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  1. Immanuel

    PAF & the ramifications of Rafale's sale to India

    We have 45 Mig-29K, which will be split between the INS Vikramaditya and INS Vikrant, IN doesn't need more aircraft as far as these 2 carriers are concerned. INS Vishal is over 10-12 years away. N-AMCA should be ready for testing around 2026, so the INS Vishal will have N-AMCA and LCA MK-2...
  2. Immanuel

    PAF & the ramifications of Rafale's sale to India

    Won't happen, the Mig-29K will remain a strictly Naval aircraft. As for Indian Rafales on US carriers won't happen because we are not even sure the Rafale will be acquired in those timelines where Naval AMCA, F-35C and Naval FGFA are available. You're hoping for interoperability but that will...
  3. Immanuel

    PAF & the ramifications of Rafale's sale to India

    You forget the INS Vishal won't be ready till atleast 2028, in those timelines, the Rafale for the Navy makes no sense. The Navy will end up either buying Naval AMCA or F-35C considering the next carrier is being built with US, expect US to hardsell the F-35. As for 189 Rafales, thats...
  4. Immanuel

    PAF & the ramifications of Rafale's sale to India

    Well if the INS Vishal is indeed made with the help of US technology, the chances are the F-35C will be on it instead of the Rafale, again the timelines are not condusive for a 4.5 gen aircraft to be picked when 5th gen aircraft are available readily around 2027. As for shifting Mig-29K to the...
  5. Immanuel

    PAF & the ramifications of Rafale's sale to India

    For the immediate term, if the Rafale deal goes through as Parikrama mentioned in his post, 36 will be direct buy, 90 under MII. I however, do not see the Indian Navy acquiring the Rafale, quite simply because the INS Vishal won't be ready for sea trials atleast for another 10 years and to...
  6. Immanuel

    F-35's International Debut Will Be in the Netherlands

    Indeed, cameras at the ready, ear plugs!!! No way! http://www.belgianairforcedays.be/en/participants-category/aircraft-display?page=2 Belgian AF days will have EF Typhoon, Rafale, Gripen, Mig-29s, F-18s etc in the flying display, interesting opportuntity to see the Euro canards.
  7. Immanuel

    Pakistan opposes new permanent members to UNSC

    Won't happen simply because we can't rely on anybody else controlling our assured fresh water supply. With nearly 1.4 billion people, majority of the Himalayas are a biosphere/ grand eco system we will always have in our control, giving this up is riciculous. Chasing permanant UN membership is...
  8. Immanuel

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions [Thread 2]

    Random's info is too random, bordering on fantasy. Rafale deal for 36 first has to be cleared for IAF, which on itself is highly doubtful, let's not even bring the Navy into, they have no need for Rafale as they have no carriers, they have enough (45) Mig-29K to share on the INS Vikramditya and...
  9. Immanuel

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions [Thread 2]

    Is there some valid source for your hot air claim?
  10. Immanuel

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions [Thread 2]

    Australia – F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and EA-18G Growler Aircraft | The Official Home of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency The Aussies got the SH for around 4 billion including service, spares and weapons, thats around 165 million per bird while the Rafale's figures quoted by the French are...
  11. Immanuel

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions [Thread 2]

    SH ony any given day is 20% cheaper in acqusition costs and around 30% cheaper in operational costs than the Rafale. Rafale deal is hanging by the thread, if the price and liability stuff isn't solved, the deal will collapse. More MKI will be ordered and Mig-35 and SH have the highest chance...
  12. Immanuel

    Pakistan's Service Rifle (G-3, Type-56) Replacement Competition 2016.

    Well then the AK-103 will win, quite simply because it will mostly clear trials and will be among the lowest bidders. Boy you have issues reading, I never said Pak can't try SCAR. I also never said, you can't afford it, I am only saying it's quite expensive. Learn to read and stop talking...
  13. Immanuel

    Pakistan's Service Rifle (G-3, Type-56) Replacement Competition 2016.

    Because I know so, I live in Belgium and have very close contacts at FN. The average cost of this civilian spec rifle in the US is well over $3000. Mil spec versions cost more, for them to offer the Rifle in various configurations as you mention requires them to harmonize licencing fees and...
  14. Immanuel

    Pakistan's Service Rifle (G-3, Type-56) Replacement Competition 2016.

    Trials are one thing, I never said SCAR wasn't under trials. However, if others including Turkish rifles clear trials then in all in cases the lowest bidder wins, so SCAR won't make it into service unless its the only contender that will clear trials, very unlikely. Regardless of local...
  15. Immanuel

    Pakistan Air Force will have to operate from Afghanistan to escape S-400: Senior Indian MoD official

    As if you're the only one with these, wre are making 5000 Pinaka rockets per year, and existing sotcks are more than enough to saturate any credible offensive capability that Pak can muster. Let's not count Pinaka Mk-2 and Smerch, these things would be overkill. The detetion ranges of the...
  16. Immanuel


    The CZ failed trials in India, makes no sense for Pak to get it
  17. Immanuel

    Pakistan Air Force will have to operate from Afghanistan to escape S-400: Senior Indian MoD official

    The S-400 deal being negotiated will be for atleast 12 full scale regiments 5 bought directly from Russia and 7 or more made in India, thats over 2000 missiles in ready to fire with reloads going upto 4000+ missiles. Combine that with MR-SAM, Spyder-SAM, Akash etc. Any PAF misadventure would...
  18. Immanuel

    Pakistan's Service Rifle (G-3, Type-56) Replacement Competition 2016.

    Trillions wasted on INSAS? Hahah, hardly a few hundred crores if at all. I never said Pak tested Rafale or EF. Looking at your posts, its clear reading and writing are a problem for you.
  19. Immanuel

    Pakistan Air Force will have to operate from Afghanistan to escape S-400: Senior Indian MoD official

    :cheesy: cheesiest shit I have ever heard, too much hash in your pipe amigo. Muslims in your own country are tearing each other apart. Good luck
  20. Immanuel

    Pakistan's Service Rifle (G-3, Type-56) Replacement Competition 2016.

    Hmm, why not the HK then? since HK already has a history of licenced manufacture in Pak. HK 416/417 are formidable rifles, expensive yet great.
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