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Ban hypocrisy instead

url=http://thenews.com.pk/daily_detail.asp?id=240839]Ban hypocrisy instead[/url]

Ban hypocrisy instead

Sunday, May 23, 2010
Sehar Tariq

As a child I was told that God created human beings to be Ashraf-ul-Makhlooqat–the greatest and best of all of God's creations. And we were given this honour because, unlike in the case of other creatures, God gave us free will–the ability to choose between actions. He then gave us intellect and commanded us to acquire knowledge so that we could use the two in our exercising that free will.

As a Muslim, I hang my head in shame as we take to the streets to protest the inconsequential actions of a few. With intolerance, like injustice, already rampant in our society–and these are two of the things least liked by God and his Prophet (PBUH) – we are unworthy of the title of Ashraf-ul-Makhlooqat. Now we have brought shame upon our nation and our religion through our irrational actions that defy but the gift of intellect and intelligence bestowed upon us by the Creator, as well as His commandments.

The protests across Pakistan demanding the ban on the social networking site Facebook defied reason and logic. It is true that the website contained material that was blasphemous and hurt the sentiments of many Muslims. Muslims across the world have the right to be upset by this and to protest against it. But asking for a ban is an action that not only defies logic but defeats the purpose.

Banning Facebook in Pakistan did little but make us a laughingstock in the world. A more effective way of protest would have been to use the same platform to counteract the offenders who started the mischief. And this effective action has been taken by thousands of Facebook users, who started protest groups and campaigns that were gaining visibility and registering the Muslim protest in a more meaningful way. Instead, we in Pakistan chose to impose a ban and then congratulate ourselves about it, as if we had accomplished some great feat.

Let's analyse what we accomplished. We received bad press from around the world. We helped the rest of the world reconfirm their misguided belief that Muslims are reactionary and incapable of rational thought. We played right into the hands of those who wanted to provoke Muslims. We brought internet connectivity in our country to a near-halt, thereby hurting our own economy and hundreds of small-business owners who rely on Facebook and other social networking sites for their livelihood.

Oh, and did I mention we did not stop the blasphemy either?

Banning the website in Pakistan didn't make the page go away from Facebook, although we did congratulate ourselves as if we had managed to put an end to it.

But this is not what hurt me most. What hurt most was that while our people and the media were out protesting against a website, we as a nation continued our endless descent into chaos. And as we continued to plummet from rock bottom to whatever is even lower than that, we chanted hollow slogans in the name of religion but paid no heed to its spirit or injunctions that could have been our salvation in these times of great despair.
Our political leaders claimed that they were willing to lay down their lives for the Prophet (PBUH). I found it ironic that they issued such statements when they paid no heed to--in fact, showed great disregard for--all of the Prophet's (PBUH) teachings and the commandments of God.

We continue to lie, cheat and steal. Bribery and corruption are rampant across the country, yet these don't seem to cause even a facial muscle to twitch in the political leadership. Last I checked, these were also considered sins in Islam. There is violence and oppression against the innocent. Last I checked, these were banned in Islam.

I remember the chilling story of the massacre at Gojra, when innocent Christians--men women and children--were brutally slain in the name of religion. There wasn't a peep from these defenders of the faith who now protest so loudly. Last I checked, the Prohpet (PBUH) through both his actions and words had forbidden any harm to come to those who are innocent, regardless of their religion. And while the champions of Islam protested against Facebook, policeman near Wah illegally held a young girl child for 21 days and brutally raped her. Who stood up to protest the atrocity against this innocent child?

The Prophet (PBUH) merely turned away from those who not just criticised him but protested violently against him. He chose to reason, persuade and convince, rather than to incite violence his opponents. After the conquest of Mecca, he pardoned even those who had plotted against his life. Such was his attitude of mercy, peace, justice and reason.

On the contrary, great was his intolerance for injustice and oppression of the weak. It's a pity that those who claim to defend the honour of our Holy Prophet (PBUH) have learnt so little from his example. With their hollow words, they incite violence among misguided and unemployed youths of the country. They disregard the spirit of our religion and its teaching. They lobby for political gain under the guise of Islam.

They seek to gain popularity by using the name of religion, although they do so little to act upon what religion commands. They choose the injunctions of God that suit their political motives, disregarding the others. To me this reeks of hypocrisy. And last I checked, hypocrisy was also a sin in Islam. So could we try and ban hypocrisy instead of Facebook? That might be better for our country and really please God.

The writer is a student of Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University, working for a master's degree in public policy. Email: tell.sehar@gmail .com and www.sehartariq.wordpress .com
Our political leaders claimed that they were willing to lay down their lives for the Prophet (PBUH). I found it ironic that they issued such statements when they paid no heed to--in fact, showed great disregard for--all of the Prophet's (PBUH) teachings and the commandments of God.

Look at any religion and there are always so many that would rather tell others how to live a righteous life than to live one themselves.

Though if the politicians are so eager they could always take up a rifle and join the brave troops actually fighting for pakistan.
Look at any religion and there are always so many that would rather tell others how to live a righteous life than to live one themselves.

Though if the politicians are so eager they could always take up a rifle and join the brave troops actually fighting for pakistan.

And what is the right nation, without correct leadership? Please don't convey your naive Helen Clark leadership into foreign governance systems. Afterall, isn't she a hypocrite herself? Promoting peace missions abroad while selling all the nation's fighters, and using funds to fuel useless internal affairs. Before I finish, let me congratulate you on your new, more "successful" John Keys, I see NZ is finally put on the right track.
中华人民共和国;877321 said:
And what is the right nation, without correct leadership? Please don't convey your naive Helen Clark leadership into foreign governance systems. Afterall, isn't she a hypocrite herself? Promoting peace missions abroad while selling all the nation's fighters, and using funds to fuel useless internal affairs. Before I finish, let me congratulate you on your new, more "successful" John Keys, I see NZ is finally put on the right track.
Your question is directed towards a wrong person. He is an Indian not an Australian.
That is a NZ flag not australia and his knowledge of NZ politics is accurate though i am not in agreement with him and no Qsaak i am not Indian. I say that for the reasons of accuracy rather than any feelings towards India.

Actually i would have though buying fighters while promoting peace would have been hypocritical. John yes is a wonderfull pollitician ( which is as far from a compliment as i can get ) he cares for John and John alone and would probably sell his grandmother is he could see a few votes in it. Btw congratulations on your knowledge of a rarther small and insignificant countries politics.

In reply though 中华人民共和国 one does not have to be bitten by a snake to recognise one, you can live in one country and still see hypocricy in the politicians in another, for that matter in most politicians.
we are happy with a ban, when you slap someone, he reacts!!!! so did we... thank you!!!!
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