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Army wants ‘Show of Force’ , Government not keen !!


Nov 16, 2010
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Army wants ‘show of force’ , govt not keen

By Rajat Pandit, TNN | 25 Apr, 2013, 09.52AM IST

NEW DELHI: The dominant sentiment coming to the fore in the armed forces is that India should jettison its ultra-defensive mindset towards China, and if it requires "a show of force'' to resolve the ongoing military standoff in Ladakh, then so be it.

India has now sought a third flag meeting at "a higher level'' after the first two meetings on April 18 and April 23 — held at the level of an Indian brigadier \Chinese senior colonel — failed to make any headway in resolving the 10-day-old eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation between rival troops in the Depsang Bulge area of Ladakh.

The Army has also briefed the China Study Group, led by national security adviser ( NSA) Shiv Shankar Menon, on the prevailing face-off in Ladakh and suggested different options, including further troop reinforcements to the region.

Though the "show of force'' option is on the table , the government is unlikely to exercise it to prevent any escalation at this stage. But senior military officers contend the People's Liberation Army is "also unlikely'' to agree to an immediate troop pull-back . "It would amount to a loss of face for them. There has been a clear hardening in China's stand in recent times,'' said an officer.

The intrusion by PLA troops as much as 18 km inside in Ladakh, and rubbing it even further in by setting up a camp in tents there, has only served to "validate'' the argument that India needs to be "tough' ' while dealing with China. China has hugely upgraded its military infrastructure all along the 4,057-km long Line of Actual Control ( LAC) over the last two decades, which allows it to rush troops to the border to outnumber Indian forces by over 3:1.

"But when we belatedly begin to build infrastructure , in terms of roads, posts and re-activating advanced landing grounds or airstrips, the People's Liberation Army jumps up to become even more aggressive ,'' said a senior officer.

"Such a setting up of a camp within our territory has not happened for several years. PLA is clearly provoking us. We have to respond with a show of force since the only language China understands is that of strength. It will, of course, have to be calibrated to ensure things do not spin out of control,'' he added.

Defence minister A K Antony on Wednesday did say the government "will take every step to protect national integrity and security'' , but added that "negotiations are on at various levels to resolve the issue peacefully'' . While agreeing that diplomatic engagement is critical, officers stress India also has to systematically build its "trans-border'' military capabilities and "keep its powder dry'' for any eventuality . "The government has approved certain measures but the systematic modernization required to keep China firmly at bay is happening in an extremely haphazard manner,'' he added.

Army wants ‘show of force’ , govt not keen - The Economic Times
because Indian goverment is really sane. By the way, where is that' show of force' confidence coming from?

It's from the Army you Dumb @ss, Real the news first before writing... We arn't like your country, our military doesn't act its own, they're committed to Govrn decision.
The intrusion by PLA troops as much as 18 km inside in Ladakh

What are you border guards doing?......sleeping
Really GO and Ask your Grandpa who was shouting in front of Pakistan Parliment in 71 to teach India a lesson, he would say who's going to loose a Skirmish

You just agreed with his statement.........so going of your version of indian history,pakistanis wanted a war but lost.......the same advice webmaster is giving you.

China has pitched its demands high insisting that India dismantle fortified positions in Ladakh and stop what it calls aggressive patrolling. India says dismantling infrastructure is not an option and there is no aggressive patrolling by Indian Army.

So basically you indians are building bunkers and keep crossing the chinese "border".......always good to hear the other side of the story so we can put it into context.
Like I said earlier, our reluctance do be proactive is killing us.
That's what happens when you have spineless leaders sitting at the Top who hell bent in crippling our Army...

Its high time India should Join hands with U.S,Japan,Tibet,Australia,Philipines,Vietnam,Taiwan,S.Korea{If Possible},even Europe{If Possible to built an Anti China Military and Economic alliance...Put restriction on trade with china,Increase Import duty on Chinese Products,Issue Joint statment s against China...
You just agreed with his statement.........so going of your version of indian history,pakistanis wanted a war but lost.......the same advice webmaster is giving you.

China has pitched its demands high insisting that India dismantle fortified positions in Ladakh and stop what it calls aggressive patrolling. India says dismantling infrastructure is not an option and there is no aggressive patrolling by Indian Army.

So basically you indians are building bunkers and keep crossing the chinese "border".......always good to hear the other side of the story so we can put it into context.

What the Hell are you talking about, We build Bunkers in our territory and what's wrong in that, are you saying in Chinese controlled areas there're no Bunkers? they've developed the Region filled with Bunkers and arms and Build a large rail network to mount as much as 5 ti 7 Division in a night... first learn who is developing and who's not....
and what you mean by aggressive patrol, if there's something like that they'de have said about it long ago instead of doing things like this...During the Patrol both parties ended up in other's territory alot of time, so there's nothing called aggressive patrol.

Anyway they're telling that no intrusion happened then why the hell they demand India to do things Accordingly to their way in order to remove its troops from indian territoty. Now tell me Who's Lying ?
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