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Iran gets delivery of Avtobaza ELINT system


Mar 28, 2011
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Russia has completed delivery of Avtobaza truck-mounted ELINT and jamming system designed to work alongside the air defense systems for detection, ranging, locating, identifying and jamming aerial targets. The system can also be used to gather intelligence via intercepting radio communications and direction finding.

Russia delivers radar jammers to Iran - Emirates 24/7


Warsaw Pact / Russian Emitter Locating Systems / ELINT Systems
Rosoboronexport Description (Cite):

The Avtobaza ELINT system is designed to detect airborne side-looking radars, air-toground fire-control radars and low-altitude flight control radars, as well as to provide intelligence data for the 1L125M APUR.

equipment vehicle based on the Ural-43203 chassis with the K1.4320 van
ED2x16-T230P-1VAS electric power generator in the K1.4320 van on the Ural 4310 chassis
The ELINT system displays on the TV screen acquired targets with data on their direction finding, angular coordinates (azimuth and elevation), radiation signal parameters (carrier frequency, duration, pulse repetition frequency) and radar type classification (sidelooking, fire control, low-altitude flight control radar). The APUR automated jamming control system is fed with target data (frequency band number according to frequency assignment of jamming systems, type of emitting radars and their angular coordinates) via cable at a range of up to 100 metres.
Iran just bought this to get some info on russian tech, they can make this themselves.

remember the RQ-170 incident.
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