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Hitler was right...

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The Nazis didn't do anything in the Indian subcontinent!

It was ruled by the British, or allied that way so the Nazis couldn't do anything there even if they wanted!

The Nazis sent many expeditions to Western China, not because they expected to find Aryans there, but because they believed Western China (then Tibet), could be an ally of theirs when they achieved world domination. They could justify this to the Germans by saying the Tibetans were their allies because they are descended from a pre mongoloian stock of Aryan people. In actual fact, the Nazis were right on this, as recent discoveries have shown.

But they did this so they could have allies in the Far East. They chose Iran as their Middle Eastern ally, and this too was made justifiable by convincing them of an Aryan connection when in fact no such connection existed.

The Nazis didn't step foot in British India though. There was a very solid policy of keeping track of foreign spies in British India.

You appear to be trying to tie the marrying cousins thing to the Nazis :D

Tell me you're jokiing, right? The concept of marrying cousins, not only occurred in the subcontinent, but also Arabia, Africa, even Europe it was occuring, didn't matter whether they were Aryan or not. To suggest the concept of marrying cousins to form breeding farms is a Nazi concept is ridiculous.

That Himmler carried around the Gita is speculation. Though it might be true - he wasn't particularly bright, and his silly theories have been taking up by modern day neo nazis who really are a bit thick when it comes to this Aryan stuff.

Change this if you can. This is wriiten in 500th Century BC.
By: M. Sâdeq Nazmi-Afshâr

I am Darius, the great king, the king of kings
The king of many countries and many peoples
The king of this expansive land,

The son of Wishtaspa of Achaemenid,

Persian, the son of a Persian,

'Aryan', from the Aryan Race

"From the Darius the Great's Inscription in Naqshe-e-Rostam"
Change this if you can. This is wriiten in 500th Century BC.
By: M. Sâdeq Nazmi-Afshâr

I am Darius, the great king, the king of kings
The king of many countries and many peoples
The king of this expansive land,

The son of Wishtaspa of Achaemenid,

Persian, the son of a Persian,

'Aryan', from the Aryan Race

"From the Darius the Great's Inscription in Naqshe-e-Rostam"

The mention of Aryan from Daruis is completly different from Aryan from Hitlar.

First all the Aryan that Daruis is mentioning orginated 5000 years ago, now know as Turkmenistan, and they started to migrate eastward as the river beds started to dry up. Infact they went as far as towards the ganges.

The Hitler Aryan belief was based on Darwinsism, were one type of particular race (Blue eyes and blond hair) were superior form of Race.
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I guess anyone with absolute power will show you how imposing they can be, be it Hitler or any other state. I have met jewish people who I think are completely normal and active members of the society and I have seen Muslims and Hindu's who are absolute best friends inseprable.

Nobody is all bad or all good Hitler and no other leader in this world has the right to decide so judgement is best left to god and not human beings.
Change this if you can. This is wriiten in 500th Century BC.
By: M. Sâdeq Nazmi-Afshâr

I am Darius, the great king, the king of kings
The king of many countries and many peoples
The king of this expansive land,

The son of Wishtaspa of Achaemenid,

Persian, the son of a Persian,

'Aryan', from the Aryan Race

"From the Darius the Great's Inscription in Naqshe-e-Rostam"

Lol. Yes, I've seen this inscription many a time before.

And I wonder why you're quoting it!

But anyway, that does not prove anything. Darius was a follower of the Zoroastrian religion (presumably). Here is what happened. Zoroaster decided to move to Iran, and with him he took the Avesta which mentioned all this Aryan stuff.

The Persians then adopted Zoroaster's text and indeed Darius might well have called himself Aryan. But since Aryan by my definition is linked to central asia (as the Third Reich's expeditions thought), there has to be a link to central asia. Most Persians do not have this link. They are Turkic people on the whole.

Genetics has more or less proven that Persians and Turks share a common lineage.
The mention of Aryan from Daruis is completly different from Aryan from Hitlar.

First all the Aryan that Daruis is mentioning orginated 5000 years ago, now know as Turkmenistan, and they started to migrate eastward as the river beds started to dry up. Infact they went as far as towards the ganges.

The Hitler Aryan belief was based on Darwinsism, were one type of particular race (Blue eyes and blond hair) were superior form of Race.

LOL. Aryans didn't go to the Ganges.
LOL. Aryans didn't go to the Ganges.

Yes the Jews are nice people but insecure, thus they do not like the word Aryan and Swastika. they will do their best to remove this from our area and send this over to Tibet and Turkmenistan (Turks are not Aryans). Can the Jews achieve this I doubt it. The first genuine mention of this great race (Aryans) is from our area (North-Western region of the Indian subcontinent, the Rigveda and the ancient Persian texts AVESTA: Vendidad). No follower of the Prophet (pbuh) will respect Hitler but history can not be changed to please the Jews. We Muslims of Pakistan are not responsible for the Holocaust. The Jews should now work on uprooting the Nazis still in Germany. Also history can not be changed by pushing fake data.
Yes the Jews are nice people but insecure, thus they do not like the word Aryan and Swastika. they will do their best to remove this from our area and send this over to Tibet and Turkmenistan (Turks are not Aryans). Can the Jews achieve this I doubt it. The first genuine mention of this great race (Aryans) is from our area (North-Western region of the Indian subcontinent, the Rigveda and the ancient Persian texts AVESTA: Vendidad). No follower of the Prophet (pbuh) will respect Hitler but history can not be changed to please the Jews. We Muslims of Pakistan are not responsible for the Holocaust. The Jews should now work on uprooting the Nazis still in Germany. Also history can not be changed by pushing fake data.

You're digressing and missing the point. The Third Reich were the ones who suggested Western China as the home of primitive Aryan man. There was nothing faked about that. Do the searches yourself for Third Reich and expeditions to Tibet western China. Subsequently, they've been proven to have been correct in some degrees. Others they were way off.
You're digressing and missing the point. The Third Reich were the ones who suggested Western China as the home of primitive Aryan man. There was nothing faked about that. Do the searches yourself for Third Reich and expeditions to Tibet western China. Subsequently, they've been proven to have been correct in some degrees. Others they were way off.

We only go by known history and not fabrication. Many German spies were sent to recruit men from Northwestern Indian subcontinent. Go check the records. Again change (see origin of the word Aryan for the Race) this: Aryan race - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Islam looks for the truth. A true Muslim finds the truth.
We only go by known history and not fabrication. Many German spies were sent to recruit men from Northwestern Indian subcontinent. Go check the records. Again change (see origin of the word Aryan for the Race) this: Aryan race - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Islam looks for the truth. A true Muslim finds the truth.

I can see where you get your ideas from. Wikipedia. No wonder they are what they are :rolleyes:
I can see where you get your ideas from. Wikipedia. No wonder they are what they are :rolleyes:

I again mention our Prophet (Pbuh) taught us to look for the truth and not get seduced by money and goodies. Now change this-http://www.spiritus-temporis.com/aryan-race/origin-of-the-concept.html

The origin and history of the Aryans is from my region in the Indian subcontinent.
Idiot thread. An insult to the intelligence of forum members.:wave::wave:
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You guys got big problems. I'll respond on this topic fully but in an unconventional way. Start out and humor me by answering this question: Do you believe that the U.S. and British armed forces intervened in the 1967 Arab-Israeli War and thus they were responsible for the Arabs' defeat?
I again mention our Prophet (Pbuh) taught us to look for the truth and not get seduced by money and goodies. Now change this-http://www.spiritus-temporis.com/aryan-race/origin-of-the-concept.html

The origin and history of the Aryans is from my region in the Indian subcontinent.

The trouble is you think things refer to YOU, when they don't.

I can guarantee that you, as an individual are not "Aryan".

When it says India in ancient times it can mean any of several countries of today's world. The term "India" is non specific.

I'll agree that the word "Aryan" arose somewhere in central asia. By default people find it easier to call this ancient "India", since it encompasses many areas.

What that site says is a combination of fact and fiction. Example, modern Iranians consider themselves to be "Aryan". True, but that doesn't mean they are. Example also, it says a majority of South Asians are considered to be Aryan. Not true. A majority of South Asians speak an Indo-European language, but they are not considered to be Aryan. A majority of Negoridal Guyanese speak French but they're not considered Franco, for example.
You guys got big problems. I'll respond on this topic fully but in an unconventional way. Start out and humor me by answering this question: Do you believe that the U.S. and British armed forces intervened in the 1967 Arab-Israeli War and thus they were responsible for the Arabs' defeat?

US and British were not near as involved on the side of Isreal as the USSR was on the side of the Arabs,,, but really I think this theory pretty well explains the problem when it comes to arabs in a war..

Why Arabs Can't Fight - The Arab Culture Theory
News/Current Events
Source: Why Arabs Can't Fight - The Arab Culture Theory
Published: May 15-16 1998 Author: Kenneth M. Pollack
Posted on 12/12/01 5:19 PM Pacific by Obey The D
Why Arabs Can't Fight - The Arab Culture Theory

The Arab Culture Theory asserts that the poor performance of Arab armies in battle is caused by culturally-regular behavior and patterns of thought among Arab military personnel, particularly junior officers. It focuses on a number of particular traits which sociologists, anthropologists, and political psychologists of the Middle East agree are salient elements of the dominant Arab culture.
Arab culture tends to promote conformity with group norms over innovation and independent thinking.

Arab culture tends to promote a rather severe deference to authority which discourages initiative among subordinates.

Arab culture tends to promote the avoidance of shame at all costs which discourages an individual from accepting responsibility and encourages the manipulation of information to conceal shameful acts.

Arab culture tends to promote a fierce loyalty to the group which encourages individuals to shield friends and relatives from from shame and reinforces the emphasis on conformity.

Arab culture tends to consider manual labor to be shameful, and considers technical and scientific work as a form of manual labor.

The theory predicts that these patterns of culturally-regular behavior will produce identical patterns of behavior on the battlefield which are crippling to Arab armies and air forces. These patterns of military ineffectiveness can be boiled down to four pervasive problems:

Arab militaries suffer from severe problems with tactical leadership. Arab junior officers demonstrate little initiative, creativity, flexibility, or capacity for independent action in combat. These leave Arab ground and air forces incapable of fighting maneuver battles or improvising ad hoc operations in the heat of battle.

Arab militaries are frequently paralyzed by poor information flows. Arab junior officers and enlisted personnel regularly dissemble, exaggerate, obfuscate, and lie to conceal mistakes and unpleasant news, no matter how large or small.

Arab military personnel have extremely limited technical skills. As a result, Arab armed forces rarely are able to take full advantage of their weapons and equipment.

Arab militaries have difficulty maintaining their equipment because Arab technicians do not understand how to properly care for sophisticated machinery and most Arab military operators do not understand the need for constant preventive maintenance.
Hitler was just a human - and thus sometimes he was right and sometimes he was wrong.

He was trained and put in power by Baron Rothschild and other British and American crook elites to keep a check on Stalin. Though Hitler had Jewish blood (his father carried his Jewish name till he was 40-year-old), had Jewish women his girlfriends - but then he made his big political mistake - he refused to promise a Jewish homeland in Palestine. So the Jewish Lobby declared war against Germany.
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