Transport is a problem for sending in more troops? WHAT?
So if India is at war and there are floods, then the army cannot work?
what is the reason for such a large flash flood in Chennai?
Is it something that is uncommon there?
Saw the pics of the Chennai Airport, seems like whole...
This is not an apples to apples comparison. IRST and AESA are for different roles. While AESA can be readily added and so can the SD-10B to make use of it, you would need good HOBS IR missiles to make use of IRST.
I would say, AESA should take priority, because in immediate geographic vicinity...
if you had bothered to read the whole article that you posted, it states clearly that material evidence was not provided so as not to compromise sources. Once and if the investigations begin, then we can provide all we want.
Clearly, you didn't read.
There is a reason that they have a 2 mile buffer zone on either side, so that nothing gets through to the actual border without checks. Clearly, it is Indian side and BSF that totally failed to secure it's side of the border.
But they can obviously figure the unit and regiment of the...
CM400AKG can be carried on the two inner wing pylons. Besides, with a strike configuration for smart weapons, JF-17 would carry fuel tank on the center line.
Ra'ad, i actually don't understand why it is too heavy. A similar ranged guided weapon like C802/803 weigh less and offer pretty much...
What's the situation now?
Leather can be made from hides other than cow....i am not sure how good that would be in premium products though. Is this ban on only made in India products or the imported brands as well? Like luxury car interiors?
It has been 2 years since the BLK 1 50 aircraft production i am not sure if they built 51 because 1 was lost to crash. In any case, there has been enough gap that PAC could've easily produced at least 29 jets on it's own.
It has already been mentioned the co-pilot upon realizing that the plane is not in a 'stabilized' approach, asked the captain to go around. He cannot take the decision unilaterally, the captain in command must be the one. The captain ignored, because go arounds are generally not considered good...