bush ... in plain words just accept that Pakistan couldnt gain an inch of land in Kashmir at the end of the war . PS: Now start your 1000 excuses why you couldnt achieve that or achieve this like in case after loosing all wars !!!:lol::blah::rofl::yahoo:
  13. Alchemy

    Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

    Get real mate , Pak has been trying to occupy Kashmir through force and failing miserably on each occasion ... what makes you think it will be any different in the future ? Last time you tried Your PM Nawaz ran to US scurrying for help, next time it will be Raja Pervez scurrying .... That could...
  14. Alchemy

    Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

    Good that you finally realized the truth that no one can change it .... Status quo suits us fine dude , since the last time i checked Kargil is under Indian control :azn:
  15. Alchemy

    Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

    you are an internet warrior too my friend, else what would you be doing on Internet forum BTW , Laugh is what India did when we drove back the kargil intruders and saw Your leader running to Washington to ask for help :whistle:
  16. Alchemy

    Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

    Bottom line : Pakistan failed to achieve what it intended to achieve(Capture Kargil etc force International sponsored ceasefire n slice kashmir , India successfully achieved what it intended to achieve (Retain and push back pak intruders thru sheer force and diplomacy ) Any number of excuses...
  17. Alchemy

    Hang me if I am guilty, Narendra Modi tells Urdu weekly

    What you said may be true about most politicians , Modi is an exception to that rule , that's why most forward looking Indians want India to be under Modi's Rule !!!
  18. Alchemy

    Newspaper claims 'Pakistan must learn democracy from India'

    I completely agree with this post !
  19. Alchemy

    Fight against terrorism is 4th World War: Pranab

    Hypocrite Pranab was part of the same govt which gave us the shame of some of the biggest scams in history .... :angry:
  20. Alchemy

    What to discuss and what not to....

    I also think it would be better to not display country flag and names(instead have codes) ... since its most of the trolling happens due to excessive nationalism and due to religious undertones ..my two cents
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