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  1. E

    Russian TV Says BLA Is USA Dirty Dog.

    Zarvan quoting Russian TV? Shakespeare was right, The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. :partay:
  2. E

    Imran says majority of Taliban wants peace

    This was a leader who was going to transform politics, now himself transformed to a political apologist. What a change.
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    The neglect of education

    Education is the way to go, the only way to go. But unfortunately it's not a subject that is 'cool' to debate or implement and hence it always gets sidelined or ignored. I don't blame anyone, this is how most of us are. I mean even on this forum it is likely to be a neglected topic and...
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    Bannu blast 26 security personal Embraced Shahdat.

    As an Indian I find it slightly embarrassing that (some) Indians are coming here to give, perhaps well meaning, but inappropriate advice, however true they may believe it to be. This is neither the time nor the place. Another thread, we can all be as combative as we want. Rest In Peace, faujis.
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    Finally!!!! India joins the Cryogenic Club-GSLV D5 Successfully launched

    Personally, I support death to all juice. My anger and disgust is expressed at all juice unaccompanied by Vodka.
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    The day when Indian-Gandhi became British Soldier

    FaujiHistorian, usually I love your perspective on events - rightly or wrongly, you have a refreshing take. This time around I would disagree. Please read up 'Ambulance Services', their history, the dangers they faced, and how they managed. With someone less knowledgeable, I would have...
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    5,0000 Pakistanis go to India to practice their religion freely !

    Excellent commentary. To continue what you clearly implied, I wonder how a faith can be fragile when you're in the majority....and what are the implications of accepting that fact.... There is another - supreme- irony. Ahmadis were a significant part of supporting the creation of Pakistan...
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    Indian deputy consul general arrested in US on visa fraud charges

    I'm sure you would know, as the women you seem to know seem to be experienced in American demand. You don't seem to understand in the slightest what I said did you? Misfortunes happen to everyone. The true strength is character is in how we combat them.
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    Indian deputy consul general arrested in US on visa fraud charges

    Wrong. It's not humiliating that it happens- that's an incident. Incidents can happen to anyone. It is humiliating to take incidents such as these lying down. Which we aren't. Unlike some countries I could name.
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    Indian deputy consul general arrested in US on visa fraud charges

    Of course he is. I have often restrained myself from responding to such comments but I will. Perhaps Umair Nawaz was thinking of his mother and sister and his (or anyone's else's) hands on their bodies and got a little excited. Your women don't get a body search because they are busy...
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    JKLF Leader thrown out of Hotel in Delhi

    Hello chanikya, do you realize your spelling of the great man's name is almost exactly how Zaid Hamid would pronounce it? Come to think of it, 'chanikya' is probably how a Pakistani Punjabi would pronounce it? Let me help you, my Pakistani friend. Please, in your future avatars, try not to...
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    India’s venomous fangs bleeds BD

    Hold on people, trying to sharpen my fangs so I can "bleeds BD". Whoa that tasted niiiiice.
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    Look what Indian Sikh said about India and Raw

    Oh look what 'Indian Sikh' said about RAW. Oooh what a fantastic approximation of reality now that "Indian Sikh' has made a statement. You know what? Only a 'Pakistani Genius' could have made this thread. My commiserations.
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    Ajmal Qasab was arrested in Nepal in 2006 : EX IG Maharashtra Police S.M Mushrif

    One question for now: The OP states that Where did he say that? I can't find it in the article, just a claim by someone that Jha said it.
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    Saudi Arabian inventor wins global acclaim

    I do not know how significant or impressive this achievement. For all I now this could be a high school type of invention. That's irrelevant, IMO. For me the real story is that there is a Saudi Arabian young lady making strides in science and education and that is to be lauded. My...
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    What Indians will do on MARS ?

    So... I'm guessing that according to you it would be decent to go to the Moon before trying out Mars?
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    Are east Punjabies on path of self destruction?

    Cheers. People living in Indian Punjab may be able to give a better picture, but as an outsider I have heard some grim stories. On a related note, I don't consider alcohol as an example of drug abuse, because (a) My personal (FWIW) definition of drugs does not include liquor and (b) the...
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    Are east Punjabies on path of self destruction?

    OP excellent thread. I'm going to try to answer this analytically, no trolling or emotional claptrap. On a trip to India a couple of years ago a Sikh friend and I got talking about Punjab and for some reason the topic veered to Punjab. It was then that I was informed that 'Punjab was awash in...
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    Ex-Indian Army chief admits sponsoring terrorism in Balochistan

    VK Singh 'admits'...on another thread it's Mahesh Bhat 'admits'...I am beginning to think that everyone is conveniently 'admitting' 'facts' to suit people's paranoia.
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