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  1. poseidon

    Iran to execute alleged **** site developer

    Very good, I am sick of these disgusting morons, trashing the net.
  2. poseidon

    Iran Question & Turkey’s Own Nuclear Options

    OK then. lets just wait and see if turket get the bomb :rofl::rofl:
  3. poseidon

    Syrian Analyst Reveals Saudi Spy Agency's Role in Abduction of Iranian Engi

    TEHRAN (FNA)- A senior Syrian analyst took the Saudi spy agency responsible for the abduction of several Iranian engineers in the Syrian Homs city last month, and asked the kidnappers to release them immediately. "It seems that the Saudi security services are behind the act (abduction...
  4. poseidon

    Saudi prince discusses kingdom's Iran problem

    Juts ignore them, If they really want the island let them come and get it LOL.
  5. poseidon

    Iran Question & Turkey’s Own Nuclear Options

    Iran is much ahead of turkey in terms of missiles, turkey would be stupid to make an enemy out of Iran. look like turkey is following their zionist masters agenda and try to demonize Iran. it's funny how turkey does not seesisrael as a threat and they have the bomb. while they are talking...
  6. poseidon

    Panetta Says Iran Could Develop Nuclear Weapon Within A Year

    I bet he does not know how ridiculous looks anyway. The guy looks like a octopus...
  7. poseidon

    Panetta Says Iran Could Develop Nuclear Weapon Within A Year

    Last year they said the same things...how stupid are the USA intelligence agencies?
  8. poseidon

    Iranian carriers in the Gulf of Mexico

    Bro I am not here to do the Iran-saudi thing, but imagine how much better off you would be if you tries to be their friends, they can help you in so much things. and maybe just maybe, you will learn to see their great culture. persians are very sensitive about their culture, if saudi arabian...
  9. poseidon

    Saudi prince discusses kingdom's Iran problem

    It clearly made to make the jews happy, especially the last bit. Lets look at the fox news link Saudi arabians hate israel more than persians lol. they would never work with them.
  10. poseidon

    Iran Claims It Has Produced Laser-Guided Shells

    Anyway lets stay on topic please, here are some more pics
  11. poseidon

    Saudi prince discusses kingdom's Iran problem

    Prince Turki al-Faisal, Saudi Arabia's former head of general intelligence, was on a panel to assess the whole concept of globalization at the World Economic Forum here, but we sat down with him to talk very specifically about his region. "Two hundred dollars a barrel oil is not going to...
  12. poseidon

    Iranian carriers in the Gulf of Mexico

    You seem like a nice guy, I wish you the best of luck. as long as you do your part to make your country,the region,the world a better place then there will be more people joining you.
  13. poseidon

    Iranian carriers in the Gulf of Mexico

    but you spend more on your military, 11% of GDP.
  14. poseidon

    Iran gets delivery of Avtobaza ELINT system

    Iran just bought this to get some info on russian tech, they can make this themselves. remember the RQ-170 incident.
  15. poseidon

    Iran Claims It Has Produced Laser-Guided Shells

    Iran would be stupid not to have nukes, but they would be stupid if they used it first.
  16. poseidon

    Iran Claims It Has Produced Laser-Guided Shells

    LOL even if they had a nuke, you will never know they did, until they used it. Iran gets alot of earthquakes.any of those could be an underground test. for god sakes, nukes were made in the 40s, they are not exactly super high tech...
  17. poseidon

    Iranian carriers in the Gulf of Mexico

    I know, but you cannot denny you regime goes over the top...I bet you're probably against the whole laws against womens, such as driving bann and so on. you leaders are portraying you in a very bad way.
  18. poseidon

    Iran Claims It Has Produced Laser-Guided Shells

    for one, how do you know they dont have nukes. and....what 10 nukes gonna do against thousands of americans nukes? Iran needs to carry on their fight without nukes.
  19. poseidon

    Iranian carriers in the Gulf of Mexico

    I suppose what you're saying is saudi's leaders are anti-Iranian. then lets see if saudis are willing to get a better regime.
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