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  1. SABRE

    Alexander's Waterloo in Sindh

    Oh yes the Bhoonda/Buja !!! It's a historical, traditional and cultural heritage of us Sindhi people. It's like showing the "Middle Finger" [middle finger is just a single finger, we show all 5 :D]. Usually I try to avoid doing it and so does every educated Sindhi. Come to think of it even...
  2. SABRE

    Pakistan's Historic and Rich Architecture.

    A little History of Thatta Thatta was once the Capital of Sindh and the Empire of Sindhu (Sindhu = Sindh+Punjab+Balochistan+Parts of NWFP, Rajhistan, and Gujrat). The ruling dynasty was the local Sindhi Samma clan. Thatta reached its heights during the rule of 2nd last ruler of Samma Dynsty Jam...
  3. SABRE

    Pakistan's Historic and Rich Architecture.

    This used to be my Nana's office lol The British had converted the Tomb into a secretariat office and Pakistan continued to use it for the official purposes for a long time.
  4. SABRE

    Pakistan's Submarine Procurement

    Yes there are rumors, even from the credible sources, that Pakistan may build more Agosta-90B. I was having this discussion with a friend from the navy the other day.
  5. SABRE

    Pakistan Air Force set to get IL-78 mid-air re-fuellers

    1st IL-78 has arrived First aircraft tanker arrives in Pakistan: PAF - GEO.tv
  6. SABRE

    Pakistan and Second-strike

    1st strike is the 1st use of nuclear weapons against the adversary. 2nd strike is retaliation through nuclear strike. It is your ability to consume the first strike and still manage to retaliate on the enemy. Assured 2nd Strike Capability is achieved through "something" that can signal to...
  7. SABRE

    Stuck in Sichuan: Pakistani JF-17 Fighter Program Grounded

    The article "Stuck in Sichuan: Pakistani JF-17 Fighter Program Grounded" appeared in January 2007. Since than Russia (Putin personally as far as I remember) approved Chinese sell of RD-93 to Pakistan. If you can't find factual articles at least find the ones which are latest.
  8. SABRE

    Israel gets two more German submarines

    P8I, P3C and other similar platforms are not very effective against subs. There best chance of catching a submarine is when it emerges from the waters to recharge its batteries. Subs would remain to be lethal whether with PN or IN.
  9. SABRE

    Pakistan's Future ICBM 'Taimur'

    MiG-29, Su-30MKI, BrahMos, balah blah ... which of these is actually Indian technology? Not to forget Israeli missiles. For the indigenous weapons and ballistic missiles, which weapon system is actually inducted in Indian Army in large numbers? None! Only Prithvi is operational that too...
  10. SABRE

    Official Al Khalid 2 Discussion

    There is no Al-Khalid 2, not as yet. The versions PA has is Al-Khalid while the latest version is dubbed as Al-Khalid 1. Al-Khalid 2 will roll out not before 2019. I had given a brief info on future of AK MBTs on PakDef and Defence Talk about year and a half ago after my visit to Heavy...
  11. SABRE

    China 60th Anniversary Military Parade Video

    here is another video of the fly past:
  12. SABRE

    Pakistan's first National Anthem

    Prior to "Pak sar zameen" anthem Pakistan used Iqbal's "Bachay ki duaa" as national anthem. Many schools in Punjab province did not accept Persian anthem for a long time and continued with Iqbal's poetry.
  13. SABRE

    Pakistan ordered arms worth $4.5bn from US

    1st four or two to be delivered June 2010.
  14. SABRE

    What about our Agostas 90B's?

    On the export thing ... well France is a very hungry country. When Pakistan offered Agosta-90B to Malaysia France jumped in and offering French built advance subs. Although most of the equipment for Malaysian Agosta-90B would have come from France - hence virtually all the money would have gone...
  15. SABRE

    Russia will not agree to any curbs on transfer of sensitive technologies to India!

    Indians have know how on how to make nuclear reactors.
  16. SABRE

    Nehru divided India, not Jinnah: Jaswant Singh

    Allow me few quick interjections. 1. It is true that Pakistan was created by Nehru and not Jinnah. Hence Jinnah is mainly referred to as "Founder" not "Creator" by many scholars not only in Pakistan but around the world. Had Nehru been flexible you would either have had united India or...
  17. SABRE

    Pakistan nuclear program under constant assault

    I think what is important is that the people of Pakistan continue to take pride of its scientific achievement and continue to be confident of the security of our nukes. The first line of defence and prime threshold for our nuclear weapons is the public support. Our weapons are safer then the...
  18. SABRE

    The World Doesn't Have a Pakistan Nukes Problem ... It Has a David Albright Problem

    PART-2 I was in Iraq at the time, spearheading the very controversial UNSCOM 150 inspection, which found our team barred from entering several sensitive sites in and around Baghdad. On the few occasions when I was able to spend some down time at the U.N. headquarters on Canal Street, I would...
  19. SABRE

    The World Doesn't Have a Pakistan Nukes Problem ... It Has a David Albright Problem

    The Nuclear Expert Who Never Was Truthdig - Reports - The Nuclear Expert Who Never Was Posted on Jun 26, 2008 By Scott Ritter Editor’s note: Frank von Hippel has written a response to this column in the comments below. Click here to read his rebuttal. PART-1 I am a former U.N...
  20. SABRE

    The World Doesn't Have a Pakistan Nukes Problem ... It Has a David Albright Problem

    The World Doesn't Have a Pakistan Nukes Problem ... It Has a David Albright Problem By Peter Lee May 20, 2009 "Counterpunch" -- - As AFP tells us, the Institute for Science and International Security just published a report on Pakistan’s nuclear program that seems designed to pour...
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