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    Pakistan Navy | News & Discussions.

    is the next step for Pakistan navy to go for type 055 from China?
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    American Embassy in Islamabad Constructing Firing Ranges & Rappelling Towers

    You don´t think there are anything wrong in US building a training facility like this...? I think there is. They should NOT be allowed to do this cause this has nothing to do with diplomacy. Does US have such a facility in other embassey´s or for in a broader sense does any embassy from any...
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    Pakistan gifts to Afghanistan

    It is a very good gesture from Pakistan. Pakistan should continue to do this kind of gestures. The criticism in this thread about this is shamefull. Pakistan do something good and you criticize :hitwall: Think before you post.
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    IAF caught napping, Pakistan now operates more AWACS Aircraft than India

    Unfortunately Ali baba is right. But Pakistan came out stronger -at least regarding AEW&C
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    The PAF is set to receive a batch of Egyptian Air Force Mirage-Vs

    Yeah and those F16 will come with strings attach if they arrive at all due to political situation. Do you think US will sell them. WAKE UP.
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    2nd pilot

    Sorry but i disagree with the narrative that India will go to war because Pakistan hand over a dead body to India. In my opinion India would go to war with Pakistan if they thought they would win the war....
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    Wing Commander Noman Ali Khan & Squadron Leader Hassan Siddqui, MIG-21Bison & SU-30 MKI slayers

    I was thinking about your last comment, and my first thought was no way. But then i realized all the debate has been about whether PAF F-16 was shot down or not. And then I realized that IAF to my knowledge haven´t claimed that they ONLY lost one MIG-21. IAF has admitted -because of the...
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    Pakistan takes deliveries of 3 SAAB-2000 Aircraft

    C´mon guys - i know the big need for information, i´m addicted to it as well. BUT shouldn´t we just accept that PAF has Awacs and they have enough of them?
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    2nd pilot

    If this is correct then Pakistan scored a own goal. I don´t mean that you shouldn´t hand over a dead body because you should. But it should be done in public to show that you care of human sentiment towards the family.
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    Indigenous AAM for PAF

    Salaam Umair I agree with you - the path Pakistan has taken to become self reliant is a wise one. If they had taken another part (not to mention one neighbor which projects has known to failures) things may have gone south. Pakistan will should go for A2A missile production when the necessary...
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    All Pakistani F-16s are accounted for: US Govt buries Indian propaganda.

    It is very important for me to know facts in every part of my life. I do not comment on things that i don´t have knowledge of. One thing is a fact: Pakistan army is professional. One part of being professional is to be human, civilized and have codex of high moral values. And the Pakistan army...
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    All Pakistani F-16s are accounted for: US Govt buries Indian propaganda.

    There where NO systematic rape done by pakistani forces in Bangladesh. Get your facts right. Its all propaganda.
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    Indigenous AAM for PAF

    Its all about priority - yess you want to be independent in all the defence related fields. But you will also know where your limits are. Ppl often don´t realize that it takes hard work and experience and resources to setup new technology. Why didn´t Pakistan go for 100% home produktion of...
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    Fine thx Where do i know u from?

    Fine thx Where do i know u from?
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    US, Pakistan believe ‘big visit’ will remove misunderstandings

    US can never be trusted In my opinion the answer should be that your foreign minister can have a meeting with our foreign minister and you can start with paying what you owe pakistan for using its infra structure. THEN and only THEN pakistan should THINK about a meeting on PM level meeting....
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    Why India Shouldn’t Underestimate the Pakistani Air Force’s JF-17 Thunder

    I would go for better soldiers any time. But better weapon cant be disregarded - like if you have BVR and the enemy don´t. Then the enemy can have the best dog fighter pilot but wouldn´t be of any use. BUT if u have a intelligent dog fighter pilot without BVR and the enemy has then u use...
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    Alternate for S-400

    Pakistan should also work on a railgun
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    Should Imran Khan's government Pardon Nawaz Sharif and his family?

    The short answer is no - that person also got a pardon last time in jail. Nawaz will not learn from a pardon
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    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    Interesting video. IF baba ji (as a eye witness) is to be trusted AND no F-16 was downed then it can ONLY mean one thing: Regarding the planes: One mig21 bison downed One MIG29 or one SU30 downed - Here comes the twist: PM Imran Khan was told: two migs... (what he said in his speech) BUT we...
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