Trade between the two countries will come to the naught pretty soon.
It must have come to you as a great relief that your cousin might not be travelling to India in future.
Three questions :
Why should Americans fear another term of Trump ! Has he changed or Americans have suddenly become wiser ?
Why Democrat socialist, who can't properly run U.S. economy still fighting elections ?
Why the System of the Oldest Democracy of the most powerful Nation on planet...
You are equating a UN designated terrorist and a person banned for travelling by specific countries.
China and America have very recently banned a lot of political people from travelling to their respective countries.
Your analogy makes the status of such Americans and Chinese facing travel...
Your cousin must be brave or very money minded to venture into India.
We Indians do envy your media. Our media yucks. It prints everything which portray India in very bad light.
Do report if you feel like.
Forum rules must be followed.
I sometime watch Pakistani news channels and couldn't find any channel broadcasting news in Punjabi while there are many Urdu news channels.
Do send link to deny
You are free to threaten and free to report.
Kashmir has Kashmiri language which needs to be promoted.
Urdu is a beautiful language which has replaced Punjabi in Pakistan but in India regional languages are not dissuaded.
Since when you have started trusting Indians.
Chinese are in fact helping our economy. So Indian planners are in no hurry. At this moment, World opinion is not favoring China and this incident certainly will not help China in anyway
When we say that Mumbai has the world's biggest slum it really means :
We have huge human resources.
These guys have moved to the city aspiring for better life, therefore these are people with ambitions.
City is providing jobs to this group to sustain there. Hence Mumbai has economic strength...
The OP talks about an Indian company that provides banking software across the globe including Pakistan.
Have a look. You need a massive skilled workforce to compete.
China was the aggressor. Who else should Indian media bash then.
China is doing a great favour as Indian media has rallied the nation against China. It has mitigated the economic pain caused by Corona. Moreover anti China sentiment is favourable for domestic manufacturing units.
within 10 years even Pakistan will be a supppaa pawwwaa. Have patience.