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  1. SABRE

    Big 3 proposal: Board of Control for Cricket in India threatens Bangladesh

    Yes, I think it was very chauvinistic statement. In reality the Indian batting lineup might tear up BD bowling same as the Sri Lankans did in the last test, if not less. But coming to the topic, BD's test status relegation, technically a termination, is a matter of time. It would be victim of...
  2. SABRE

    April 10, 2013-Pakistan test-fires Hatf-4 Shaheen-I

    It is Shaheen-1A (I believe). The range classification is actually not inaccurate. Although Pakistan has adopted the missile terminologies from U.S./Nato (who doesn't?) the assignments of these terminologies however are based on India-Pakistan proximity instead of geographic distance between...
  3. SABRE

    Real target is Islamis aspiration in Bangladesh -War crime is an excuse

    Ah funny. So this means if something has to do with Islam its Pakistan's doing & if something has to do with atheism/secularism/democracy its India's doing. So, what's BD's doing? :P
  4. SABRE

    Seeking war crimes justice, Bangladesh protesters fight 'anti-Islam' label

    If Pakistan govt doesn't apologize you won't move forward? You are taking care of so called traitors anyways. Pakistan's formal apology won't change anything. You'll have good Pak-BD relations with BNP in power, and worse with AL in power. Even with apology AL would continue the way it...
  5. SABRE

    Agartala conspiracy case was not false: Deputy speaker

    Yahya believed he had the support of Establishment, Mujib said he had support of the majority population, Bhutto said he had support of majority provinces, Indra said she wanted to wrong the Two Nation Theory (in a same speech she contradicted herself by saying we have avenged the Muslims &...
  6. SABRE

    Agartala Conspiracy confession, what does it mean for our history

    Although it would threaten to get things off topic but I am quite tempted to reply here. My single penny says that even if we apologise nothing would come out of it. Anti-Pakistanism is what AL thrives on, its their polity. As long as they keep coming to power they'll keep coming up with some...
  7. SABRE

    Babur's New Prospectus ?

    Why don't you tell here. I'll make sure it reaches concerned engineers and scientists ... I promise ... but only if your ideas are worth it.
  8. SABRE

    No difference between Zardari regime & Taliban: Fatima

    Of course she is. But someone tell this to foreign journalists.
  9. SABRE

    No difference between Zardari regime & Taliban: Fatima

    Fatima Bhutto is younger sister of BB??? That's a news lol
  10. SABRE

    Weird Photos - F-16 in China?

    No F-16 was given to China. Anything similar to F-16 that made it to JF-17 was due to the PAC's engineers experience with F-16s. & the mock up in the photos have USAF logo on it (not PAF's).
  11. SABRE

    Israel ballstic missiel for the navy

    Wow ... now I am an Indian. lol ... Do confirm my Indianization with some of the members here as well as on PakDef and DT. I wasn't insulting you. I was being sarcastic. But on the serious side only illiterate molvies from Faisalabad and Jhang give fatwahs of end to Jewish civilization (Btw ...
  12. SABRE

    Israel ballstic missiel for the navy

    The picture is from "global security." GS along with ISIS is in habit of guessing where Israel, India, Pakistan, North Korea and Iran's nuclear facilities and weapons are located. The only problem is that rather then clarifying them as a 'guess' they claim it to be 'surety.'
  13. SABRE

    Israel ballstic missiel for the navy

    Some illiterate molvi's fathwah I guess. Probably from Faisalabad? :D Jews have been there for 4, 000 years and have not gone extinct regardless of their Roman prosecutions (pagan & later Christian) and European inquisitions. What makes you think they will disappear now? As for the state...
  14. SABRE

    Israel ballstic missiel for the navy

    Precisely the reason they need nuclear weapons/ballistic missiles for. They have their existence on stake against much larger quantitative conventional forces of Middle East from two sides. Lack of strategic depth has forced Israel to opt for weapons of last resort.
  15. SABRE

    Israel ballstic missiel for the navy

    hahahaha .... Classic ! :tup:
  16. SABRE

    Pakistan Navy's answer SM-2 for Brahmos.

    When we say "role against xyz weapon" (especially missiles) it is meant as counter measure and not counter-part. Meaning the "role against BrahMos" can only be played by anti-cruise missile system. SM-2 can only be seen as counter-part in some ways. While BrahMos can carry nuclear warhead...
  17. SABRE

    Pakistan is in the process of developing its own nuclear submarine

    I'll just comment on FM(C)T & Submarine. According to all the proposed drafts of FMCT the nuclear fuel for marine propulsions, including nuclear submarines and naval ships, is exempted from cutoff, inspection and verification. Meaning states can continue to produce HEU for ships under the FMCT...
  18. SABRE

    Difference between Ballistic and Cruise missiles

    @Jagjitnatt; You are basically right. Couldn't have made it easier myself. But here are few additions: They can also be launched from surface ships i.e. Indian Dhanush. Depends if they are carrying a nuclear warhead or conventional, but yes compared to ballistic missile they have...
  19. SABRE

    India counters Chinese anti-missile test

    Exothermic means that missile counters the Ballistic missile while its outside the Earth's atmosphere. Ballistic Missile midcourse occurs outside the earth's atmosphere (in space).
  20. SABRE

    India counters Chinese anti-missile test

    I just wanted to say few things: The news article in question is a self satisfactory article designed to satisfy like minded people with not-so-factual reporting. At the most it would give some kids something to boost about on the internet. Having said that; I think if DRDO had such a...
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