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  1. P

    GIDS reveals FAAZ series of missiles.

    Very interesting thread, thank you. South Africa was involved in the late 80s and into the 90s with various VLRAAM's. These involved integral ramjet propulsion. Known as T-Darter and S-Darter, with B-Darter being the likely final iteration (IR nosecone). These were not small missiles, so I can...
  2. P

    Iran Implies Collapse Of Deal To Buy Russia’s Su-35 Warplanes

    At last able to post again... Thx. P
  3. P

    Iran Implies Collapse Of Deal To Buy Russia’s Su-35 Warplanes

    Very valid point especially pertaining to maintenance and spares. When the 'chips are down' do the IAIAF really have to worry about some of its premier fighters being grounded because of just the above-written? F-14's cannot be kept flying indefinitely either. P
  4. P

    Iranian military engine development news and updates

    I am somewhat confused here. Partisan@Partisan2015, posting to twitter on 4 July 2023 noted that the … national project of the 72-seater … (IRJ-72) … jet plane is suspended. Any truth in this? Thanks P
  5. P

    Iranian Aviation Products..military and civilian

    In the above infographic of Kowsar, reference is made to 'Innovative advanced Euonic architecture. Usual searches came up empty. Do you perhaps know what this refers to. Thanks P
  6. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    It was unveiled in October 2020, and called ATMF-90B, powered by an M190 rocket-motor instead of its predecessors M-112. P
  7. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Goods post P
  8. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Great news. Thx for posting. I was like dying out here for more info on just such a missile. P
  9. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Good post. Not something one sees everyday. I will post an updated version of part 4 of my paper to Dropbox this evening. I think that it would be good to look at as it contained quite a few additions. Same URL. In future I think that I will update this paper say every 30 days. Enjoy. P
  10. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Very interesting post. Pertaining to an F-5 developed L-M-W combat a/c, this hit all the right cords as far as I've concerned. What was of interest to me on personal level was the pic of airframe 02 with what appears to be an IRST (circled in red). Also the cockpit instrumentation layout. Very...
  11. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Nice post. The pic of the new EW pod is illuminating as far as that it is smaller than I had originally thought. Upgrading those a/c that can be is probably the IRIAF's best shot at empowering it over the short term. However, as pointed out in this thread before, if there is a lack of...
  12. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Thanks. Good posts. P
  13. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Very good two previous posts. Thanks. HESA is a subsidiary of IAIO which in turn is a government owned corporation. I have followed the debate about finances and Kowsar-1 production with interest. Production of a major weapons system like Kowsar is not something that happens in a corner. It...
  14. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    No, if I interpreted the imagines correctly than that is AN/APX-95 related, not a towed array. The point I want to make is that these wingtips pods probably are a better representation of a real wingtip decoy, than those on the F-5E, illustrated. P
  15. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Hi I would very much like to add the image above to my paper, showing the starboard side of the F-5F with the AN/AX wingtip pod if that is ok. If ok., how should I attribute it, to https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/iriaf-news-and-discussions.358559/page-692 (drmeson) , or to Lyra, Araynavy, which...
  16. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Better late than never. What help do you have in mind. P
  17. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Great pics thanks. Very excited when I saw the wingtip hardpoints carrying what could only be related to AN/APX-95. Of course also the active countermeasures at the rear, beneath the engines. However, thinking of HESA's towed decoy system, I did a double take when I looked again at the...
  18. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Thank you for your kind words. Just wondering, the IRGC appears able to get things done. Would it not be just an application of all resources, focused on a single aim, namely to rejuvenate the IRIAF, that would necessitate these two branches to work together? Because of sanctions imposed...
  19. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Done. Just uploaded the latest iteration to : - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ybbl0irlk93h327/AAC5NRPgagJvWAFXge9hCZa5a?dl=0 Image heavy though, best viewed in Word. Enjoy. P Spoke to my IT guy. He'll create a site for me. P
  20. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Thank you. I will definitely speak to my IT guy. P
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