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  1. K

    Romans vs Han China

    I am against racial supremacists, that is why I responded to USAHawk785's post where he justified white supremacism. But you're the opposite end. Most of your posts exhibit what can be called "Black/brown supremacism". You absolutely hate Europeans and are predicting their doom time and again...
  2. K

    Israeli man killed in West Bank terror attack

    Israeli man killed in West Bank terror attack A father of five from the settlement of Yitzhar was stabbed to death in a terror attack at the Tapuah Junction in Samaria on Tuesday morning, in the first lethal terror attack in the West Bank since 2011. Following the murder, settlers rioted...
  3. K

    Israel and the New Middle East - All There is to Know

    They have already lost much more than a million lives for conflicts in the region. They're just yearning for a state. Kurds, sunnis in syria, shias in iraq (saddam), baloch in Pakistan/iran etc. Think of the lives that would've been saved if the shias had their own state during the genocide by...
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    Israel and the New Middle East - All There is to Know

    It's the most realistic plan for solving all the ethnic/sectarian tensions in the middle east once and for all. (although i don't agree with everything on the map)
  5. K

    Man killed in Israeli airstrike on Gaza City

    It's good that Haitham Mishal, a key terrorist, has been killed. Had it been for India, pakistan killing Maoists or Talibans or any other country killing terrorists, the dissidents wouldn't have acted as they're doing in this thread.
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    The inevitable collapse of apartheid Israel

    Israel Only "Free" Country In Region: Pro-Democracy NGO Freedom House-The Israel Project Freedomhouse Booklet
  7. K

    Syria Seeks to Join Shanghai Group, BRICS

    Syria's economy is tiny. there's no way it can compete with the rest of BRICS...
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    Syria Seeks to Join Shanghai Group, BRICS

    How long do you think it might take for the civil war to be over? As someone based on Syria, I think you may be able to offer a qualified opinion. Every day I hear from one side that FSA is just about to take over Syria. The other side says SAA is at a stronger position. I just want the...
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    Syria Seeks to Join Shanghai Group, BRICS

    I'm not sure about BRICS or SCO. Syria's economy is tiny compared to other countries of BRICS. SCO is mainly for countries which surround Russia/China for the purpose of securing energy resources. Maybe if and after Iran joins and the civil war is over.
  10. K

    Romans vs Han China

    Rome was a multicultural society with people from all over the empire (including non-white North Africans, berbers and middle easterners) mixed. In fact, it was the barbarian Germanics who were (pure) whites as opposed to the Romans who were a mixture. As for your assertion of "The white race ...
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    Romans vs Han China

    The Romans were superior in almost all respects. Their economy was many times that of Hans and could've easily beat Hans in any war.
  12. K

    1948 British report: Arabs will lose war

    Actually, @Controlled Pair is correct when he says that there has never been a "Palestinian" nation in history. The name of that area/province was palestine, but the people never identified them as "palestinians". Always as "Arabs". The area was named "Palestine" by the Romans after they...
  13. K

    The inevitable collapse of apartheid Israel

    Such slogans would have no effect on the reality. Israel's foundation is getting even stronger now that it is exploiting it's own natural resources. And yes indeed, Israel is so apartheid it's heartbreaking. Arabs have the same legal rights and they have representatives in the Knesset. Come and...
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    Jordan Agrees: Israel Can Use Airspace to Attack Syria

    I think there is a misunderstanding here. See point #4 of the Faisal-Weizmann agreement. Main points of the agreement: 1. The agreement committed both parties to conducting all relations between the groups by the most cordial goodwill and understanding, to work together to encourage...
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    Jordan Agrees: Israel Can Use Airspace to Attack Syria

    Why is it impossible? Jordan has traditionally helped Israel and the two have always been friends. Of course, there would be public denials, so as not to agitate the palestinian arab refugees who would revolt against the King. Hashemites are traditionally more moderate of the Arab world. King...
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    Jordan Agrees: Israel Can Use Airspace to Attack Syria

    I don't understand why some posters are freaking out at this news. Jordan is a country committed to peace with Israel and honours the peace treaty (for the most part). Unlike Egypt.
  17. K

    Drone strike kills ‘Qaeda militants’ in Yemen

    I will address your points but first of all I would like to say that I value Arab/Yemeni life as much as one of my own. That is why I compared each of the options available to deal with Al Qaeda, including "Do nothing" and estimated that drone strikes, as painful they may seem to an outsider...
  18. K

    Drone strike kills ‘Qaeda militants’ in Yemen

    I think there are a couple of misconceptions here about the drone strikes: 1. Al-Qaeda is a threat to not only the US, but also the Yemeni government. They tried to assassinate Ali Abdullah Saleh, president of Yemen, before. Al Qaeda is also virulently against the government of Yemen and have...
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