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    Elective Quran course approved for military schools

    I don't know if you are just a kid or adult. But i am sure that threatening to hang a prime minister is serious crime in Turkey. Be very careful about what you say. Also you cant do anything. Most of people who had power and have same mentality with you now in jail. Most of them convicted.
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    Elective Quran course approved for military schools

    Don't twist the topic please. I am talking about facts. Are u denying these ? No. Nobody can. I am not playing victim. I just happy with the progress and transition of our military.
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    Elective Quran course approved for military schools

    I was talking about showing respect to officers and soldiers whose wife is wearing turban or who is performing daily prayers. We know that hundreds of officers dismissed from the army just because they were performing daily prayers and their wife were wearing turban in 28 february 1998 era. Even...
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    Elective Quran course approved for military schools

    Typical kemalist mentality. World is not black and white. Religious soldiers can also be professional. Also there is noting wrong with cheering "Allah akbar". I hate this twisted mentality of kemalists implying that cheering as "Allah akbar" is bad thing.
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    Elective Quran course approved for military schools

    This is great news. Finally Turkish army becoming what majority of Turks dreamed of. In past, i mean 14 years ago, 'secular' generals dismissed hundreds of officers just because their wife's are wearing turban. Now we see elective Quran courses in military schools. To dear Pakistani friends...
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    Turkiye bolundu. Vatana millete hayirli ugurlu olsun!!

    This thread is not about defense industry or military. We are not here to discuss political matters about Turkey's internal affairs. Also the news that you share is absurd and totally untrue.
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    Turkish pilots killed by Assad, not crash: leaked documents

    guys please fucus on topic. I i wanted to read offtopic arguments of teenagers i would read youtube video comments. Moderators please fix this. Most important thing is here if syria able to place two bodies into 1300 meters deep in a short notice or not. Answer is obvious.
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    Turkish pilots killed by Assad, not crash: leaked documents

    Previously Turkish government announced that pilots found in the planes where their seat belts were plugged. It is impossible for a country like Syria to place two bodies into 1300 meters deep and plug seat bets back. so imho this documents must be fabricated.
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    Iran Bought 26 Ton Gold From Turkiye

    Nope. These are typical "ulusalcı" arguments. We can call them as "ulusalcı" if you dont like "kemalists". Its also fine for me.
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    Iran Bought 26 Ton Gold From Turkiye

    are u for real ? ??? seriously we are not giving those golds for free. they are PAYING FOR it. You "ulusalcı" guys tottaly lost your minds. U even accuse goverment for selling golds? Really ? You guys come this far or just trolling ?
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    Israel seeks to deploy 20,000 commandos in Greek Cyprus

    Thank god finnaly a real comment.
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    Azerbadyan about to join T-129 Program!

    they may prefer russian chopter. Russia has huge influence over azarbaijan. I hope they go with T 129 ofc.
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    We do not want to be enemies with Turkey

    You are obviously do not know anything about relations between turkey and iraq. Pease do not comment on topics which u dont have any idea.
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    Iraq seizes Turkish aircraft

    impossible. Another lie from press tv.
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    Turkish Space Programs

    pls stop posting this kind of unrelated childish posts on every topic.
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    Ankara summons Iran envoy over Syria conference remarks

    lol. We have a delusional kemalist here. last time i check akp's votes were increasing.
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    Newest Picture of T-129

    way too low with respect to what ? what is your criteria ? and if you compare today with 2016, it is quite a development.
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    OTTOMAN ARMY IN GALLIPOLI (with a Wonderful Song and Pics) Allahu Akbar

    ahahahha your paganic ? perfect example of kemalist education system. Thank god i did not become one of them.
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    OTTOMAN ARMY IN GALLIPOLI (with a Wonderful Song and Pics) Allahu Akbar

    Yes you admire viadmir putin yet u kemalist guys accuse Erdogan as civil dictator. A second example of kemalist mentality.
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