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    Governor Punjab, Salman Taseer, Killed.

    a very depressing turn of events.. pakistan is in danger of being hijacked. we are a far cry from the qaid's vision for the nation..
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    Jinnah's only lost case- Defending the "killer" of a Blasphemer, Ghazi Ilm Deen (R.H)

    salman taseer pays the price of such lies being allowed to propagate and criminals like ilm deen being considered shaheed and worthy of emulation. you might be next.
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    Indian man held in Bannu

    any confirmation of this? it has been several days now and no further news.
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    Musharraf vows never to visit India again

    now if this sellout crybaby and his great friend altaf fatneck hussain will promise not to show their manhoos chehras ever in pakistan, that'd be some cause for celebration.
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    UAE throws weight behind Musharraf

    anyone who thinks musharraf was a great leader for pakistan is very very naive..
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    Iranian coastguards gun down three Pakistanis

    lets see.. jundallah.. bases and carteblanche for US and US drone attacks.. i wonder why iran is so nervous.. that said, there is no trusting iran's regime.
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    UAE throws weight behind Musharraf

    batman, UAE needs pakistan more than pakistan needs the UAE. if they are the middleman for trade, it is because they skim off a handsome chunk in fees. stop selling your country short for some two bit businessman prince al zayed. does Pakistan have any say in the leadership or public policy of...
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    India refuses visa to Musharraf

    Indians also pay big bucks for Veena Malik :what:
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    Imran khan Only Politician Outside US influence: Wiki Leaks

    no one in KP will vote for him, especially ANP's base. he doesn't even speak pakhto. outside of the cities, no one'll vote for him - it is all too feudal..
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    Imran khan Only Politician Outside US influence: Wiki Leaks

    imran khan is a nobody in pakistani politics, and shows no sign of changing this. he isn't chalaak enough, too bad for pakistani awaam.
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    India won't pay any fees for transshipment thru’ roads

    this wouldn't have happened if bangladesh was part of pakistan. just look at how spineless you are when it comes to dealing with india.
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    UAE throws weight behind Musharraf

    maybe it is time someone told the arabis about democracy. UAE, why don't you try elections first before telling us what we should do with our lovely politicians...
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    India refuses visa to Musharraf

    Commando dares not step foot in Pakistan for fear of wetting his dhooti, bara chala hindustan lecture deney..
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    Indian Agents infiltration and sabotage in Pakistan by RAW

    in the 80s, every day they would arrest "indian agents" in karachi and lahore. mostly just dumb people with bollywood pics at home. those on the payroll of foreign intel agencies are bigshots today *cough* rehman malik *cough*
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    UN says India's Caste-System is a human rights abuse

    no doubt about caste system being a big human rights abuse. hindu society is a very cruel one for women and poor. a lot of pakistanis, especially punjabis, are still clinging onto this caste rubbish - bragging about being rajput/raja/araeen.. even jatt and gujjar.. jeez.. the way kaanjar...
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    What Indians think about Pakistan

    hindu zaid hamid. lots of sensational day-dreaming and pandering to those with zero brains and no shortage of emotion and religiosity.
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    this is what happens when you watch too much zaid hamid. najoomi baba urf murree classic #1
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    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    The only reason they attack anything within Pakistan is because of Pakistani support to the US-led war. Pakistan is crucial to whoever is in power in Afghanistan. The US knows this, the Taliban knows this. Both sides try to blackmail us into siding with them - the US through promises of aid...
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    We feel this is a war against our whole tribe,elderly Mehsud tribesman

    the mehsuds and other assorted rabble must be given a choice - give up their bloody tribal ways, or face similar situations. there is no point in clearing the current miscreants, and then facing the same scenario in another year or two. we need to fix the real social problem of FATA that is so...
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    Rehman Malik tells India to shut up

    he is merely trying to get some popularity back after he had rocks thrown at his car at islamabad after the bombing, and being rudely disallowed entry into GHQ. politician playing people as usual. if he had proof, he would have shown it to the US commanders by now.
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