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  1. C

    An introduction evening....every one is welcome....

    Hey Hey don't leave me out I lived in the UK too, Anyway I don't spean english but Arabic because I lived in the UK and I am a MCP (Male chauvanist Pig). Because Nina said so I am a Prat and I drag women by their hair to my cave becoz im thick.
  2. C

    The Most powerful country in Islamic world

    I totally agree this thread is nothing more than a pissing contest, I for one want this thread closed, context or no context. All this thread is some nationalistic **** waving. Frankly as OOE said the whole world doesn't give a damn about who is the strongest in the Islamic world because they...
  3. C

    Second strike

    Exactly^^^^ MAD http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutual_assured_destruction
  4. C

    Muslim first or Pakistani ?

    What's more funny is how your trying to divide muslims, and thinking that they are actually going to believe in what you say. Pakistan is an Islamic republic, most of the time whatever is good for Pakistan is good for Islam.
  5. C

    Second strike

    Well it comes down to the percieved responsibility or lack of responsibility of the Iranians. I seem to recall count less articles about the death of billions in the sub continent due to the fierce rivalry of Inida and Pakistan, that they couldn't resist nuking each other as if the leaders of...
  6. C

    Second strike

    I don't see any ground invasion in the near future. But Bull it's interesting to see your analysis that Iran aquiring nuclear weapons will be extremely troublesome. IMHO it's very similar to the Inida-Pakistan situation in that WMD'S are real political weapons and deterrence. Israel will...
  7. C

    Chinese workers shot in Pakistan

    They are trying to hurt and undermine the government. They know very well that killing chinese is a soft spot for Gen Pervez Musharra and they will kill innocent people inorder to embarass him and make him loose his credibilty.
  8. C

    Muslim first or Pakistani ?

    I think that's a nice answer:cheers:
  9. C

    All Man U fans!!!

    Agreed ^^^^
  10. C


    I'm just saying that there are much more intense rivalries that Pakistan has to face both economically and strategically. The whole Iran (shia) vs Pakistan (sunni) is being blown out of proportion. Pakistan would rather have a muslim state as an ally even if it is shia than having it as some...
  11. C

    All Man U fans!!!

    Well Raul is 30 which is about the same age as RVN. But the thing is both strikers have lost a yard of pace, and that's what I thnk Real lack, not the poacher. What Real need is a young gun, someone who can inject pace in the attack and ferry the ball to the lead striker a.g RVN. I'm looking...
  12. C

    All Man U fans!!!

    I'm Interested in your opinion that Real Madrid need to bolster their strike force. I mean you guys have 3 class forwards i.e RVN, Raul, Robinho apart from Soldado and Higuain. Do you need another class forward, I mean the "hole" position can easily be filled with Reyes, why send him abck to...
  13. C


    1.) No not really but Pakistan has already got two India and china. 2)It is because there are two mortal enemies of Pakistan namely Israel and India. Pakistan can take India whilst Iran can keep an eye on Israel 3) Wanting competition?? Pakistan does not want, Hindu/chinese or any other...
  14. C

    Who's the richest Pakistani alive?

    I'm not sure and can't be bothered to google it up. But even then I don't think that Mr. Pervez had given up his Natioanlity.
  15. C

    Chinese workers shot in Pakistan

    Yup here you go, so far what iv'e worked out is that they one man probably owns an auto-rikshaw factory and his family members worked in his factory and they were all killed. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2007-07/10/content_5422786.htm
  16. C

    Chinese workers shot in Pakistan

    So far what I found is that they were Independant business men, can anyone else help us out here?
  17. C

    Chinese workers shot in Pakistan

    I heard they were working in an auto-rikshaw factory, is that right? Oh but heres some additional info : I typed muslims oppressed in India i got 1,230,000 hits I typed dalits oppressed in India I got 110,000 hits And finally I typed India Super Power I got 1,650,000 hits:woot: But anyway...
  18. C

    Who's the richest Pakistani alive?

    What the hell?? Keys I think your really msitaken, I know loads of people who have a dual nationality , British and Pakistani.. so why wouldn't Mr Pervez? Im pretty much 100% sure this is the case, and Bhangra FYI Pakistan does permit dual nationality, but when joining say the air force you...
  19. C

    Babur ready for induction

    Well if your talking specifically about capability then yes Pakistan has the capabability to produce BAbur and it works just fine. Modifying the Subamarine or missile is probably the intention, and I wouldn't be surprised that in the future that Pakistan will install thsi ability in their next...
  20. C


    Man it's people like you with their extravagent conspiracy theories who get on my nerves. You actually think this government would stage this "drama" to appease the Americans or whoever they are trying to appease? People like you will just bash the government what ever happens, even when the...
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