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  1. M

    Pakistan is achieving self-sufficiency in agri output

    This is the most stupid commet ever made. India does not give any water to pakistan it the natural flow of the river and India is bound by Indus water treaty to give Pakistan its rightfull share. Don't forget we also share our rivers with other countries where we are the lower riparian and...
  2. M

    China All Su-35 news

    SU-35 with PAF or chinese airforce India should be wary of ...any way it is not more potent than the stockplie of nuclear missiles both countries already have. If China pays hard cash they can buy any thing in the world as no one can stop them least of all India Russia friendship. In face...
  3. M

    Potential Products Pakistan can export to INDIA

    He is one of the most influential leaders of Pakistan and would love to see him in Islamabad soon........MQM looks like a party of educated guys....they have done some great work in Karachi. If the party members are ready to die for a leader there will be some thing about him.
  4. M

    New Chinese stealth fighter heightens dilemma for Indian Navy

    I don't know why every one is getting so worked up. LCA has taken much more than it should have the world laughs at us we very much deserve it....no sympathy there.It the failure of our system and why the chineese could do is their system worked better.Now the each system as it is ment to be...
  5. M

    Idea of transit through China to Afghanistan

    Honestly you will find hard nosed people on both side of the brder but as a progressive economy and a proper government in place you are any day better bet than Pakistan with their permanent hostility and we don't know who runs the state the army or the govt.More over as you are on path to...
  6. M

    Beijing seeks Dhaka's support in island dispute with Tokyo

    Its gona be a real expensive match...not sure if you can afford to watch it.No pun intended.
  7. M

    'Super Sukhoi' Purchase Likely During Putin's India Visit

    This time we are planning to import pilots also coz our pilots are no good. Didn’t they teach you in school that you guys ruled over us for 1000 years and one of you is equivalent to 7 Indians....this is an extension of that thought process. As long as you are convinced its OK.
  8. M

    Lieutenant General, who led Operation Blue Star, attacked in London

    No brother we have will and must care for all of Indian diaspora....They are our brothers and sisters distances don't change relationships.They are hurt and in grief may say or act in a way that is not to our liking but trust me they will see reason in the end and truth will dwell on them...
  9. M

    Lieutenant General, who led Operation Blue Star, attacked in London

    I can say mind your business and look within your boundries but I will not Coz one should not twist or ignore history and this is a blot on our history no amount of sorry will erase the memories of our Sikh brothers.All we can do is to learn from the history so that we don't repeat the same...
  10. M

    Any questions Regarding India

    Since you want it in one one word its 'NO'
  11. M

    Anglo Indians of Pakistan and India

    I am myself a Christian from Kerala and my great great grandfather was a born Christian as per the family documents so the conversion took place sometime before that which means we have a Christian background and history of more than 200 years at least. So I couldn't agree more with Derek &...
  12. M

    My wife and I take heroine with delight

    Sad story...this same every where.
  13. M

    India to open bids for choppers, tankers shortly

    India is still to place the order and you have decided on the deployment.....you must be privy to some inside info.
  14. M

    Qatar plans $450 million dollar movie on Prophet Muhammed

    My Take on this is prophet is beyond human imagination and so no effort should be made to capture his greatness on celluloid.How ever it is my personal view and others can have their own. It is not about Innocence of muslims or this new movie being planned and the script or the money spent on...
  15. M

    ISI’s eavesdropping on Indian Navy in Sri Lanka rattles RAW

    Friend China and Pakistan will come and go we will be neighbors forever. Your so called victory over Tamil desire to have a Elam came only after India decided not to back the Elam as a responsible country of the world. We let our Tamil brothers down as we could not have a policy in Sri Lanka...
  16. M

    Lahore to get Indian help for bus system

    Cha ..Cha...Why are you getting so worked up it just understand the system...you can always better it.
  17. M

    Rising middle class in Bangladesh

    Its absurd that someone has a problem if a BD member is proud of his country's achievement. We Asians from the subcontinent have this crab mentality where the only way we can prove ourselves better is by pulling the other down. One should understand and appreciate the achievements of BD and...
  18. M

    764 Pakistanis granted Indian citizenship in 3 years: Govt

    When I travel around the I find Pakistanis from all walks of life in many of the countries they don't have a very great life there the most recent one was in NORWAY. They bear the extream cold and have to make it on state grants and and don't have great jobs due to lack of skills but still they...
  19. M

    Pakistan Hindus oppose revival of Indo-Pak cricket series

    Does the Game of cricket have a religion........if it is so India would not have ever lost a match. With a billion plus people and many different religions all Gods would have sided with us.....It is just the team which plays better on a given day wins. All people of Pakistan must cheer...
  20. M

    Mumbai Riots Exclusive Footage

    This is common for followers of all religion in some part of the world or other.....I don't understand one concept. We pray to Bhagwan,Allah,Jesus.. we can call by any name but in all religion we pray for our well being ,good health and forgiveness.Our belief gives us a inner strength to work...
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