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  1. qsaark

    Terrorist attack on Ahmadi mosques in Lahore

    I know the meanings of the word 'Masjid'; by the way, before the Muslims who used this word for their place(s) of worship? I would suggest the same for you. My reply was in protest to the unilateral decision of changing the title not about the incident itself. Where in my reply I am supporting...
  2. qsaark

    Terrorist attack on Ahmadi mosques in Lahore

    . MashaAllah, Bravo. You are the man; you earned the respect of Allah’s and his Rasool’s (PBUH). Always say the truth, and never be afraid of saying the truth, no matter who is in front of you. Even if you get banned on this forum, this is no loss as compared to the loss of your Akhirah, when...
  3. qsaark

    Terrorist attack on Ahmadi mosques in Lahore

    You are plain wrong, Ahmedi are not Muslim hence their place of worship cant not be called a Mosque. You can do whatever you want and get away with it because you are a SuperMod, but your SiperModship does not make your wrong a right. Allah, Quran, Rasool and Sharia are superior, not your...
  4. qsaark

    NYC bus ads asking 'Leaving Islam?' cause a stir

    A person who was born to Muslim parents and than left Islam is also considered an apostasy (murtid) and his punishment according to the scholars is what is for a 'murtid'. But again, there is no specific mention of the punishment in Quran or Hadith. There are warnings of course, but no...
  5. qsaark

    NYC bus ads asking 'Leaving Islam?' cause a stir

    I wrote "Islamic scholars argue. ...", whereas I could have also written "Islam says. ..." or "Sharia laws says. ....". The word 'argue' itself is an indicative of the issue of "'murtid and its punishment" debatable. It was written in pretty simple English and you should had no problem...
  6. qsaark

    NYC bus ads asking 'Leaving Islam?' cause a stir

    In a way its good; Islam really needs to get rid of those who are following it for the namesake. There are many who are called Muslims or viewed as Muslims by others only because they were born to Muslim parents; such folks have no respect for Islam nor do they follow it. Ideally, this add...
  7. qsaark

    Ban forces firms to suspend business

    O Allah key bandey, we all know this; there is an entire thread on his support where these links are provided. I already told you, stick to the topic and do not bring irrelevant stuff into it. You are a new member, try to go through the rules of the forum and adhere to them.
  8. qsaark

    Ban forces firms to suspend business

    The popular demand was to compel the cartoonist take her invitation back and remove her page. It was up to the government which route to take to make that happen and it resorted to ban the website after all other persuasive measures failed to yield.
  9. qsaark

    Ban hypocrisy instead

    Your question is directed towards a wrong person. He is an Indian not an Australian.
  10. qsaark

    Ban forces firms to suspend business

    Where did you get these numbers from? Prove that only 0.01% demanded the ban. At any rate, the ban did its job; the cartoonist had to take back her invitation and the very page was removed. Since the objective is achieved, the ban should be lifted now.
  11. qsaark

    Ban forces firms to suspend business

    First of all, drawing or painting Muhammed (PBUH) or any Prophet for that matter is no crime though it is not allowed in Islam. Since the Islamic sharia laws are not applicable on the non-Muslims, we can not stop people to make those figures. However, making Muhammed's cartoons and showing him...
  12. qsaark

    Ban forces firms to suspend business

    Please stick to the topic. This thread is not about Musharraf or his growing or dwindling popularity, there are many other threads where this kind of fanboy stuff is being posted. This thread is about the implications of the ban on the facebook business so please make your contributions accordingly.
  13. qsaark

    Ban forces firms to suspend business

    What? was that not about an alleged cartoon competition? From where this Musharraf popped up in the whole thing? Musharraf has done enough himself that would always chase him like a ghost for the rest of his pathetic existence, no one needs to ban the facebook to curtail his 'growing popularity'.
  14. qsaark

    When Islamic atheism thrived

    Because certain 'Scholars' are trying to find justifications for their 'confusion'. They do not want to follow Islam while at the same time they do not find courage to sack it altogether. So lets invent this 'Islamic atheism', where one can be a Muslim for namesake while at the same time he/she...
  15. qsaark

    When Islamic atheism thrived

    If you ask me, there is nothing wrong to be an atheist. This is one's own choice and I for one have no interest in changing one's opinion. My problem starts when certain people try to justify their beliefs (or no beliefs) while declaring others lairs. I am not proselytizing, than leave me and my...
  16. qsaark

    When Islamic atheism thrived

    So all that what you have posted above is the Greek literature and references quoted in Quran? I guess I did not ask you to present me with the list of contradictions in Quran (as per your limited knowledge of it in the total absence of the understanding of Arabic) but the plagiarized Greek...
  17. qsaark

    When Islamic atheism thrived

    So what that suggests? That there are humans and lots of human who would do whatever they like in the absence of law and order and they would do it not because they don't recognize good or bad, but because they do not value that recognition. Smoking is harmful to health, this is a common...
  18. qsaark

    When Islamic atheism thrived

    He is misleading public by using the notion "synthetic life". However, during his conference he has also used the notion "synthetic chromosome" which is correct and that is exactly what he and his team has done. If you listen to his conference carefully, he is not telling any thing different...
  19. qsaark

    When Islamic atheism thrived

    If it is said, it is condemnable. You have the right to report.
  20. qsaark

    When Islamic atheism thrived

    This is an open forum hence anybody is entitled to click anywhere. If you have a privilege to post, others have as much privilege to argue if they find something arguable with your post. I think this is a fair game and totally acceptable in a free, liberal and democratic environment, something...
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