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  1. Pax Ottomana

    Why Pakistan deserves our unconditional support.

    Thanks @lastofthepatriots Good to know that our big brother's got our back. :cheers:
  2. Pax Ottomana

    Why Pakistan deserves our unconditional support.

    If Turkey has a strategic ally, no doubt it's Pakistan.
  3. Pax Ottomana

    ÜIke Yönetimi

    Arkadasim, durup dururken, ben seninle hic bir sekilde muhattap olmamisken cikip bana "les yiyici" diyen sen degil miydin? Cok onemli birsey soylemis gibi butun foruma da @ atmis... Hazir yanindayken psikolog kiz arkadasin sana da bir psikanaliz yapsin istersen. :D
  4. Pax Ottomana

    ÜIke Yönetimi

    CHP'nin yedigi son halti yazdik diye les yiyici de olduk simdi iyi mi... :D Senin gibi lesin ta kendisi degiliz ya, buna da sukur.
  5. Pax Ottomana

    ÜIke Yönetimi

    Hahaha, komedi bu adam ya. O "psikolog" kiz arkadasina soyle, birincisi psikolojide "ideolojik hastalik" diye birsey yoktur. Yani hic kimseye siyasi, ideolojik, dini, sosyolojik gorusleri yuzunde akil hastasi, sinir hastasi, deli veya zihinsel engelli muamelesi yapilmaz. Bu herseyden once...
  6. Pax Ottomana

    ÜIke Yönetimi

    Bilader. Hata yapmayan parti, siyasetci yok zaten. Turkiye siyasi rarihini ac bak. ABD'yi, CIA'yi, darbeci generalleri, Fethullah'i, Avrupa'yi arkana almadan Turkiye'de iktadara gelmek mumkun degildi. Sonuc olarak genele, net'e, neticeye bakmak lazim. Partilerin SU ANKI siyasetine gore AKP+MHP...
  7. Pax Ottomana

    ÜIke Yönetimi

    Yuh amk CHP'nin Istanbul Il Baskani konumuna layik gordugu kadinin soylemlerine bak... Yani, zaten vatan haini olduklarini biliyorduk da hainliklerini bu kadar acik, bariz, gostere-gostere, dalga gece-gece yapacak currete sahip olabilmelerine hayret ediyorum. 2019'da bu kadini Istanbul Il...
  8. Pax Ottomana

    ÜIke Yönetimi

    Yup. Traitor CHP's new Istanbul Is Baskani is a DHKP-C member and PKK sympathizer. Congratulations CHP! You've reached a whole new level of treachery. https://www.sabah.com.tr/gundem/2018/01/14/chp-il-baskanina-sorusturma
  9. Pax Ottomana

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    Presence of PKK/YPG manpads will make things slightly harder and more expensive for Turkiye as we'll rely more on high flying F-16s and stand off missiles/guided bombs. but manpads are by no means a game changer. In fact it'll likely result in heavier PKK/YPG casualties as Turkey will be hitting...
  10. Pax Ottomana

    Analysis of current Turkey Russia Iran -vs- USA situation (video)

    Fact of the matter is that AKP and MHP are the only truly nationalist, pro-Independent Turkiye political parties right now. The rest of them are just in a race with each other to serve USA/FETO agenda.
  11. Pax Ottomana

    Just heard about a Ballistic missile targeting Hawaii

    Utter idiots freaking out a whole state (if not the nation) for over half an hour with their usual undisciplined, trigger-happy stupidity... Both the US state department and the military have become a fvcking joke under Trump. Fvcking retards!
  12. Pax Ottomana

    Analysis of current Turkey Russia Iran -vs- USA situation (video)

    Right, so for our non-Turkish speaking friends, it basically boils down to a strategic proxy war that's going on between two sides: Russia-Turkey-Iran vs USA-Israel-Saudi Arabia There are some peripheral sides such as UAE, Qatar, Assad regime, etc but the above are the main players. The video...
  13. Pax Ottomana

    Analysis of current Turkey Russia Iran -vs- USA situation (video)

    What is America's great plan with the PKK/YPG "terror corridor"? Latest attack on the Russian airbase in Syria When is Turkey entering Idlib? Iran-Turkey-Russia relations Intelligence warfare S-400s MUST WATCH: http://www.tvnet.com.tr/akil-odasi Highly recommended.
  14. Pax Ottomana

    Emerging Turkish-French partnership

    And? International relations is almost never static. When a "good development" happens, we talk about it. If and when a "bad development" happens, we'll again talk about it. That's just the nature of diplomacy. What kind of a moron would expect the world to always remain the same?
  15. Pax Ottomana

    Emerging Turkish-French partnership

    This has nothing to do with Erdogan but I find it funny that he hits such a nerve with you that you had to bring him up. So, according to you, we shouldn't talk about strategic partnerships that our country starts or ends because it's our President doing the talking/signing? LMAO! :D
  16. Pax Ottomana

    GREECE occupied 16 Turkish Islands

    Turkish/Muslim population of the islands were massacred, forced to convert and/or exiled following Greece's gaining independence from the Ottoman Empire. We will eventually take back our islands and repopulate them with Turks.
  17. Pax Ottomana

    GREECE occupied 16 Turkish Islands

    Not heard of it. Even if true though, I'm not sure why they would specify only 2 islands when in fact all the Aegean islands are Turkish via inheritance from the Ottoman Empire.
  18. Pax Ottomana

    Turkish Air Defence Programs

    You're a smart guy, don't be so naive about this. Turkey is already attacked by global powers. Perhaps not directly (yet) since the WW1 but certainly via pawns and proxies. This is what DHKP-C and ISIS were and the PKK/YPG still is. Gezi Park events and the attempted coup of July 15 were also...
  19. Pax Ottomana

    Turkish Air Defence Programs

    I very much doubt Turkey has any nukes other than the few tactical NATO B-61s which are under strict US control. Turkey has a handful of research reactors but they're under IAEA inspections and none of them have the capacity to enrich/separate Uranium or produce Plutonium in large quantities...
  20. Pax Ottomana

    Turkish Air Defence Programs

    Formula to safeguard Turkey's sovereignty and national interests in the coming decades: Strong economy Stable politics Strong, mostly self sufficient military with nuclear weapons Israel is already nuclear. Iran is about to go nuclear within the next 5-10 years (if not already). Russia is...
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