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    "shot for going to school" BBC covers Taliban influence in karachi

    Bull **** ... And MQM is "Muthahida Qatil Movement" ... sponsored by RAW, CIA and MI-6..... Batha Khaur, Mrderers, rapists and what not..... These people have to be eliminated form the roots..... the people of karachi are suiffering because of this particular political party .... "Muthahida...
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    Shiv Sena's Hopes & Dreams

    Wow..... i wonder why too? ..... such intelligence ...
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    Hafiz Saeed challenges India | Offers to be ' Tried for terrorism'

    Very simple ..... US of A and Europe are their main sponsors ..... money makes the mayor go ..... can u let me know why did US of A and Europe support and created unrest in Syria, Egypt and why did they kept on hitting Iraq after they found out that there were no WMDs on ground..... MY FRIEND...
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    Switzerland opens drive in 'sex boxes' to make prostitution safer

    Prostitution ... stays till end of time ..... may be if we get computerized something..... but regulating this will only make it safer although more people will eb attracted now to this form of entertainment ......
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    Hindu extremists vandalise art gallery for 'exhibiting Pakistani artists'.

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    Hafiz Saeed challenges India | Offers to be ' Tried for terrorism'

    All Indian supporters, Can u answer a few questions here logically: 1. The Following films blamed on Pakistan by US of A (A doesnot stand for America here) have been proven that they were made in INDA (All Casts and Characters): A - The Parliment Takeover B- The ----- Train Bombing...
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    Hindu extremists vandalise art gallery for 'exhibiting Pakistani artists'.

    This is really deplorable ....... what is this really indian government should take people to task who are committing these illogical and stupid acts ..... really BJP should eb banned form Indian Politics .... they are equal to TT.... I would not say P or A or I or just TT ..... they need to be...
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    Indian Navy 2020 Submarine Acquisition Plan

    Ufff ......hahahahahahaha...... What is this ...... Pakistan will have Nuclear Fueled Cars by 2040, they have nuclear powered human beings by 2050 ... Pakistan will have full robotic nuclear armed Army 2035 which will be able to swim for thousands of miles with missiles on their shoulders and...
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    Shiv Sena's Hopes & Dreams

    This man needs help ..... BJP should be banned an extremist and idiot people should never make it this far in politics... I wonder how can indian people vote for people like these..... he is an insane guy real danger for both countries and their people
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    LoC flare up: August 2013

    Its not as simple as it looks: 1. As Pakistan Army is moving in Baluchistan for action against BLA and Terrorists sent across by US of A (A doesnot stand for America) , India other Members to create more problems for Pakistan .... India does not want this to happen as they are havinga field...
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    Amid LoC firing, India plans to buy onions from Pakistan

    We have same problem of onions in Sindh... mainly due to loss of agricultural produce in Floods and road supply disruptions from punjab to sindh and balochistan.....
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    India and Pakistan: Border Disorder

    Its not as simple as it looks: 1. As Pakistan Army is moving in Baluchistan for action against BLA and Terrorists sent across by US of A (A doesnot stand for America) , India other Members to create more problems for Pakistan .... India does not want this to happen as they are havinga field...
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    Egyptian Military detains a Pakistani citizen.

    Well all people went for Juma Prayers and the five poor guys one pakistani baba and 4 syrians also went in ..... its really simple why are we making such a big news out of it... why are we discussing it even ..... many pakistanis and indians and philipinos etc work all round the world and live...
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    Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the big historical lie

    100% correct..... Well histories are always written by "The conquerors" that is why facts are always distorted and made to match their objectives and carry their views as they want them to be understood and presented........ Well written article and facts..... :)
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    Iran continues 'illegal coercion' and detention of ship, India fumes

    May be again War Drums from India... come on do it ...... MODDI ... HOw many iranians for each hour.... Go On Say it..... Hahahahahahahaha..... They have worst relations with all nations of south east asia this is INDIA
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    Caught By Thermal Imagers! Army Foils Infiltration Bid By Terrorists!

    lolzz.... hahahahaha....... whose pants down..... lolzzzzz..... hahahahahaha...... pants down .... yaar u mallus are a limit ... ur own government and agencies, took over ur parliment, killed indian people in Taj Hotel , Killed their own 5 soldiers, blasted trains... the list goes on and on and...
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    Caught By Thermal Imagers! Army Foils Infiltration Bid By Terrorists!

    lolzzz....... Was he there..... have u seen his dead body on news.... anything at all to prove he was there... the DNA samples were with US of A (A doesnot stand of America) from Dubai American Hospitals back in 2004 ....... So prove it he was there... prove it ...... Hey ..... No sir i...
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    Caught By Thermal Imagers! Army Foils Infiltration Bid By Terrorists!

    Special.......evidences.... hahahahaha... like osama in abottabad.... like 9/11, like mumbai attacks, Iraq WMDs.... Train Attacks... 5 Soldiers...... U r not pathetic.... ur even worse ..... once a mallu always a Mallu... Wake up ..... Before it is too late .... USA and NATO wants war in this...
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    Caught By Thermal Imagers! Army Foils Infiltration Bid By Terrorists!

    Lolzzz.... Yaar u indians a re a limit... how do we know its poonch sector and not some yet again "Thriller Film" of Indian Media and Army .... afterall "The Mumbai Attacks" ... "The Train Blast" and "The death of Five Soldiers".... were made up by yourselves..... This is all bullshit...
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    Teenager raped for 13 years

    This is pathetic..... and since this instance has been brought in the lime light I am fully confident that it will be taken care of ..... Insha Allah.....
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