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  1. E

    Who Killed Gen. Zia Ul Haq

    Apologies for the long post, but over the years I have often thought about who Zia's assassins could be. This is a very interesting lead article in the OP. I'm using a very simple Means, Motive and Opportunity analysis. Obviously, my theory has several flaws, but here goes. First Motive...
  2. E

    Air Cdre Azam Khan - The man who got injured defending Kamra Base

    I have an impeccable source that authoritatively states that you have a 30 page powerpoint presentation that recommends death by ceaseless force feeding of aloo-paratha to all offenders. My source is an Air Marshall well versed in martial arts.
  3. E

    General Chuck Yeager and the Pakistan Air Force

    He may be biased, but one has to respect the man's opinion because he was the real deal- a fighter pilot. That said he could still be wrong. Now, as far as I'm concerned this whole debate is meaningless, because I fail to see the point of claiming a PAF win, apart from natural and justifiable...
  4. E

    General Chuck Yeager and the Pakistan Air Force

    Some threads just make me log back on....Yeager was a hell of a pilot, and if he says Pakistani pilots whipped our a$$es, well it's an informed opinion that I can respect. It's also an entire war that was fought, not just the PAF against the IAF. Move on, they were all brave men who...
  5. E

    Saudi official injured in brawl at Islamabad airport

    Right now the reports we are reading of eyewitnesses in media are just that - reports in media have not been proved to be true, hence at this stage I believe that they are conjecture. I do not wish to sound pompous or parcel out advise when I am myself 'cursed' with the hot blood of South...
  6. E

    Saudi official injured in brawl at Islamabad airport

    I had gone through the entire thread previously; made for interesting reading. I would still say that (a) eyewitness accounts are - at this stage- conjecture and/ or hearsay and that (b) Even if he started it, the authorities should have found a way to end it 'cleanly', and the guy not looking...
  7. E

    Saudi official injured in brawl at Islamabad airport

    This is the classic, even symptomatic, debate motoring on opinions but few facts. In the absence of facts, statements are being made based on prejudices and plain opinions. Either Saudis are arrogant and racist so he had it coming, Or the Saudis are benefactors, so they can do no wrong...
  8. E

    Bangladeshi Farmer Sends “Aid” to Dubai Government

    Is it just me or does this 'story' reek of satire/ fiction? Edit: Thought so. It was written in December 2009 in a humour/ satire website called The Eggplant Post. Click on this Link
  9. E

    Life in Indian cities in Colonial Era/20th century-in Pics

    Jha, thanks for the great pictures. A minor quibble - the first pix is from 1880 (possibly) but the second one certaionly isn't. Not saying you meant that.
  10. E

    AirBlue Commercial Aircraft Crashes in Islamabad

    RIP. May the families of the deceased have the strength to bear their loss, and may they find peace.
  11. E

    Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage

    Going to office; I will respond here in a few hours. I do not know how much of this discussion is going to be off topic for this thread; but the fault, if any, is mine because I started it. No doubt the will delete if it veers off course.
  12. E

    Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage

    Based on the facts that we now have - which could change -in my opinion some people on that ship were out to create trouble. You can use any logic you like, but when a crowd starts to attack armed soldiers, with a stick, or a knife or a tank, you can expect some retaliation. But that is...
  13. E

    Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage

    What angers or irritates some Pakistanis is that Indians seem to have a 'natural' affinity towards Israelis. It's true, we do. We grew up reading about their survival, and their military accomplishments, and it is, for a people who never have had any national or religious conflict with the...
  14. E

    Why do the IRISH mesh in INDIA's business ???

    Why is is messing in India's business? It's criticism; anyone has a right to criticize. Unless it's unfair - which I do not know since I don't live in India these days.
  15. E

    India:Lt Gen forced to resign following charges of sexual misconduct

    You didn't realize that, in this context, you spoke the exact truth, did you ? :D
  16. E

    Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage

    Some time ago a famous terrorist led hundreds of people on a raid of a government establishment. He was clearly and explicitly breaking the law. The government asked him NOT to do it, NOT to commit a crime. But the terrorist went ahead anyway. Marched his gullible followers right up to the...
  17. E

    China looses to India (in rugby)...

    Yeah; give them five years or less, and they'll be back with scientifically developed monoliths who'll beat the living daylights out of us.
  18. E

    China looses to India (in rugby)...

    Yeah; give them five years or less, and they'll be back with scientifically developed monoliths who'll beat the living daylights out of us.
  19. E

    Armed Forces new uniform

    Ghillie suit. Look it up.
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