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  1. G

    Pakistani militants kill 15 security officers

    Is there any other source that is claiming that Pakistani Army or Frontier Constabulary (the poorer cousin) are actually inflicting casualities on women in the tribal areas? This seems to be a totally new allegation while the bad taliban is trying to justify the killings of these poor...
  2. G

    Pakistan blocks NATO supplies

    Good. This charade of alliance should end one way or the other. End of deciet and clarity on both sides will help each redefine their priorities and take forward their individual agendas with their true inherent capabilities. But at the time of the divorce too arises the matter of the ali money...
  3. G

    Vcheng hits 5000+ posts - Congrats

    And from what I have read, pretty much all of those posts were of substance. Well done!
  4. G

    Bangladesh to take Ambassador taxis

    Salt Lake is pretty okay. Lived there for about 8 months a few years back and I found it quite alright for a nice quality of life. Of course, you can have your own opinion about a place. Not everyone loves even New York. Osama proved it :)
  5. G

    Bangladesh to take Ambassador taxis

    New Amby is pretty good actually. Someone in the family just keeps it for the 1800 ISUZU engine. I once borrowed it a few years back and did Saket to Gurgaon once in just 11 minutes (early morning 3.00 A.M :) ). The new one also has bucket seat for the front and the old sofa seat in the back. So...
  6. G

    Iran: No oil through strait if sanctions applied

    I think that KSA will have a major role to play in this conflict. The role will not be predominantly military though that will be a part of it. US / NATO might be leading the military intervention anyway. The major role KSA will be playing will be in mellowing down China and Russia in to...
  7. G

    Iran: No oil through strait if sanctions applied

    Have you now been taking courses in clairvoyance of the Indians? May be instead of choosing the absurdity, you could comment on what Chinese response will be? Will they allow Iran to block the strait through which the Chinese oil also flows? How long would they like that to happen? What will be...
  8. G

    Your move, chief!

    People were distributing sweets after Zia / Mussharraf's (read Pakistani Army) depature too. How do you ensure that the Pakistani Army propped Imran Khan will then do justice to this round of sweets in the true sense?
  9. G

    Your move, chief!

    Is the article really meaning to say that OBL Abbuttabad incident, Mehran Base incident and others are mentioned are actually due to civilian culpability? On top of that, the international clarity of not accepting any more coups and handiwork of the Pakistani Army is totally ignored while...
  10. G

    Jinnah, And Pakistan, Were Culmination Of Ten Centuries Of Muslim Empire

    If it is being a pre-partition Muslim that is the qualifier, then where via your endless vocabulary and comprehension will you accomodate the Indian Muslims in this grand scheme of "We"?
  11. G

    India: The mess of democracy

    You speak so rightly. Or just blame the universal currency Dollar :D
  12. G

    Jinnah, And Pakistan, Were Culmination Of Ten Centuries Of Muslim Empire

    LoL, you must be really proud of "ruling India". So you agree that India did exist then :) I am sure that your ancestors would have proudly waltzed in with Taimur the Lame in to India straight from the Western Asia or may be with Babur's "Jakheera". :D Like I said. You need to know where you...
  13. G

    Jinnah, And Pakistan, Were Culmination Of Ten Centuries Of Muslim Empire

    If you do not know where you came from, you will never arrive where you want to go :) Not a good idea to run away from the past.
  14. G

    Jinnah, And Pakistan, Were Culmination Of Ten Centuries Of Muslim Empire

    What heritage would have the East Pakistan claimed in those times? Persian? Turkic? Arabic? Chinese Uighur? How exactly do you fit that episode of the "jist of a century" in this wierd romancing of yours? I am sure that is inconvenient because of the declaration of independence by Bangladesh...
  15. G

    The core contradiction

    Such is the perfidy that the army generals have played with the Pakistani nation. It is strange that you mention of the people considering the army as a viable alternative. I am sure your Qaid would not have wanted that. And you must see the number of years that Pakistani Army has ruled Pakistan...
  16. G

    Strategic retreat: NBP, OGDC burst the IP gas pipeline bubble

    It is sometimes disappointing to see the impishness in the whole situation from some of our pakistani friends. This gas at current cost is a financial leech waiting to happen to pakistan. Look at the rental power plants today which are sucking on the exchequer and eagerness of hafiz to roll them...
  17. G

    The core contradiction

    So then you really see the point of the core contradiction that is elaborated in the article :)
  18. G

    The core contradiction

    Does the Pakistani Army fix the things that you mentioned there?
  19. G

    How A Few Pakistanis Conspire Against Pakistan Military And ISI

    LoL, a simple case of twitterphobia. Nothing else there. And regarding the thoughts of the people mentioned regarding the brave Pakistani Army, why can't they have an opinion on the matter. Afterall it is a matter that could lead to "mazbooran" political intervention by the Pakistani Army...
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