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  1. N

    Pakistan's Political Will "wavering" In Pakistan

    Navras Jaat Aafreedi has a fake doctoral degree from Lucknow University. That means as expected the thesis did not go to genuine scholars. These days the Mossad is busy making people world wide as descendents of the Jews. If you check even the Irish and British are being made into Jews...
  2. N

    Hitler was right...

    I again mention our Prophet (Pbuh) taught us to look for the truth and not get seduced by money and goodies. Now change this-http://www.spiritus-temporis.com/aryan-race/origin-of-the-concept.html The origin and history of the Aryans is from my region in the Indian subcontinent.
  3. N

    Hitler was right...

    We only go by known history and not fabrication. Many German spies were sent to recruit men from Northwestern Indian subcontinent. Go check the records. Again change (see origin of the word Aryan for the Race) this: Aryan race - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Islam looks for the truth. A...
  4. N

    Hitler was right...

    Yes the Jews are nice people but insecure, thus they do not like the word Aryan and Swastika. they will do their best to remove this from our area and send this over to Tibet and Turkmenistan (Turks are not Aryans). Can the Jews achieve this I doubt it. The first genuine mention of this great...
  5. N

    Hitler was right...

    Change this if you can. This is wriiten in 500th Century BC. By: M. Sâdeq Nazmi-Afshâr I am Darius, the great king, the king of kings The king of many countries and many peoples The king of this expansive land, The son of Wishtaspa of Achaemenid, Persian, the son of a Persian...
  6. N

    Hitler was right...

    All know that the Tibetans a fine race are Mongols. In fact many of them came from Mongolia. The breeding farm (most of us marry our cousins) concept is not only a Nazi one but many tribes even up to recent times had breeding farms surely in the Indian subcontinent, example Bishnois. This is an...
  7. N

    Hitler was right...

    In reality the Nazis had sent spies in many parts of the Indian subcontinent in order to recruit Aryan men for breeding farms in Germany. Now a fake history movie has been made to cover up the reality and create a confusion by mentioning that the Nazis sent spies to Tibet. The Nazis had mainly...
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    Hitler was right...

    . In Ladakh there is a tribe of pure Aryans the Dropkas. Tibet people are Mongols.
  9. N

    Hitler was right...

    Just be honest. A large amount of people in our subcontinent are Aryans and this is not only true for Kashmiris. This word has nothing to do with Greeks or Macedonians and is from Rigveda (about 2000 B..C). Now some people are trying to make all important people to belong to the Semitic...
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