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  1. Yunsong

    Rapid development of chinese cities

    You proudly show the new China, but I'm shocked by the destruction cultural in your photos. but I'm shocked there are nothing chinese, a Westernization (even architecture), destruction cultural ( architectural ), proudly show you the Christian churches while its not part of our identity culture...
  2. Yunsong

    Islam Flourishes in China's Ningxia Region

    ["Just that Christian is violent" - that was the point. Proving that followers of one religion were violent on one occasion is meaningless, without simultaneously proving that others, especially for instance those against whom violence was committed, were not violent in other places on other...
  3. Yunsong

    Islam Flourishes in China's Ningxia Region

    [I looked in your commentaries, and this is what you wrote:] ==>[I hope because if we look South Korea it's a coexistence with a lot of conflict christian attack buddhist people] My sentence says no way that the Buddhists is good or no. He confirmed just christian is violent. (mainly people...
  4. Yunsong

    Islam Flourishes in China's Ningxia Region

    [It does not matter to him, devoid of any knowledge of current affairs or recent history that he is, that Buddhists can also be savage and beastly when they can do that without retribution. Ask the Jaffna Tamils.] And? when I have say Buddhist have never make a war ? (very little compared to...
  5. Yunsong

    Islam Flourishes in China's Ningxia Region

    Delete my commentary ( thank you )
  6. Yunsong

    Islam Flourishes in China's Ningxia Region

    ok I'll read when I have the time But you know in the old thread "Thousands of Christians Pray for Democracy in China" I hate chrsitianism for many reason. polical ( Vatican, used by USA ( christian extremist ),..... ) , history / actuality, cultural identity, .... don't generalize I can...
  7. Yunsong

    Islam Flourishes in China's Ningxia Region

    answer have my questions. I will not repeat . Yes i'm arrogant because he is arrogant with me . Stupid ? you are arrogant say me I'm stupid you want I insult you ? civilized yourself first ok ? there are nothing illogical in my old post, you are just stupid ( yes I insult you now ) or a...
  8. Yunsong

    Islam Flourishes in China's Ningxia Region

    Say me your definition of "civilized". Because I doubt we have the same vision of "civilized" especially when your friends who is at fault since he come to attack me with his extreme arrogance, contempt and ignorance. Attack me with my poor english so it's not my mother tongue sorry it's an...
  9. Yunsong

    Islam Flourishes in China's Ningxia Region

    I know you are arrogant and stupid, it's easy when your country speak english like mother tongue , maybe you want speak an another language ? chinese maybe ? or no sorry you don't know speak chinese! So speak french with me we can see your stupid lvl ( Oh ! no sorry you don't know speak an...
  10. Yunsong

    Islam Flourishes in China's Ningxia Region

    Of course for a person that has never read the Bible (Old Testament) or to study Christian history. Especially for someone who don't knows why I hate that or other , I find you are quite arrogant . And no ! I don't think I hate this religion just with your reasoning that you thought. but for...
  11. Yunsong

    Islam Flourishes in China's Ningxia Region

    An answer based on an irony, but a contempt for the author I guess. your arrogance represent just your stupidity, we can see the low quality of your answer. ( if we guess my reasoning is correct ) PS: don't worry that India becomes Christian or no is not my problem. I don't care seriously. ( I...
  12. Yunsong

    Islam Flourishes in China's Ningxia Region

    they do not directly insult but the compositions of their sentences is denigrates / degrades our culture constantly so is an insult without realizing it and still added when it is totally wrong so they take us for idiots conclusion two insults. A christian who say i'm not tolerant with others...
  13. Yunsong

    Islam Flourishes in China's Ningxia Region

    I hope because if we look South Korea it's a coexistence with a lot of conflict christian attack buddhist people and remember you Taiping Rebelion who massacred Chinese culture kill/burn buddhist , taoist , confucianist people/Temple-Pagoda ( mainly buddhist ). Christian history is really not...
  14. Yunsong

    Islam Flourishes in China's Ningxia Region

    Your link have no connection with my problem that I have just highlighted. I'm talking about a problem of religious coexistence with Christianity and local religions. You can not deny the fact by historical effects or topicality make this religion is violent. Since " Age of Enlightenment "...
  15. Yunsong

    Islam Flourishes in China's Ningxia Region

    We remain atheist or traditionalist ( buddhist, taoist or confucianist ). the only religion which I'm afraid for the time being is the Christianity. Others I'm tolerant for the time being. My city is wenzhou and it's true there are some conflict between traditionalism and Christians. (...
  16. Yunsong

    Thousands of Christians Pray for Democracy in China

    Sorry I don't want vote stupidly like european people with their stupid treaty maastricht , I don't want to be american who say " We are free ! we live in a freedom country " stupid don't know the definition of freedom . respectful of human rights? your country respect? you know the contents...
  17. Yunsong

    Thousands of Christians Pray for Democracy in China

    I hope you will not get me hidden meanings in the sentences like the other Christians I have spoken! She has the meaning it mean! I know the Christian history, creation by Paul Tarsus and no by Jesus, crusade, massacre , origin in the Middle East. I know well how Christians lived in the first...
  18. Yunsong

    Thousands of Christians Pray for Democracy in China

    * The bible true? the original? Old Testament? because the Old Testament is a terrible violence, intolérent and anti pagan / atheist or others religions. I am an atheist ( tradition buddhist + Chinese folk religion by my family ) and you know what? I was attracted to Christianity why? Well...
  19. Yunsong

    Thousands of Christians Pray for Democracy in China

    we didn't need your "democracy", when a government does a good job we do not change, despite some disadvantage. Given the huge positive change in China and I don't know why we should change, people who want live in a democracy for XXX reason leave China. otherwise it's sadism and go to an...
  20. Yunsong

    Thousands of Christians Pray for Democracy in China

    Yes, maybe all is free follow their faith. But when you know Christian history and when we have already had a huge problem with christian religion " Taiping Rebellion". more, look on youtube the number of American who preaches the Bible and I even feel that defense of Israel for reasons of...
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