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    'China Worried Over India's Missile Deployment Plans'

    I think India should cover whole North East with SAM network.......To be frank at present our condition is little vunerable in North East....so by 2020 we need to deploy atleast 8 Squad of Fighter Jets{Su30Mki+Rafale+Tejas Mk2} 4 Squad of SAM 2 Strike Corp and if possible India should also...

    Balochistan violence: 868 killed, 2390 missing since 2010

    Another reason added to my list of Reasons why Jawahar Lal Nehru was not a good leader.......i always believed that the only person who saved us in post independence was ''Shri Vallabhai Patel''

    Balochistan violence: 868 killed, 2390 missing since 2010

    Oooops it looks like you are forgeting Bengali Muslims of Ex East Pakistan...i know you will blame RAW for that too but at that time RAW didn't have any other option as alot of bengali from Then East Pakistan were illegali migrating to our country which was putting huge burden on our...

    Balochistan violence: 868 killed, 2390 missing since 2010

    Don't blame us or other foriegn agencies for your own deeds......Since 1947 you have been neglecting other ethnic groups in your country except Punjabi's and this is the outcome of that negligence...

    Indian navy warships on goodwill visit to Israel

    Long live Indo-Israel Friendship.....Their is old quote that applies with Israel ''A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed'' The biggest outcome of Kargil war was Indo-Israel Friendship.....

    India No. 3 in world in realty price rise

    Bhai CWG,2G,Mining ke Gotalo ka paisa kha jayega....Swiss Bank or Real Estate....aur ab to Wiki leaks ke karan Swizz Bank jane wala paisa bhi Real Estate mein ja rha hoga....

    Rafale will have European weapons, not American

    Firstly, India should request for integration of Indian and few Israeli weapons on Rafale Like Astra Bvraam,Sudarshan Laser bomb and Python5 Missile..... Secondly,MICA is a medium range BVR missile....i think instead of MICA...India should go for either Meteor or Aim 120D{If Possible}...

    Sushil Kumar Shinde Becomes the Home Minister

    Ex Union Power Minister Shinde Becomes the New Home Minister After two successfull failure of Northern Grid on 30 July 2012 Northern Grid,North-Eastern Grid,Eastern Grid on 31 July 2012 under his ministery ''It Happens Only In India''

    Sri Lanka caught in Indian Ocean power struggle

    That's what happen when you comment without reading the article or without thinking........You post idiotic comments....... Suggestion For You Btw their is a saying in India that Charity Begins from home....so why don't you first save your own neighbours from Your own Aggression...

    Taj Mahal will collaspe in 5 years

    If i am right Changez Khan was father of Babur's mother....or you can say Changez khan was Maternal Grand Father of Babur...

    Taj Mahal will collaspe in 5 years

    Ooops it looks like you forgot to mention one more Reality....... Reality--Hafizzz is the NexT BiG Thing when it comes trolling after Zaid Hamid.....both of you are pioneers in this department.... Note--Althrough now you are a Banned member but still i was not able resist myself from...

    Sale of F-35 to India not on the table right now: US

    @SexyGun Su35BM is not a sexy gun which you can put in your pocket....Su35 BM is around 20 Ton beast which can't be operated through our ACC....hell even US don't operate such kind of aircrafts through their super carriers...... On Topics--We already have 2 Fifth Gen Aircraft Programes...

    France to help strengthen Pakistan's security infrastructure

    @AP2009 or may be they are licking our Punjabi Jutti...... Even if we want to people from your country and Bangladesh won't let us forget that.... On Topic-- Btw good gesture from France and i think Pakistani's should respect that specialy when you know that most the world is after you.

    Boeing eyes India as US cuts defence spending

    Timely delivery is the biggest advantage of U.S defence firms over their Russian counter parts..... I think Indian Psu's should also learn something from them if they realy want to be up to date... American firms won't hesitate in paying a package of 1 crore to the person who they think...

    India forgetting 1999 Kargil victory against Pakistan: Gen. V.P Malik

    See the difference between the stature of India and Pakistan Pre Kargil and Post Kargil.....You will realise what we gained and what you lost.....Kargil wad Eye openner for us and it helped us to come togather and think about our country only....

    Cong MP Vijay Darda calls Modi 'tiger' of Gujarat

    Little correction he is not Tiger he is ''Lion of India''...and the best Thing about him is he don't wash Dirty linen in front of Public no Matter how many cheap shots Does his opponents take on him.... He just let his work do the talking

    Photos:Delivery of 50 Indian 4.5 tonne trucks to Afghan Army.

    Dude ''Don't Judge the book by its cover''..... Btw its alot better to gift something new to official army of another country then to gift something to Non State Actors of another country...... Long live Indo-Afghan frienship..... I think If possible India should also help Afganistan...

    Three Hindu traders abducted in Pak's Balochistan.

    Or may be they are confident that administration won't take any strict action against them as victims belong to minor community........

    Should India Be Building Another Carrier?

    I think it depends on future doctrine of Indian Navy.....i mean If we want to be a rigional power..then even Two CBG will more then enough for us as we have A&N island in Bay of Bengal and Lakswadeep in Arabian sea.. where we can station Two squadron of Su30 Mki each......and then you have...

    India must go for Covert Action in Pakistan: Book

    With increasing difference between the forces of both countries....i don't find Pakistan tol go for any direct war on Kashmir....so convert operation is the best way that they can opt for....and them being busy in WoT at present...i find this as the perfect time for RAW to build few silent...
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