LOL when is US gonna give more evidence to Norway about norway attack????as we know now that terrorists are US special forces but working undercover so they should have all the info about their forces lol what a sham
hahaha gandhi jee and ahmedabad riots by extremist hindus. at least we dont do that to other about ahmadis we dont want them in pakistan if you want we can send them to india lol
the same you got facist neo nazi racist right winged groups changing women everyday like toilet kill innocent humans in the name of colore and race atleast we dont do that.the flag which you got derived from swatiska of hitler.look at what you lot did in norway killing innocent...
inducting and equipping are two different words with two seperate meanings.inducting dont mean they equipped airforce.and i asked the name or number of squadron or the base which they are operating first finish LCA then you can about 5th generation and i know its gonna take you 50 years...
india is going to taste its own wants to breakup countries so should pakistan and china declare same policy against india of harbouring all the moists leaders aid them and recognise all the insurgencies in india as seperatists rebels or freedom fighters on human rights basis
3 chinooks shot down in past 2 days killing atleast 102 navy seals they should not commit suicide by confronting pakistan.US is an old man now he should rest in peace.pakistan even shot their 1 black hawk so called stealth helicopter in abbotabad operation which was covered by obama and US and...