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Iranian coastguards gun down three Pakistanis

no problem next time we pay them back in same coin by not alerting them about jundallah terrorist..a blast of two will set the regime mind in tehran right on course!

Jundullah are an organization that support Baloch secession from Pakistan and Iran, we will do ourselves more harm than good by acting in such a childish manner.
We have to wait for the perspective from the Iranian side before jumping to conclusions, for all we know those men could have been smugglers, their families are bound to say that they were innocent. Only time will tell who's right....
This should be just one of the isolated incident and not the one regular. So cool down. But ya RIP to those fisherman.
too bad ... Irani security have acted like luni's ..shooting 3 un-armed people in the head is f*kn insane of these knuckle heads May the dead RIP
They better do something for the familis of those people. And put their weapon on hold.....
Sad Incident.

But few points to be noted here.

Yes Iran is not as friendly as we think it is. Even i have heard that after the revolution they marched on Pakistan flag just like they do on USA flag. (Pakistan had good relation with the Shah of Iran).

Headshots on a moving boat is something fishy.

No warning or anything also raise questions on professionalism of those soldiers.

Also from other POV with tensions and threat Iran face or Iran thinks it face the coast guard might have order to shoot down people.

Iran also have responsibility to stop illegal human trafficking, People which seek to reach Eurpoe via Iran to turkey and then turkey to Central europe.

So relax. Try to understand others POV too. If iran is hostile it doesn't mean we should react the same. We should show our concerns but also try to improve our relation with them so that such incident don't happen in future..
In all the stupid quarrel between Iran and America I never supported or felt any sympathy for Iran. After the Khomeini revolution they always looked on to be a self destruct mode.

RIP to the dead and may God give some sense to Iranians along with the natural resources they have. :rolleyes:
please calm down somebozo

as explained by simorgh there is nothing on the subject i could read
what BATMAN is saying is not true: there is no propaganda against Pakistan about this subject
i don't know why BATMAN hates so much Iran but i cannot let him say without givinf direct source that news are anti Pakistan in Iran

Second point my friend, there is of course regrettable this kind of tension
and these people dead. I am sorry about it. I am sad fo their families, very sincerely.

Jundollah is said to be supported by Israelis, as said Dagan.
I can read in pro Israel newspaper that they say only Iran regime didn't like this group but it is not terrorist and not fanatics. They are terribly fanatics and beheading people and putting bombs this is crazy.
Please don't support this kind of people.
And we have so much problems with drug in Iran. It is a big disaster. We are cooperating and need cooperating more and more.

No I do not hate Iranians... they are my friends and i love them but the regime has not been fair to Pakistan and this is true that Iran news always give false picture about Pakistan.

I don't like the way religious authorities radicalize Pakistani Shias, inside Iran. While Iranians them self are liberal and tolerant.

No doubt Jundullah is terrorist out fit and need to be taken care of.
I do not subscribe to Someboozo remarks.

I'm correct in saying that post revolution Iran is insensitive to Pakistan.

It was P.Musharraf who voted in Iran's favor against all odds while Iran's biggest beneficiary India voted against you.

Today, it is so called Shia Zardari who reversed that vote and issued insensitive statements against Iran

Personally, I consider Iranians my brothers and will always wish well for them and will prefer their friendship over arabs but not at the cost of sovereignty and respect.
I will get back to arabs in same way if they go against our national interest.
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lets see.. jundallah.. bases and carteblanche for US and US drone attacks.. i wonder why iran is so nervous..

that said, there is no trusting iran's regime.
An investigation should be conducted by Pakistan into exactly what happened and where exactly it happened. As of now we know no warning shots were fired by Iranian coast guard, and the victims were shot in the head. What needs to be clear is are they fisherman, drug smugglers (As of now no reports of drugs found), etc.

In the past Pakistan has handed over armed Iranians who illegally crossed into the Pakistan, to Iranian authorities. Even arresting and turning over Iranian soldiers who illegally crossed into Pakistan.

So let an investigation happen, and next time Pakistan should take it's own appropriate action.
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An investigation should be conducted by Pakistan into exactly what happened and where exactly it happened. As of now we know no warning shots were fired by Iranian coast guard, and the victims were shot in the head. What needs to be clear is are they fisherman, drug smugglers (As of now no reports of drugs found), etc.

In the past Pakistan has handed over armed Iranians who illegally crossed into the Pakistan, to Iranian authorities. Even arresting and turning over Iranian soldiers who illegally crossed into Pakistan.

So let an investigation happen, and next time Pakistan should take it's own appropriate action.

A sad incident indeed.We will take appropriate actions I hope so.:frown:
and A1Kaid why you change your israeli flag?I am curious.:angel:
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