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  1. marty

    How should Bangladesh Muslims deal with atheists who do not attack Islam?

    sorry you have no right to insult my belief, go take your freedom of speech elsewhere. you ever try to insult prophet (pbuh) in front of me i break your head
  2. marty

    How should Bangladesh Muslims deal with atheists who do not attack Islam?

    Sharia is god made law, if there had been sharia in our country the shame in delhi would not be happening.
  3. marty

    How should Bangladesh Muslims deal with atheists who do not attack Islam?

    question goes for you too, why you interfering in muslim affair? these people insult prophet (pbuh), they should be jailed
  4. marty

    How should Bangladesh Muslims deal with atheists who do not attack Islam?

    you realise bangladesh is muslim country so it should be governed with muslim laws
  5. marty

    IAF to delay retirements of Mig-21 by two years

    mig-21 always crashing, hope pilot have good parachute. when rafael is going to come
  6. marty

    How should Bangladesh Muslims deal with atheists who do not attack Islam?

    if atheist insult islam they deserve to be punish severely.
  7. marty

    Mukesh Ambani to get 'Z’ category security

    what wrong i said?
  8. marty

    How should Bangladesh Muslims deal with atheists who do not attack Islam?

    Atheist should be jailed, they try to insult islam and the prophet (pbuh)
  9. marty

    Myanmar authorities accused of aiding killings of Muslims

    450 people died today many women and children. why muslim killing muslim.
  10. marty

    Myanmar authorities accused of aiding killings of Muslims

    are you supporter of assad? why you people killing sunni brothers in syria
  11. marty

    Ahmadis to boycott polls: spokesman

    Qadianis should accept they are not muslim, why they always try to distort islam
  12. marty

    Partition of India: Origin of Hatred

    you dont have separate marriage act, by and large govt. considers you hindu
  13. marty

    Partition of India: Origin of Hatred

    if you are sikh then you are not minority because you people are basically hindu only
  14. marty

    Partition of India: Origin of Hatred

    but i have experienced and seen 1st hand, you are lucky
  15. marty

    Mukesh Ambani to get 'Z’ category security

    police shud provide equal security for all. he can hire private body guard
  16. marty

    Partition of India: Origin of Hatred

    partition happened for good. unfortunately minority are treated as 3 rd class citizen in india
  17. marty

    Mukesh Ambani to get 'Z’ category security

    so? how is his life more worth than mine. even i want z+ security
  18. marty

    India to fund $450mil Isimba power project - Uganda

    people dying of drought in maharashtra and you say it is good to give 450 million to some african country. this is wastage
  19. marty

    Report documents 'Rohingya persecution'

    what is UN doing, why they dont invade Burma
  20. marty

    9 Turks taken hostage in Afghanistan by Taliban

    hope taliban release them
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