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    The Sorry State of the Indian Army

    without the support of power defence industry, to build a maintain a powerful defence force is just a wet dream! However, without the support of powerful industry base, to build and mantain a power defence industry is just a wet dream! India's problem is that it doesn't lack of plans,but...
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    India to be the greatest superpower

    PLS read more news about China on FT or WSJ,then think about your word "China's current rise to power is a direct result of American business and industry. Take that away and China's economy will decline as well" fact is that China's economy is still growing at a speed of 6%+ and rebounding...
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    India to be the greatest superpower

    Frankly speaking, the life quality and the style of life in coastal China is quite close to east Europe ,Tailand and S.Africa, although China's nominal per GDP is much less than that of those countries!( East Europe's per nominal GDP is about 10000 USD while coastal China's per nominal GDP is...
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    China, India 'may stir up regional war': army report

    india's weak is that India's defence industry can not stand long-term war. when a long-term War of attrition between China and India breaks out, India would be definitely doomed to fail because of its crappy indigenious defence industry. In such a war, India may win battles ,but be doomed...
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    China, India 'may stir up regional war': army report

    Chinese hard work indeed deserves such a "transform". we keep a low file , work hard and never blah "China shining" to foreigners; we always keep wary to western phraise so called "G2 , China to be superpower...etc".... we just work hard step by step according our agenda and we won't...
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    China, India 'may stir up regional war': army report

    well, a chinese girl I know flied to Bangkok from bombay. when she arrived at Bangkok, she telephoned to me that " finally she returned to a city which is in the same era as ours".
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    China, India 'may stir up regional war': army report

    100 billion/ 20 years= only 5 billion per year.... it is in fact not a big deal... 100 billion/20 years can not work out some big fishes. in fact, "China's indigenious big plane", will receive investment of "200 billion RMB(30 billion USD) in the coming decade . in the coming...
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    China, India 'may stir up regional war': army report

    china is the actual and pratical threaten to USA's postion,because its powerful industry base. India's "superpower" is still on paper. frankly speaking, when most CHinese tourists return from india's cities to China,they just feel as if they had just expericenced a trip to antique eras...
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    India to be the greatest superpower

    frankly speaking, India's position is not better than its postion ten years ago. 10 years ago, Tailand's per GDP was 1500 USD, CHIna's per GDP was 700 USD,S.korea's per GDP was 8000 USD and India's per GDP was about 500 USD. today, Tailand's per GDP is about 4500 USD, CHina's per GDP is...
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    Indo-China war Inevitable ?

    A coutry like India can not really understand how important a powerful defence industry is ,because India has not experienced the time as hard as Russia and China did during two world wars. well, Russia was bashed by German during WW I,just because Russian defence industry was so crappy that...
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    Indo-China war Inevitable ?

    as for military,India is not on the screen of CHina. a coutry who can not arm itself with its own defence industry can not be on the screen of CHina. USA, Russia, EU are the candidate of the match. India is not on the list.
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    india's plans are always slower than expected. In mid 1990s I heard about "LCA " of India, when I was still a middle school student. Now ,I am nearly 30 years old, but "LCA" still has not entered into service. In 2004, when I returned to a university for for a master degree, I heard...
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    Tibet torture video: Rediff

    well, the first footage that CHinese police beat the arrested guys should be only reliable one. but foreigners here obviously can not understand what the police offficers said in the footage In fact,anyone who can know chinese can hear that The police officer in the right side said to...
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    Comparison Of Indegenious Chinese Products With Russian Derived Indian Products

    india should consolidate its industry base .
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    Wen urges Cambridge to forgive shoe thrower

    excuse me, may Indian forgive the guys who attacked Mumbai? What The Tibean arrested did was not only to throw stones,but also to burn some girls to death. They are murders. Should murder deserve death sentence?
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    Chinese warships force Indian submarine to surface in Gulf of Aden

    well, now Most chinese think that the news cited is a piece of fake news
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    Chinese warships force Indian submarine to surface in Gulf of Aden

    china has much more leavages on international issue than India has. N.Korea,Iran, Sudan. US T-bond,RMB' exchange.Cuba....etc. almost all international issue would not be solved without the cooperation of CHina. As for India, India's influence is hardly seen outside south asia.
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    Chinese warships force Indian submarine to surface in Gulf of Aden

    1.only GPS is not enogh to provide global real-time supervision. GPS+TDRSS the the base of real time global datalink. India has no TDRSS yet now. 2.USA's GPS closes its door to India ,as for military purpose such real-time datalink. 3.In a real conflict, the dependence on...
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    Chinese warships force Indian submarine to surface in Gulf of Aden

    well, 1.the strike-range of KIlo is not decided not only by the range of its "Klub" ASHM,but also by the range of its "eye-sight'. if subs are "short-sighted", the long range of its weapons has no meaning. when crusing under the seaface,subs are hard to "see" what is going on beyond vison...
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    Chinese warships force Indian submarine to surface in Gulf of Aden

    different from the event, US navy's AC group didn't detected PLAN sub until PLAN sub was only 5 mile away
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