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    HAL to produce cryogenic engines for ISRO

    I'll prefer instead of NAL it should be some private company like L&T or Tata Group with good history in other sectors .....

    Narendra Modi slams Centre's foreign policy

    Yes and MMS is following his version of Mahatma Gandhi's mantra... Corruption mat Dekho Corrupt ke bare mein bura mat Kaho Aur Corrupt ke baare mein Bura mat suno... .. Come 2014 i am not going to vote for Honest Sheep as i know the honest sheep can't save his nation from the wolves...

    IAF’s SA-8s SAM failed repeatedly

    As far as i know DRDO was working with French on QRSAM Maitree Missile to replace SA-8 SAM of Indian Army ..

    Thales will invest 200 million euro in a new industrial campuses in Bordeau

    ^^^^European are known for their style and luxury products...Look at the Auto sector you will all the premium Auto Brands are from Europe Aston Martin,Bugatti.Rolls Royce,Jaguar,BMW,Audi,Merc,Lambogini,Ferrari,Maserati,Bentley etc...

    Army wants ‘Show of Force’ , Government not keen !!

    That's what happens when you have spineless leaders sitting at the Top who hell bent in crippling our Army... Its high time India should Join hands with U.S,Japan,Tibet,Australia,Philipines,Vietnam,Taiwan,S.Korea{If Possible},even Europe{If Possible to built an Anti China Military and...

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

    Sir you are talking about Engine Technology here and No country in this world is going to give you that technology if needed you yourself will have to earn this technology by investing in your R&D their is no shortcut in this Tech....India and China both has realised that.....Damm you can't fly...

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

    I can't about the pilot training as i am not expert in that but as far as IAF squadron strength is concern then Yes i agree with you that Squadron strength of IAF is at all time low but you also have to see the otherside of the coin that is that capability of IAF fighter jet is at all time...

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

    Delay in MMRCA Deal and LCA Project would have given PAF a breathing space if India wouldn't have placed order for 135 fighter Jet {90 Su30 Mki + 45 Mig 29K} during that period and then not to forget upgradation of Mig29 and Miraage 2K5 which will add punch to IAF...

    A Solution To End The Caste System In India

    Its almost like saying the best way to save world from terrorism is by nuking Pakistan and Afghanistan...Dude you are talking about humans not animal btw i have better solution for this problem as well educate them...

    P-3C Vs. P-8I: India, Pakistan And The Naval Balance – Analysis

    Sorry let me correct myself its not 2.2 Billion dollar deal its 2.1 Billion Dollar deal ..

    P-3C Vs. P-8I: India, Pakistan And The Naval Balance – Analysis

    Idiots who call themselves as the So Called defence Analysts who don't even know ABCD about defence....Damm even a person with 200 posts {Trolls apart} in this forum has more knowledge in defence related matters then them....I mean this person is writing an article about Indian Navy P-8I and he...

    Tejas grounds Medium Combat Aircraft project

    It would have been alot better if DRDO and ADA had focused on getting IoC and FoC of LCA Tejas first and then started beating Dhol of AMCA Project or MCA or NGFA whatever it is..

    F-60 / J-31 stealth fighter aircraft for Pakistan Air Force?

    Sir here we are not talking about 2013-2014...Here we are talking about 2020-25 by then Indian defence budget will be around 80 to 100 Billion Dollars which is more then enough for the procurment of 5th Gen Fighter Jet....

    India has one third of world's poorest, says World Bank

    People should also see the other side of the coin... India is also home for One Sixth population of the world....

    Modi as PM may encourage right-wing militancy: US think-tank

    We are talking about the polls thread in this forum or in any other website...

    Modi as PM may encourage right-wing militancy: US think-tank

    Mia it doesn't matter wether you want him to be the next PM of India or not as your opinion doesn't matter btw whoom you are voting for this year PPP,PML or Imran Khan's Party....Or AL or Jamati's....

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

    Their is a huge difference between F16 and Jf17....Jf17 cockpit don't have anything that is alien to India as we are already familiar with the cockpit of PakFa,Rafale,Eurofighter,F18 E/F,F16 Blk60,Mig 29 UPG,Miraage 2K9,Su 35,Gripen E/F,Mig35,to some extent even F 35 and i don't think Jf17...

    Modi as PM may encourage right-wing militancy: US think-tank

    Don't worry about that we will teach him the lesson in next election by choosing him the next Prime Minister of India...

    No IAF helicopters for VVIPS after 2014

    Don't trust them last time i heard that even a single piece of Toilet paper in CWG costed 4000 INR....

    No IAF helicopters for VVIPS after 2014

    Provide them with VVIP version of Dhruv....With the Kind of Scam we have seen in these deal this looks the best option to replace Vintage VVIP Helicopter.... Ah i forgot they have already made 50% payment to Agusta for these helicopters...
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