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  1. N

    Most Afghans want US troops

    The fact of the matter is that Afghanistan is being invaded and Pakistan is helping with that invasion. There are two possibilities for the aftermath of this invasion. One, Afghanistan will be subjugated to the demands of these invaders and their servants, and its people will be left in poverty...
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    Pakistan telco awards $134mln satellite contract to NewSat

    Looks like change is coming in the region. Over the next decades rapid growth and change will be seen in the region hopefully if we focus on education and entrepreneurship rather than fundamentalism and backwardness.
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    Why doubt that Pakistan is the Leader of the Muslim World?

    Yea, I was also wondering too why do we so much like to put each other down when we are nothing ourselves. I think it has to do with our past, how we have inherited this great tradition of Islam and yet we are all behind from other people whom we once ruled over. It also has to do with our...
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    Why doubt that Pakistan is the Leader of the Muslim World?

    Thanks for your remark. I also like Bangladeshi people. They're smart but not cocky like Pakis and Indians.
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    Why doubt that Pakistan is the Leader of the Muslim World?

    Ok if Pakistan can survive then why is it still begging USA for aid. Remember how your top general went to America to "restore" relations when Clinton announced that they will cut down their aid to Pakistan. To lead you need to have self sufficiency first and then you need to be independent...
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    Why doubt that Pakistan is the Leader of the Muslim World?

    Yes laugh like an idiot. You don't know sh!t.
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    Why doubt that Pakistan is the Leader of the Muslim World?

    We are not the ones claiming to be a leader of anyone let alone the whole Muslim nations. We fought and brought down a superpower, while you are still cleaning the shoes of another superpower to survive. Don't compare Afghanistan's current state to Pakistan. Back in the days your country was...
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    Turkey navy to escort aid ships to Palestinians in Gaza

    I'm talking about the Jewish land. They are the ones that threaten and even have attacked Muslim countries. I just don't see any future for them if they keep going the way they are. I agree with u other points.
  9. N

    Iran Woman Soldier 1979 and Today

    I was joking. Yes it's true beauty is in every race/color. But the thing that gets noticed very quickly are cute and good looking girls. I wonder if that is the reason Iranians are so strict. Their men would go crazy and forget their revolution if they were liberal like America.
  10. N

    Turkey navy to escort aid ships to Palestinians in Gaza

    I guess time will tell who the real victorious are. You can bi**h all you want now, because you have some advanced technology or backing of a superCoward. You still have some years to talk ****, but soon you will be crushed and erased from the pages of history. Then we'll see who will do the...
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    Turkey navy to escort aid ships to Palestinians in Gaza

    A can of worms and a worm of Cans. They Can do a lot of things to each other, which they both want to avoid.... and I am sure Israel will no longer be the power it is now if a war does break out. It will turn into a 3rd world country.. hehe :)
  12. N

    Your favorite Muslim leader(s)

    I was thinking of current leaders when I read the title. But now I see that we are still so much stuck in the past since all those mentioned are all gone many many years ago. Who should be leading us now. Past is gone. Now is important. So who is the current leader??? My answer is no one. We all...
  13. N

    Why doubt that Pakistan is the Leader of the Muslim World?

    Yea right. A country that will collapse in itself if its life support is removed from USA can lead the Muslim world. I like that. All those things you said about your country is a myth. All a bunch of lies to keep you happy.
  14. N

    Turkey navy to escort aid ships to Palestinians in Gaza

    I just explained to you how it will look like if a war happened. But I know none of these countries are idiots to go to war. Also these forum members are a bit too enthusiastic about war and say things which are far from reality. So don't blame me. I only reject your view that Israel is like a...
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    Iran Woman Soldier 1979 and Today

    You people are making too many conclusions based on just a picture. The one at the bottom is part of a ceremony, probably overlooked by their religious leaders and people on television. So they have to look ultra religious. And the one on top is an American enforced clothing. I would prefer the...
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    Iran Woman Soldier 1979 and Today

    You are a typical South Asian. I bet you can't stop staring that that picture or the girls at school. The moment you see a lighter skinned girl your jaws drop. It is part of your culture. I know ;)
  17. N

    Turkey navy to escort aid ships to Palestinians in Gaza

    If Israel is smart it will keep turkey as an ally and even be its subordinate in certain matters. Military might and power is not enough to defeat an enemy. Nuclear war is out of the question. Did you forget Vietnam already? How was America at the peak of its power defeated by a small country...
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    Turkey navy to escort aid ships to Palestinians in Gaza

    SAudi is not the only country with resources. All of EUropes gas routes pass from waters not far from turkey. Besides a country like turkey has advanced technology also. It can defend itself and if need be, strike the enemy. Besides Israel has so many enemies and it is so small. Who is it going...
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    Turkey navy to escort aid ships to Palestinians in Gaza

    Afraid that they will lose the leadership of the world. The region will become more chaotic and who knows what will happen. Things will be come unpredictable and they won't like it. Think about the oil and gas pipelines. How will EURO get their energy if their supply routes are cut. Simply the...
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    Turkey navy to escort aid ships to Palestinians in Gaza

    you idiot turkish soldiers are also in afg as part of ISAF. afg is different. An all out war is different.
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