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Israel and the New Middle East - All There is to Know

Legal....also disputed....by the........(drumroll).....ISRAELIS! .....:D

You're making a fundamental error.

Occupation is a recognised and legal right in cases of war.

The illegal part is settling in these territories (like Turkey in northern Cyprus) or annexing.

So Israel's occupation was not illegal.
You're making a fundamental error.

Occupation is a recognised and legal right in cases of war.

The illegal part is settling in these territories (like Turkey in northern Cyprus) or annexing.

So Israel's occupation was not illegal.

Dipshit, it's illegal to occupy land during a war and according to the Geneva which Israel is a signatory to. :cheesy:
it's illegal to occupy land during a war

Not, it's not.

Occupation is not illegal.

You've already shown yourself up to be a complete buffoon. You're an American trying to play middle east politics.


Educate yourself.

The 'palestinains' recently tried to take Israel to court over building the tram in East Jerusalem. They lost.

Without denying the occupation, it said Israel was within its rights because “… the authority of the legitimate power having in fact passed into the hands of the occupant,the latter shall take all measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety, while respecting, unless absolutely prevented, the laws in force in the country “(Article 43 of the 4th Convention The Hague 1907).
The Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols

I love how you run to your secret weapon, Wiki. :omghaha:

Why else does the world refer to it as an Israeli occupation and the occupied territories....:D?

Stupid, stupid, Shlomo.

Lets take a look at his own secret weapon shall we....:D


In 2004, the United Nations passed a number of resolutions and the International Court of Justice issued a ruling where judges ruled 14–1 that the portions of the Israeli West Bank barrier that are located within occupied Palestinian territories are illegal under international law. [11] Prior to the ruling, Israel had made the claim that the ICJ lacked standing to rule on the legality of the barrier, which the court unanimously rejected.[32] On July 20, 2004, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution demanding that Israel obey the ICJ ruling. [12] 150 nations voted in favor of the resolution, 7 voted against, and 10 abstained.
I would like to see a complete change in the political culture in the region, which is centered around the values of pluralism and tolerance. Unfortunately, none of the current Arab societies in the Middle East have these values.

Israel is expected to do the same thing it had done since its independence, and that is to maintain its development in any aspect of human life and continue to aspire to be one of the leading countries in the world. In parallel, Israel will continue to preserve its capabilities to defend itself in the violent neighborhood it is located and will continue to minimize its links with the Palestinians - and of course let them to control themselves (like Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005).

Fair enough,

You got that right. With these colored revolutions everything is possible, and I can see the political paradigm has gone through a lot of turning-points ,hopefully it will have a significant impact on each country.

I also would love to see a two-state solution ,but I suspect that process will take along period of time.


Don't jump off the gun dude ._.
I know what the Arab nations think about Israel from Bahrain to Lyiba.
I was eager to hear from an Israeli citizen, I don't get to see them as much as you probably do, but I had a good experience.
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Fair enough,

You got that right. With these colored revolutions everything is possible, and I can see the political paradigm has gone through a lot of turning-points ,hopefully it will have a significant impact on each country.

I also would love to see a two-state solution ,but I suspect that process will take along period of time.


Don't jump off the gun dude ._.
I know what the Arab nations think about Israel from Bahrain to Lyiba.
I was eager to hear from an Israeli citizen, I don't get to see them as much as you probably do, but I had a good experience.

Jump the gun on what?
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It means don't try to get into conclusion too soon. If you read holistically, without paraphrasing a word, you can easily see Israel to isolate itself from the Arab societies ,and never pointed out that Israel would interfere in the business of the Arab nations ,which is legitimate. As for prosperity ,progress ,and the metaphor is a business of their own ,of course every citizen wants to see his own country flourishing :D why not them :D , and Palestine soon will flourish too ,once an agreement is reached.
Jump the gun on what?
I never discussed in Israeli-internal affairs which are off topic.
The MB is totally different. I know what they want. I don't think they can achieve it easily anyway.

Yes, Iran always tries its best to Islamize their conflict with Israel, that's what the Americans are afraid of by the way. A surgical Airstrike will never be tolerated by the Iranians and require full-force retaliation. A full-fledged will set the whole region on fire or maybe beyond.

An Arab nation isn't necessarily similar to another. The Arabs DO have a problem with Israel but still their interpretations could be variant or the likes.

I don't know how you keep glorifying arab and keep putting all load on Iran, I being neutral would want to know how arabs are "neutral" without bringing in religion to resolve issues because all I see is in the name of religion jihadist being exported from arab lands to syria/turkey/Pakistan/afghanistan/chechnya/iraq. Just tell me what exactly did you Arabs achieved and resolved or solved in the past 50 Years. If you people are not going to liberate Palestine then someone else will do it regardless of you people calling them terrorists or malitias. Palestine and Lebanon have all the right to defend their homeland from all sort of isreali and any other aggression do you agree? No? if you say no the way they are dealing is wrong then pray tell us what is the right way as spineless arab neighbors have done nothing, Just list me each and every problem of ME that you people have resolved successfully NONE.

israel and the new ME, the only thing israel wants is expansion of land, the only way it would get what it wants with the affirmative of certain arab Nations.
I don't know how you keep glorifying arab and keep putting all load on Iran, I being neutral would want to know how arabs are "neutral" without bringing in religion to resolve issues because all I see is in the name of religion jihadist being exported from arab lands to syria/turkey/Pakistan/afghanistan/chechnya/iraq. Just tell me what exactly did you Arabs achieved and resolved or solved in the past 50 Years. If you people are not going to liberate Palestine then someone else will do it regardless of you people calling them terrorists or malitias. Palestine and Lebanon have all the right to defend their homeland from all sort of isreali and any other aggression do you agree? No? if you say no the way they are dealing is wrong then pray tell us what is the right way as spineless arab neighbors have done nothing, Just list me each and every problem of ME that you people have resolved successfully NONE.

israel and the new ME, the only thing israel wants is expansion of land, the only way it would get what it wants with the affirmative of certain arab Nations.

Actually both of you are wrong, it's like him is an extreme rightist and you an extreme leftest. But he is more realistic in viewing things.
YZd is an extreme rightist?

It's just a description to clarify things up. He is pragmatic and too realistic, while Luftwaffe is sentimental and tends to ignore facts, for instance, he tends to turn a blind eye on Iranian acts, Syrian conflicts, HZ involvement in Syria, Shia-Sunni strife and many other things that can't be separated when discussing Israel "and the New Middle East", we all just can't pretend they don't exist. I appreciate and understand his honesty in advocating unity among Muslims and solving Pal issue, but it doesn't work like this. In short, we have been being fought and marginalized in the name of liberating Palestine. Those who made so much noise of injustice toward Pals, ended up killing more Muslims in few years than Israel killed in 65 years. Not to mention plotting against us in so many ways, again, in the name of Palestinians.

Politicians are the scum of this world.
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This is where you will be dead wrong mate, You probably believe that to liberate a land entails Saudis to get involve in you're violent acts ,because you think that they have the divine right to do so. You ,and Iran probably see it this way and we don't, that's number one. Two, I most certainly never did glorify anyone at the expense on someone else, may I ask you where did you get this from?
Third, I never went to war with any nation it's our policy ,and the Israelis never waged a war on us.
From the first day, the ominous Iranian revolution came in, it destroyed everything I built for the future. Where do you want me to start?

One, Iran's support for the terror group Hezbollah, nearly every targets they attacked was a civilian one.

Two, then Iran's support to Hamas, more civilian targets were under attack. I don't like Hamas ,but I have to deal with them every now and then ,I'm not being a hypocrite about it,

Third, Iran's worldwide terror plots against people from the Jewish faith ,because they're Jewish, makes sense?

Don't you ask me to bear the responsibility of someone's fault. We often hear loud mouths here and there " from the West too " that KSA has been giving the colder-shoulder to settle the Palestine-Israel conflict. I can't carry the water for someone who got a blood on his hand.

Maybe you're gullible enough to believe that Saudi did this and that. The Americans were buying that too. Bin laden wasn't an idiot to choose 14 Saudis out of 19 hijackers, he had 54 nationalities in his terrorist camps, why did he choose so many Saudi? Was this operation a cover-up from the Jews to demonize the Saudis? The Americans were buying such rubbish like this, the Government kept its mouth shut until they knew that Bin Laden's deeds were meant to harm the relation, he wanted to send a clear message to them. This became quite obvious when my people started to bleed, you don't know a damn thing about that do? Tell me what do you know about the Police Station bombings? Or the Down-town terror attack? Or Al-Maseef? Those fanatic never came after the WESTERNS as many would like to perceive it that way, but my people. I will never jeopardize the live of anyone ,because I went through all this kind of ****. Don't you ever dare and accuse my people of being terrorists because everybody know by now we aren't.

Iran keeps smuggling weapons and they know what the Israeli response will be ,of course they've got to protect and defend themselves. If they broke the cease-fire they will have to face the consequences.

This became obvious to us back in 09 when the Iranian proxy in Yemen killed three Saudi soldiers of ours. Things turned ugly, and we were condemned ,and guess what? We have been accused of committing war crimes. We lost a hundred people of ours and they lost more thousands.

We are very pragmatic and rational when it comes to tangible issues like this. I will never set on the table until get my house in order and the counterpart will have to comply.

If you go back in our SAUDI history, you will see that we never waged a war on any other nation ,but when the karma comes to us, we will do whatever it takes to flush it away.

Saudi Arabia tried to united the Palestine authority > Iran ruins everything

The Saudis condemn Hezbollah > the Saudis are f~cking Zionists

The Saudis send medical aids and food > Iran sends bullets

The Saudis are paying for the construction for new housing units in the West Bank > Iran sends more rockets

The Saudis refuse to set on the table > Iran threatens to wipe a country with a population of 7 millions / won't bother even killing Palestinians in the process, don't you tell me he never said that because he did I know it.

The Saudis invest $ 3 billions in Lebanon to counter the Zoroastrian presence in there > Hezbollah tries to invade the country.

^ that's a drop in the ocean. Yes, the Saudis aren't flawless ,but still wise enough. The least is that we have a pragmatic policy.

Iran knows what is next, once they Americans leave Afghanistan their worst nightmare shall rise once more.

I don't know how you keep glorifying arab and keep putting all load on Iran, I being neutral would want to know how arabs are "neutral" without bringing in religion to resolve issues because all I see is in the name of religion jihadist being exported from arab lands to syria/turkey/Pakistan/afghanistan/chechnya/iraq. Just tell me what exactly did you Arabs achieved and resolved or solved in the past 50 Years. If you people are not going to liberate Palestine then someone else will do it regardless of you people calling them terrorists or malitias. Palestine and Lebanon have all the right to defend their homeland from all sort of isreali and any other aggression do you agree? No? if you say no the way they are dealing is wrong then pray tell us what is the right way as spineless arab neighbors have done nothing, Just list me each and every problem of ME that you people have resolved successfully NONE.

israel and the new ME, the only thing israel wants is expansion of land, the only way it would get what it wants with the affirmative of certain arab Nations.
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