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Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage



Some time ago a famous terrorist led hundreds of people on a raid of a government establishment.

He was clearly and explicitly breaking the law.

The government asked him NOT to do it, NOT to commit a crime.

But the terrorist went ahead anyway. Marched his gullible followers right up to the gates of the establishment.

The government naturally had the RIGHT to take restrictive measures against these lawless people.

So it happened that in 1930 that the British government savagely clubbed the living daylights out of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi's followers, in an event rightly famous and glorified in our history books as The Salt Satyagraha, or The Dandi March.
Some time ago a famous terrorist led hundreds of people on a raid of a government establishment.

He was clearly and explicitly breaking the law.

The government asked him NOT to do it, NOT to commit a crime.

But the terrorist went ahead anyway. Marched his gullible followers right up to the gates of the establishment.

The government naturally had the RIGHT to take restrictive measures against these lawless people.

So it happened that in 1930 that the British government savagely clubbed the living daylights out of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi's followers, in an event rightly famous and glorified in our history books as The Salt Satyagraha, or The Dandi March.

I dont hate Israelis but I dont wish to defend them on this issue,because then It will be indirectly defending Gen.Dyer for Jalianwalabagh incident.
Who the hell does Israel think she is?

Who the hell does Israel think she is? - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Two days ago, Israeli forces attacked a humanitarian aid flotilla in international waters. The whole purpose of the activists on the raided Turkish ship, the Mavi Marmara, and several others around it, were to bring aid and supplies, including playgrounds for children, to Gaza. They paid the price by being the targets of Israeli machine guns.

At least 10 unarmed civilians, most of whom are Turks, were killed. Dozens of others were injured.

There is no need to mince words in the face of this atrocity: Israel has committed piracy, barbarism and state terrorism.

Beyond doing all these shamelessly, Israeli spokesmen have also lied shamelessly. One of them, Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon, was doing exactly that when he portrayed the ship, and the whole aid flotilla, as full of people “well-known for their ties with global Jihad, Al-Qaeda and Hamas.”

Damned lies

In fact, the 600 or so activists in the flotilla were a diverse group from 32 countries and many faiths. They included Christian priests and secular humanists. They included Mairead Corrigan-Maguire, the 85-year-old Nobel peace laureate from North Ireland, and Hedy Epstein, a Holocaust survivor. They included children, including a 1-year-old.

Ayalon was also lying when he said, “we found weapons that were prepared in advance and used against our forces.” The Turkish authorities had checked the ships thoroughly before their departure, and there were simply no firearms on board. The only “weapons” that can be spoken of were the wooden or metal sticks that some of the activists had in their hands, apparently taken from the chairs or other ordinary materials on the vessels.

Yesterday, Israel released the photos of some other “weapons” on board, which were just knives taken from the ship’s kitchen.

The video footage we have seen on TV actually gives a sense of what happened: Israeli commandos raided the ships at dawn, sliding down from helicopters via ropes with machine guns in their hands. Some of the activists on board took this as an assault on their ship, which was, to repeat, in international, not Israeli, waters. (How could they take it otherwise?) Then they tried to resist the commandos with the sticks in their hands. The soldiers, in return, fired on the activists, killing at least 10 people and injuring dozens.

From the Israeli point of view, everything is perfectly fine here: They have a policy of blockading Gaza, and those who defy it have to face the consequences.

The question is why in the world do people have to obey Israel’s dictates and recognize its inhumane blockade on Gaza?

Who the hell is Israel, in other words, to force 1.5 million people to live in an open-air prison for years?

The answer from Israel is that “Hamas fires rockets from Gaza.” Well, the last time those rockets were flying in the air, Israel was also firing rockets (and phosphorus bombs) into Gaza, killing a hundred times more civilians than Hamas did. According to a United Nations report, the actions of both sides equally amounted to war crimes.

So, if the war crimes on the Palestinian side legitimize a collective punishment of the Palestinian people, should the war crimes on the Israeli side legitimize a collective punishment of the Israeli people?

In other words, should we put a blockade on Israel as well, so that it won’t be able to kill more children in Gaza? And should we attack the civilian ships that aim to violate that blockade?

Right or might?

There is even a more fundamental question here, relating to the elephant in the Middle Eastern room: Who the hell is Israel to occupy the West Bank and East Jerusalem since 1967, and to systematically steal these territories by building illegal settlements?

And how can she expect the Palestinians, and other nations like us, the Turks, to bow down to this unabashed theft of land?

When I asked that question to an Israeli hawk some years ago, I received a very revealing response: “Might,” he said, “makes right.”

Well, that might be a popular belief in Tel Aviv and Occupied Jerusalem, but not here in Istanbul. In fact our creed tells us that the exact opposite is true: Right, sooner or later, makes might.

The hundreds of heroes who sailed to Gaza last weekend had this faith in their hearts. Here in Turkey, 70 million more stand by them. We mourn for our fallen, but also know that they did not die in vain. Their sacrifice unveiled to the world not just the suffering of the innocents in the Gaza ghetto, but also the brutality of the rogue state that imposes it.

Read my lips: This spirit is really not going to die. We Turks will continue to stand for what is right, regardless of Israel’s might. None of her lobbying, bullying or killing is going to change that.
Biden backs Israel's right to stop Gaza-bound ships

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday backed Israel's right to board ships bound for Gaza to prevent weapons smuggling, but said Washington remained concerned about the plight of Palestinians there.

Israeli commandos boarded a flotilla of six aid vessels trying to break Israel's three-year-old naval blockade of the Palestinian enclave on Monday. Nine activists were killed in the assault and dozens injured, including some commandos.

The United States has trod carefully in its response to the deadly raid and has not joined the international condemnation of Israel's use of force to stop the ships after its commandos were attacked as they rappelled down from helicopters.

"Israel has an absolute right to deal with its security interest," Biden said in an interview on PBS's "Charlie Rose" show, while reiterating the Obama administration's support for a transparent, impartial investigation of what happened.

The aim of the Israeli commando operation had been to seize control of the ships and escort them to Israel's Ashdod port. From there, Israeli authorities had promised to transfer the seized cargo to Hamas-controlled Gaza.

"They (Israel) have said, 'Here you go. You're in the Mediterranean. This ship -- if you divert slightly north you can unload it and we'll get the stuff into Gaza." So what's the big deal here?" Biden said.

"What's the big deal of insisting it go straight to Gaza?" he asked.

"Well, it's legitimate for Israel to say, 'I don't know what's on that ship. These guys are dropping eight -- 3,000 rockets on my people,'" he said, referring to Hamas, the Islamist movement which rejects interim peace terms with Israel and has regularly fired rockets into the Jewish state.


But Biden said the United States also needed to "put as much pressure and as much cajoling on Israel as we can" to allow in aid shipments such as building materials.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insisted on Wednesday the blockade was necessary to keep Hamas from getting weapons. The United Nations says the blockade has led to a humanitarian crisis among the territory's 1.5 million people.

International anger over the flotilla attack has created a tough balancing act for the United States, Israel's biggest ally, as it tries to relaunch the Middle East peace process. President Barack Obama must also be mindful that the Jewish state is popular with American lawmakers and voters.

Biden said the United States supported an Israeli investigation of the incident with international involvement, similar to South Korea's recent probe into the torpedoing of one of its warships.

The vice president also played down any suggestion of a rift between Israel and the United States. Ties between the Obama administration and Netanyahu have been strained over Israeli settlement expansion on occupied land.

"Do we have disagreements on the tactical way in which this (Israeli) government acts and some of the comments that some of the ministers of this government, the things that they say ... that we think are counter-productive, yeah, but we always have," Biden said.

But no U.S. administration in history "has been as up-front and supportive of Israel's security as this administration," he added.

Netanyahu had been due to meet Obama for talks in Washington this week but flew home from Canada to deal with the diplomatic fallout from the commando raid. The visit had been billed as an attempt to ease tensions between the two allies.

Biden backs Israel's right to stop Gaza-bound ships
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After Flotilla Raid, U.S. Is Torn Between Allies
Published: June 1, 2010

WASHINGTON — Struggling to navigate a bitter split between two important allies, the Obama administration on Tuesday tried to placate an outraged Turkish government while refusing to condemn Israel for its deadly raid on a flotilla of aid ships bound for Gaza.

President Obama telephoned Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey to express his “deep condolences” for the deaths of Turkish citizens in clashes with Israeli soldiers on the ship, the White House said. He told Mr. Erdogan that the United States was pushing Israel to return their bodies, as well as 300 Turks who were taken from the ship and being held in Israel.

i salute the american president for his bravery when it came to israel this time. such a brave move.
"my anger was because of the issue of palestine and israel."

Three people are standing, riding in a bus, when the driver suddenly hits the brakes. Immediately they hit the floor, one on top of the other.

The person on the bottom hits the person who fell on top of him.

The second person protests, "Don't blame me, blame inertia!"

The first person replies, "O.K., I'll hit him, too!" - and slugs the person who fell on top.


Doesn't make much sense, does it?

what you said does not make any sense. if america would have been impartial, israel wouldnt have bullied the others and kill them. whenever they commit any crime, it is your country to veto every single resolution(not sure about the right word) against israel, you give them weaponry to kill the innocent, you back them all the way to kill people, when it comes to foreign policy especially the middle east, you guys are nothing but hypocrates and part of the problem, perpahs your politicians dont have any other choice, the AIPAK and other zionist powerful machinery would punish them severerly if they disobey them.
Just Check this Image

Dont people have tools in their cars in case of emergency. So you people think they wont have a single tool on such large ship. Bullet proof vest...Jeez even journalist wear them before going into territory where there is danger of gunshots. You call these weapons. With these they were going to defeat markeva??

Ohh i just read it...The Picture was taken 4 years ago....
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Viva Palestina founder George Galloway released the following statement today:

"Israel has massacred unarmed peace activists aboard a flotilla taking emergency aid to the besieged Palestinian people in Gaza. This is a watershed that will change the perception of the world, as Sharpeville and Soweto did to the Apartheid regime in South Africa.

"It unmasks Israel which no-one can now consider a member of the 'international community' but is rather a rogue state, a pariah state.

"The embargo and blockade of Gaza must be brought to an end. This has been underwritten by the United States, by Britain and the European Union, but this has got to end now."

George Galloway
Dont people have tools in their cars in case of emergency. So you people think they wont have a single tool on such large ship. Bullet proof vest...Jeez even journalist wear them before going into territory where there is danger of gunshots. You call these weapons. With these they were going to defeat markeva??

Sir ji time and time again we have seen that these cowardly jews have shot kids, and I mean it when I say kids not more then 4 feet in height (just to explain that they didnt even look like adults) for throwing stones, and at the suspicion of carrying arms. Well these were still adults.

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