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  1. retaxis

    India Maintains Strategic Air Base in Central Asia

    Ah words are all words at the end of the day us civilians only care about numero uno. I watched Medvedev say to the Chinese and call them blood brothers for fighting in WW2/Korea together then turn around the next week and say to India that India is their best friends and will take their side...
  2. retaxis

    Chinese coast guard opens fire on Vietnamese ship

    Threads like these brings out the worst of people (even me)
  3. retaxis

    India Maintains Strategic Air Base in Central Asia

    Eh who really trusts anyone in this world of ours..Trust seems to be an 'uncool' thing these days.
  4. retaxis

    India Maintains Strategic Air Base in Central Asia

    Its Russian-Chinese dominated which...normally means that its all talky talky secrets behind the doors on whats going on.
  5. retaxis

    China All Su-35 news

    China will be ruined RUIIIIINNNEED without those SU-35s what will we do? We might as well start by eating grass ruiined i tell you.
  6. retaxis

    China attacks Japan ship near Diaoyutai again!

    Why do you call your navy merchant ships? I am sure those soldiers who sacrificed do not call themselves merchants have at least some respect for those for fought in battles.
  7. retaxis

    India,the world’s third-largest economy by 2030? Dream on

    No one here is bashing...I point out my countries weakness all the time. Without a power there to always point out weaknesses the government will think they have nowhere to improve. In Australia we call it 'Keeping the bastards honest'
  8. retaxis

    India the Superpower? Think again

    India is a regional power there is no such thing as a superpower. The only superpower would be a government which through science and exploration explores the solar system and exports their own population onto other planets then they are a superpower.
  9. retaxis

    China attacks Japan ship near Diaoyutai again!

    I felt bad when we had to sink half your navy a few years ago...
  10. retaxis

    India,the world’s third-largest economy by 2030? Dream on

    As this is a discussion between us two then I would have to tell you that those nations you listed are mainly either Developed nations or nations which are semi developed 2nd world nations. Again it refers to my point of strengthening a nations weakness.
  11. retaxis

    China attacks Japan ship near Diaoyutai again!

    Are you angry that Somalian pirates is stronger then Vietnamese navy?
  12. retaxis

    India,the world’s third-largest economy by 2030? Dream on

    And the point of the discussion is? To gloat? I thought reviewing and strengthening weaknesses was the main point of discussion not about oh we are the 3rd far behind US and 1st China in 2030.
  13. retaxis

    President of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev There should be a Turkish Union

    I am sure the Arabs and Persians/kurds etc are just really looking forward to this. Lets not even bother bringing in Russia or China at this point.
  14. retaxis

    Israel already destroyed Iran's nuke plans - WikiLeaked Stratfor mails

    Iranians can get their basij or whatever to dig big holes that would take dozens of bunker busters to penetrate. It all comes down to intelligence..and I am not that intelligent when it comes to specific military affairs but after reading certain experts..All bunkers have to have ventilation...
  15. retaxis

    India Maintains Strategic Air Base in Central Asia

    Probably big enough for a helipad or two but if the money is good I would even lease it to Somalian pirates
  16. retaxis

    India,the world’s third-largest economy by 2030? Dream on

    Then you forgot my entire message young padawan. India's economy was once nearly 3times of Chinese economy..a Lack of skill, hard work and adaption was the entire cause of the Indian economy to fall behind. My message was to learn from the past not to yell insecure about others but to understand...
  17. retaxis

    Reforms or face a crisis, China told

    Australian Finance minister Penny Wong agrees and explicitly stated that Australia (and any other country) must adapt and learn Skills to maintain jobs and industry. Workers can not be one dimensional and think that jobs and industry will be there forever.
  18. retaxis

    India Maintains Strategic Air Base in Central Asia

    My property is my land and the mortgage that I still own unless you want to contribute?
  19. retaxis

    China's next president may skip India before his election

    ^If you really have then that is great. If you haven't then its like my old India team leader who use to say to us every day "Its all a perspective of your mind."
  20. retaxis

    MiG 21s to be phased out from 2014

    Sell them off to Africans...Good money and good influence but ugly women.
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