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  1. Kazhugu

    WikiLeaks: Narendra Modi, the lone honest Indian politician

    the sun rises in the east due to rss scheming.......no seriously........ if a tea shop owner from an extremely backward caste can today aspire to become the PM of the country due to hard work then it is as democratic as democratic can get....something people wont see in ANY other party in...
  2. Kazhugu

    Awami Vs Hefajat e Islami Clash :2 Dead

    but i thought awami is not muslim........
  3. Kazhugu

    Traditional Pakistanis

    @Monkey D Luffy who wears these three kind of headgear among pathans.... http://akhbar.urdupoint.com/khas/images/wana-nek.jpg http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2009/09/08/timestopics/meshud-190.jpg http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6011/5969248209_81a8c85aa4.jpg does it vary from clan to clan?
  4. Kazhugu

    WikiLeaks: Narendra Modi, the lone honest Indian politician

    ^^ ignore the al-taqiya vadi please.....
  5. Kazhugu

    WikiLeaks: Narendra Modi, the lone honest Indian politician

    yes....and the police officials responsible for that need to be punished...not the ones in amit shah or prajapathi case....they need to be rewarded...or atleast be set free and case closed...... now the dynasty is undermining the autonomy of the CAG too after the bad experience of Mr.Vinod...
  6. Kazhugu

    Tamil newspaper office set ablaze in Sri Lanka

    @eowyn the truth is rajapaksa govtt has terribly mis-managed the economy by needlessly borrowing money and investing in high cost projects that are not giving adequate returns....the cost of living is going up and there is a general discontent at the nepotism of the rajapaksa clan.......so to...
  7. Kazhugu

    Tamil newspaper office set ablaze in Sri Lanka

    Not one incident....this is the fifth this year itself.....and this is just on tamils.....if we consider the attacks on muslims and christians the list lenghthens...... http://www.firstpost.com/world/sri-lanka-newspaper-office-set-ablaze-fifth-media-attack-this-year-698178.html
  8. Kazhugu

    Coast guard prevents arrest of 46 fishermen

    bit of confusing...... there is another news that 6 fishermen were injured in lankan navy attack....... 6 Indian fishermen attacked by Sri Lankan Navy anyway good job CD....sink one lankan rust bucket and then they would know their real place.......
  9. Kazhugu

    Tamil newspaper office set ablaze in Sri Lanka

    they were responsible for the first time too...only that everyone thought they would have learnt from their mistakes....but no...apparently not....this time they are taking on the muslims too......
  10. Kazhugu

    Indian soldiers killed in Sudan fought valiantly: UN Asst Secretary General

    u mean like arlington ? the difference is indians prefer to cremate the dead......since most of the martyrs would be either hindus or sikhs who cremate their dead, this idea is impractical..... what we can have is a memorial kind of structure where after each soldier is martyred his name...
  11. Kazhugu

    WikiLeaks: Narendra Modi, the lone honest Indian politician

    how was azad killed ? how was veerappan killed ? how else was punjab insurgency crushed ? as i said india has far more pressing problems than worry about some brigands or maoists or underworld dons getting killed..... and tulsira prajapathi alias javed shaik is no innocent.....he was an...
  12. Kazhugu

    WikiLeaks: Narendra Modi, the lone honest Indian politician

    who justified innocents getting killed.....? this is essentially a strawman and im not going to reply you on that..... the case against amit shah is for the encounter of sohrabuddin and as such i dont give a damn...a terrorist was killed.....same as dozens of maoists getting killed and...
  13. Kazhugu

    Gujarat, the gateway to India: fact or farce?

    Some comments from the article.......
  14. Kazhugu

    WikiLeaks: Narendra Modi, the lone honest Indian politician

    meanwhile, in congress camp they are busy using the CBI to water down the case in the coal gate scam.... Coalgate: Congress abuse of CBI getting more brazen | Firstpost
  15. Kazhugu

    WikiLeaks: Narendra Modi, the lone honest Indian politician

    but other than the riots what is the alleged blot on modi's name..? i'm sure when we discuss modi's failings we all are discussing about the 2002 riots..... btw i'm sure you would agree when I say that 2g scam, coal block scam, common wealth games scam and all the other numerous scams and the...
  16. Kazhugu

    Jordanian parliament demands release of soldier who shot 7 Israeli girls to

    yeah and as if rape does not occur in pakistan....... Pakistan’s ‘shame’: Rape cases in 2012 – The Express Tribune only thing why rape of foreigners does not occur is because no sane foreigner comes to pakistan in the first place......
  17. Kazhugu

    Jordanian parliament demands release of soldier who shot 7 Israeli girls to

    syrian why are you sucking p to the same people who want you and your countries destruction ? havent u learnt anything ?
  18. Kazhugu

    Artist receives death threats over goddess paintings in Mumbai

    why is everyone self deleting ?
  19. Kazhugu

    Artist receives death threats over goddess paintings in Mumbai

    whoa...cut down on the color and size bro......
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