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  1. H

    A self-fulfilling prophecy in Syria

    Mahdi In Islamic eschatology, the Mahdi (Arabic: مهدي‎ / ISO 233: mahdī / English: Guided One) is the prophesied redeemer of Islam who will rule for seven, nine or nineteen years- (according to various interpretations)[1] before the Day of Judgment (yawm...
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    Russian & Iranian Technology Is Boosting DevilAssad Assault On Syrian Rebel

    RAMTHA, Jordan — Sophisticated technology from Russia and Iran has given Syrian government troops new advantages in tracking and destroying their foes, helping them solidify battlefield gains against rebels, according to Middle Eastern intelligence officials and analysts. The technology...
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    An interview With Mr.Vampire The Jabhat al-Nusra Syria's fighters

    The interviewee is a young fighter from Jabhat al-Nusra, an extremist Sunni group in Syria affiliated with al-Qaeda in Iraq. A former teacher and then tiler, he is dressed in well-ironed black trousers, a white shirt and a black turban. A gun rests on his lap. He is accompanied by an older man...
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    The Future Of Middle East Based From Hadist Of Prophet Muhammad SAW

    In the light of the hadiths of our Prophet (saas), what will happen in the Middle East in the end times? 2008-07-15 23:33:57 The Middle East is the most important of the regions referred to by our Prophet (saas) in the context of events that will take place in the end times. Indeed, the...
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    Saudi Arabia Says 3 More Die From New Virus

    RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) — Saudi Arabia has reported that three more people have died from a new respiratory virus related to SARS, bringing the total number of deaths in the kingdom to 24. The Ministry of Health said Sunday the three deceased were among 38 infected in the kingdom with the...
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    U.S. to Lift Iran Sanctions on Laptops, Mobile Phones

    when iran president visit bali, indonesia some young women from delegation is use iphone................. but android is the best
  7. H

    Future Of Middle East In 2014 A Transformed Security Setting

    palestine will be future muslim world capital Al-Aqsha will return insha Allah Al-Quran [5:52] O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. They are friends one to another. And whoso among you takes them for friends is indeed one of them. Verily, Allah guides not the...
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    Future Of Middle East In 2014 A Transformed Security Setting

    From prophet Muhammad SAW era until today 2013......... muslim world enemy is never change they are no.1 the zionist israel May God erased them into hellfire jahannam forever............
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    Future Of Middle East In 2014 A Transformed Security Setting

    The New Egyptian President Reportedly Said 'Jihad Is Our Path And Death In The Name Of Allah Is Our Goal' Comments reportedly made just over a month ago by new Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi have some spooked. The Voice of Russia radio website reported that Mordi made the following remarks...
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    Future Of Middle East In 2014 A Transformed Security Setting

    dou you know what is muslim world no.1 dream............... Conquer Al-Aqsa Once again & kill all zionist into hellfire now one by one tyrant in middle east is down step by step muslim people is building power Prophet Say "The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews...
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    Future Of Middle East In 2014 A Transformed Security Setting

    No More Syria.................... Alawistan,Sunnistan,Kurdistan.....3 New Country Is Born And 2 New Anti West/Anti Zionist Faction Is Come From Sunni & Shia Side Next Future War Is Muslim World Vs Zionist/West
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    Future Of Middle East In 2014 A Transformed Security Setting

    The 2014 Middle East: A Transformed Security Setting Scenario Background It is June 2014. In the past eighteen months there have been major crisis developments in the Middle East. The Arab Spring has led to a dramatically transformed security setting that is still unfolding in 2014. From...
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    Say Hello To Israel's New Neighbor: Syrian Al-Qaeda Rebel Group Al-Nusra

    Syrian rebel group Jabhat al-Nusra, closely identified with al-Qaeda, has "moved in" next to the border with Israel In recent months, there has been a shakeout among the various Syrian rebel groups, and one of the dominant ones that has emerged is Jabhat al-Nusra, closely identified with...
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    European Nations End Weapons Embargo, Creating Path to Arming Syrian Rebels

    just wait Russia will betrayed syria & west will betrayed the rebel assad & FSA will kill each other Zionist : Great our plan is success no more syria in future..........just ash.......................
  15. H

    "Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

    Nope...You All arab will erased in future you forget palestine, you let them in suffer you forget Allah law & guidance you forget the true path of jihad for true justice you love west you fear with death you all are zionist & west slave you are ready to kill each other for gold & throne you life...
  16. H

    Could Iran be a future problem?

    israel zionist killing children & women in palestine...no one care usa killing children & women in afghanistan,pakistan & Irak.............no one care militan in syria, all faction in syria war they not fight for ummah/muslim world..... they fight for the ego, for the sect &...
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    Nawaz urges nation to stop treating India as ‘biggest enemy’

    pakistan true enemy is the wahabbi/khawarij, corruption & usa.................
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    Iran Readying to Fly Own Model of US RQ-170 Drone

    any info about Kowsar-88, Tarzav & New Saeqeh variant ?
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    10 Richest Muslim Countries in the World By Yahoo Finance

    Having a large GDP per capita means a country is an important economic player and it seems that Qataris has the most as Qatar is the richest Muslim country in the world. Here are the world’s 10 richest Muslim countries according to Yahoo Finance. Qatar: The Gulf state with a population...
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    Don’t Send Us Back, Pakistani Girls Appeal

    the girls can migrate to singapore or brunei for better life
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